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Nialls POV:

When I woke up, Caitlin was peacefully sleeping next to me. Good. I sat up in bed with my feet hanging over the edge. I started kicking my feet when I kicked a book. I picked it up and it was just a normal composition book. I wonder what it is..I opened it on the front page it read:


I laughed at the warning and opened it. I read each passage. Wow, now it sounds like I'm reading a Bible.

Some of this stuff is plain scary, like her dying, being murdered by me, or me being murdered by Brandon. And then there's random stuff like the two of us riding narwhalicorns through Skyloft, which is something in one of her Zelda games. Ok then...

Then I got to last night. She must've woken up in the middle of the night and written this.

November 3rd, 2013

This dream is the thing I've feared of for the past year. Losing the one I love. Niall and I were in the house, just playing video games like we were yesterday. Then, someone broke in. With a ski mask on and in dark clothing. It wasn't Brandon though, it was a different voice. He took me, and Niall tried to get me back. He pointed a gun to my head and told him to back off. I cried and tried to free from his arms. The man tried to get me out the door but I stuck my foot behind the door so he couldn't move. I even sat on the floor. I was so confused. Why was this random man taking me away. The man removed his mask, Chuck. He didn't even know me and he wanted me. Why? I don't even know the kid! 

"I'm tired of you refusing! I'd rather have a dead wife than a bitchy one!" I remember him saying. He shot me in the head and I died instantly. My spirit rose up from my limp body, and I kept trying to grab on to objects to pull my spirit back down. I just penatrated through them. "I'm going to lose Niall forever" I thought. I floated up to the clouds, and I could see Chuck bringing my dead body out to his car. Niall had fallen on his knees, crying. I screamed for him but he didn't hear me. I reached the cloud layer and landed softly on a cloud. This is where it got even more scary. My grandma appeared.

"You must've really loved him." she said, taking my hand.

"Of course." I said, tearing up.

"You can fix this." she said, taking my other hand now.

"How?" I asked, looking over myself.

"Caitlin, I am communicating with you through your dream. You are actually talking to me right now. This is real. You can fix your family from bothering you."

"How though! They are going to force me on Chuck!" I cried.

"Just remember, the ones who truly love you stick with you throughout the end." with that, I remember she disappeared. I fell back down to earth, at a fast pace. I fell into my bed and woke up.

I was shocked that my grandma actually talked with me through a dream. That was real. Not the murder part, but the rest. This is why, I will NEVER forget this dream.

Well, that entry was kind of weird. But it's scary how she dreams of herself dying. But did her grandmother mean me for truly loving her? I do, and I hope that's who she meant. Caitlin stirred in the bed and I quickly shoved the book back under the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed, scrolling through Twitter. She got up and put her glasses on quickly. She hates it when people see her without them on. 

"Morning. I'm hungry." she jumped off the bed and went downstairs before I could even say anything to her. I laughed to myself and followed her. When we got downstairs I looked unsteadily at the door, thinking about what I just read. 

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