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Nialls POV:

I kissed her and she liked it! She didn't freak out or anything! Maybe she's starting to like me back after that kiss! I might have a chance with someone as perfect as her!

After I let go of her, I took a deep breath and looked her staright in her eyes. They were sparkling with a mix of green and blue. Her eye lashes are so long, and she doesn't even wear any mascara! Or any makeup, and I like her for that.

"Would you like to go on a date with me today? We passed a beach on the way here and it's perfect for this...situation" I said looking away at the part I messed up.

"Oh Niall I would love to! I never knew you liked me this way...I thought if I asked you out then you would say no so...I guess it worked out!" she said, widening her beautiful eyes and raising her thin eye brows.

"Looks like it's a double date!" Louis screamed from the fourth floor. I looked up and he was leaning out of the window.

"What do you mean?" she screamed back.

"Well, Harry and Gill are going to that beach too and they're leaving right now so you might as well go with them! NOW LEAVE THIS HOUSE AND GO MAKE LOVE LIKE OF THE BIRDS!" Ok now THAT, did NOT make sense at all. Caitlin laughed at his humor and nearly rolled over on her side. I gave him a thumbs up and he ran away to tell Harry and Gill. A minute later Gill walked out in red skinny jeans, a white shirt, and flats. Harry was wearing jeans and his purple Jack Willis hoody.

I looked at myself and I wasn't that presentable for a date. Gray baggy sweat pants, a long sleeved white shirt, and my Bulls snapback.

"Hey I'm gonna change real quick into something...uh...neater." I whispered to her and she giggled. I ran inside and put on a tan sweater with jeans and my white supras. I messed up my hair a bit and ran back out. Right before I went back outside I saw a vase of yellow roses on the side table. I took on and hid it behind my back. I got outside and they were all talking at the bottom of the driveway. Then I heard footsteps and poked my head around the corner at the bottom of the driveway. A group of paparazzi came running down the sidewalk with their cameras flashing. I don't want them ruining our double date.

"RRRRUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs. We ran down the side walk and they were screaming questions at us.





Once we had a lead, we turned a corner and jumped into a bush. The paps ran past the bush and stopped looking confused. They turned around going back home, for they had not gotten a story.

*                                        *                                           *

"This beach is beautiful! I can't believe I've never seen it!" exclaimed Caitlin. I gave her a wide smiled and slowly wrapped my arm around her waist, hoping she didn't mind. I noticed Harry did the same thing to Gill and she became stiff, then losened. Harry and Gillian ran off into the foggy distance until we couldn't see them. This was the first time I've ever been alone with Caitlin without people a few rooms away. We walked down to the waterline and sat down in the sand. The wind blew on us and he baggy purple shirt was waving a bit in the wind. She pulled of her shoes and took of her snapback and layed down. I took off my shoes and did the same. We watched the foggy sunset above us and soon the moon was in the corner of the sky. Everything was peaceful, and I loved it.

Gill's POV:

Harry and I stood under a weeping willow tree, which was lightly swaying in the breeze. He looked me in the eye and smiled at me. His eyes were as green as the summer grass, yet look like they could be as dark as the depths of the ocean.

"Right when I layed my eyes on you, I just really liked you. I ran and told Louis, and when you walked into my room afterwards, I decided to make my move. I'm glad I did." His deep British accent made my heart skip when he talked to me. I never knew I could fall for someone so fast.

His eyes are sparkling in the foggy moonlight. His hair is moving ever so gently in the soft breeze. I can't believe how good someone can look on a London day like this. He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips. I jolted backwards and he had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh, I'm , I'm so sorry love, it's just that.."

"No Harry I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting that. Haha I'm sorry." I smiled apoligetically. He smiled back and kissed me again. It was perfect. This date, this beach, this moonlight, and this guy.

Nialls POV:

"I saw this cave over there before. Let's go check it out!" she said excitingly. She gripped my hand and pulled me along. With her other hand she ajusted her snapback so the front was facing backwards. Wow that was REALLY hot! We came to a cave and she stepped inside.

"Uh Cait, I don't think we should go in may not be safe.."

"Ok, well you can stand out here and wait for your mommy while I go look inside." She stuck her tongue out and ran in. I hesitated, but then followed after her. The cave was really small, with a little pond in the middle. The moonlight from a small opening reflected off the water, casting a blue color on the walls.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I said. She was startled and turned to me. I cracked up laughing and she punched me in the arm.

"You jerk!" I knew she wasn't serious and I followed her into a small doorway in the wall of the cave. When we walked in we saw a boy about our age, slouching over a fire with a gun at his side and a knife in his belt. Caitlin's mouth dropped and tried to pull me out but I stayed for a second longer. She leaned into me and whispered for me to come on but I pulled her next to me, holding her.

"What do you..Caitlin? Is that you? Oh, I finally found you!" he slowly pulled his knife out of his belt and my heart was beating out of my chest in fear. He gave her a wicked smile and she screamed. She took my hand and we ran and ran for who knows how long, across the beach. I could hear the boy's crazy laugh behind us still. I turned to get a better look at him and I knew who it was right away: Brandon. He found her, and me, and if he follows us longer, we will die. When we were further from him, we came past a tree with bushes around it. We must be near the top of the beach. I pushed her into the bush first adn then dived in myself.

"I will find you Caitlin! I know you are around here! I know what city you live in. I may not have gotten you this time,but I will eventually. Your boyfriend better start planning your funeral!" He said "boyfriend" in a mocking way like it was a joke. He laughed like a mad scientist and scurried down the beach in the direction of the cave. She started crying she collapsed to the bottom of the bush. She cried and cried and I tried to calm her but I couldn't. I gently stroked her cheek and reassured that it will be ok. I suggested we tell the police but she said she's tried nut they don't believe her because she doesn't have evidence. Well that sucks. I must show her that when with me, nothing will happen to her again. That I'm not like Brandon, that I will always, truly, love her.


Hey guys! Thanx for reading. A small descriptive part of before Harry and Gill kissed and the double date idea was a suggestion from @Sillygilly4 so go check out her page and read her story! Thanx guys and keep reading the story all the way through!

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