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Liams POV:

Caitlin has been so different the week she's been home. All she does is play video games all day. Niall doesn't mind, but she's keeping something from us. She looks a lot sadder and she always looks guilty. She's not mean or rude like that, but she seems really stressed and doesn't talk much. She just sits at the TV in the morning, playing games with Niall and I, but sometimes I'd leave so they could be together. She just doesn't seem the same.

I woke up from a horrible nightmare, or everyone in this house getting murdered. Scary. I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I decided to go the the kitchen to get a snack. I walked in and saw Caitlin sitting at the table, facing the other way, looking out at the dark sky. She dippedher head back, as if drinking something, then realized I was there. She turned around, holding something behind her back.

"What are so doing up so late?" I asked, making her scoot her chair away from me.

"Um, I should ask you the same thing." she said, moving back a little more.

"I woke up from a nightmare, how about you." I said, making her stand up, her hands still behind her back.

"I-I um, needed a, drink of..water! Yeah water." she mumbled.

"Caitlin, you can't lie. It's so obvious when you are. Just tell the truth." she sighed and took her hands out from behind her back. She pulled out a half dranken beer.

"Caitlin! You can't drink because you're stressed! It's not like you!" I grabbed the beer out of her hand and tugged her upstairs.

"What are you doing!" she whispered angrily.

"Showing you to Niall. He needs to know and we need to help you stop." she gave me a disapointed look. I burst open the door and Niall sprung up from the bed. He looked at Caitlin, then me, then the bottle of beer in my hand.

"Liam, why are ya drinking in the middle of the night, and Caitlin, why are ya with him?" he asked sitting up.

"I wasn't drinking, Caitlin was. And I went down to get a snack and saw her drinking this. She does it to releave stress. It's not that drinking is a horrible thing to do, but it's not her." I walked out of the room, slowly closing the door.

Nialls POV:

"I can't believe this. You're not yourself, and it's all my fault. I should've just sent you down the arcade and, it's all my fault." I said, holding my head in my hands. She flicked on the light and sat down next to me.

"Ni, it's not your fault. I could've been more careful. And drinking, well that's myfault. I'll stop now. I promise. I shouldn't have started in the first place." a single tear fell down her face and I pulled her into a hug. I made little circles on her back with my thumb, which I knew comforted her.

"I'll be right back." she said, getting up and heading towards the bathroom. She came back about a half an hour later. I could tell she had taken a shower because her hair was soft and flowy after blowdrying it. She had a fresh pair of PJs on and came to sit next to me on the bed. I turned on the TV and Saturday Night Live came on. Of course, it was the episode the boys and I were on. Now I would be embarassed in front of my girlfriend. Well, at least I could hear her cute laugh.

Then came a skit and it was our part.

And here's Juan Direction: Carlito, Pepito, Martito, Miguelito, and Dick!

Caitlin cracked up at my name and when I walked on stage. She was rolling on her side and fell off the bed, still laughing. She was laughing for five minutes then stopped. It was silent for a while and I started to get worried. I looked over the bed and she was passed out sleeping. I put a blanket over her and a pillow under her head. I decided instead of picking her up because I was tired, I layed down on the floor next to her. That woke her up and she twisted herself to look over at me and smiled. She instantly fell back to sleep and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight, I was glad to have her back.

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