Game Day

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Nialls POV:

I woke up and Caitlin wasn't next to me. That's odd. I got up and took the lift downstairs. As I neared the second floor, I heard Caitlin yelling at the TV. What the hell? The doors opened and she's playing COD on X-box, with the head set on, screaming into the head set. 

"You just made us lose the mission you idiot!" she paused the game, slammed down the X-box controller, ripped off the headset, and went into the kitchen. Wow, she's heated. 

She saw me and did a nervous laugh.

"Haha, how much of that did you see."

"Only some of it. Let me play with you."

"Ok." we go back into the living room and sit in the game chairs her brother got for her. He hates their parents too. They have such a strong bond, unlike siblings who hate each other. We sit in the chairs and she hands me a controller and head set. She un pauses the game and adds me in. She's pretty good at this game, for a girl. :) I shouldn't be mean though, her killing streak number is higher than mine. 

This game became so intense. Soon we were both shouting at the other players into the headsets. Caitlin was about to be killed, but I made my man stand in front of her to protect her man from the attacker. I was killed.

"Ni you didn't have to! Now I'm playing alone!" she whined.

"You do better alone! And I wanted you to keep your killing streak."

"Oh, thanks Niall!" she focused back on her game and she played intently for over and hour. When she was finally finished, she popped in Assasin's Creed, another game she got. We took turns playing and it was actually pretty fun. She gave me pointers the whole time, and I actualy became better than her. She won't admit it though. 

"I love playing video games all day. I'm such a nerd at heart." she said, putting her hand over her heart.

"And that's why I love you. Usually people are ashamed to be a gamer, and you're not." she blushed.

"It's not really an acomplishment but..ok!" She shut off the system and we sat on the couch. Everyone was still sleeping, so we had some time to ourselves. 

"Remeber when we thought those tattoos of us were real?" she said, looking at where the pen tattoo was.


"Would you ever get a real tattoo?" she asked, looking down shyly.

'Um..I don't know. Would you?"

"Yeah. I've always wanted one, I'm just not sure what I want. I may change my mind though."

"Oh, ok. Well maybe we can get one together one day."

"Yeah.." she dragged out. There was a silence, and she stared ou the window and I stared at her. Not in a super creepy way, but in a "I can't believe I have her" way. I studied her face. 

Her cheeks are just a little red, and her hair curves out a little more on one side to cover her face more. Her eyes lashes are naturally long, and her glasses are just a little crooked on her face. She looked up to me with her bright eyes and smiled.

"How long have you been staring at me?" she said giggling.

"Haven't you learned that I love looking at you already?" I said kissing her nose. She blushed.

"Guess not." she looked down and smiled. Everyone came downstairs, dressed and looked like they were going somewhere.

"We're all going to meet Ed at some cafe a few hours away. We haven't hung out in a while. Plus, he hasn't met the girls yet." Harry said.

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