The Woods

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Caitlins POV:

"Ok, we're here." Niall said, putting his hand around my waist. We walked into the old woods and it brought back so much. 

The grooves in the trees are deeper, older, wiser. They're so much taller, and I just want to find the tallest one and climb it to see where it leads.

As we walk in further, the familair scent of moss, dirt, and trees fills my nose.

"God do I miss it here." Niall said, looking around. 

"Me too."

We came upon a tall tree, so tall that if we tried to see the top, the sun would blind our eyes.

"Wait, Niall, this is.." I lead off my speaking and slowly walked towards the tree. Carved into it, read this,


Best Friends


"Niall look at this. I remember doing this." I said, tracing the letter with my finger. 

"Yeah, I remember that." I took my hand away and interlocked it with his.

"The year before you..." I couldn't get out with the sentence because I hate the thought of him going to X-Fscotr. I know it's pathetic, but it's what left me with Brandon, and all that crazy shit. I guess it was meant to happen though. Don't cry Caitlin, don't cry.

Oh shit.

A tear slid down my face remembering those horrible times where the only person I had was Taylor. Niall never contacted me ever since he left, up until that day almost two years ago.

"Are you crying?" he said, leaning down towards me.

"No." I said, holding back the tears. Why am I crying over the dumbest little things. Hey, it's years 1-5 all over again! 

"Yeah you are. Stop. I already feel guilty about leaving you with Brandon, but I didn't know." he took his thumb and wiped the one tear off my cheek.

"It's fine. Just don't leave me again, please." I looked into his big blue eyes that I've always loved. They looked into mine with such care, and I loved the feeling of it. 

"I won't. And I never will. In fact, this is quite perfect." he said smirking.

"What do you mean..." my misgivings on coming here are coming back. He looked me right in the eye and kneeled down on one knee. Oh my god, is this really happening?

"Oh my god.." I said in disbelief. He pulled a black velvet box out and opened it to a sparkling ring.

"Caitlin, I love you so much. I loved you ever since I lyed my eyes on you, not to sound creepy." I let out a nervous laugh and so did he.

"I've been waiting for this moment, and when I was younger, I never though it would happen. I just can't live without you, and I'd hate to see you with anyone else. Please, will you do the honor of being my wife. and being with me forever?" I wish I could capture this moment, forever. And I have, I will never forget this. This is just so perfect. No wonder he brought me here. 

"Of course I will Niall." I jumped into his arms when he stood and he staggered back.

"Wow there!" he said laughing, putting his arms around me. I never wanted to let go; of him, of this moment. 

When we finally pulled away after a while, he kissed me. Oh, how everything felt perfect. The day is perfect, Niall is perfect, and this moment is perfect.

I pulled away and looked into his deep eyes.

"Looks like I'll have two rings from you now." holding up my right hand with  the infinity ring on it.

"Guess so." he softly took my left hand and slipped the ring on to my finger. It was a perfect fit. 

"This day couldn't get any better Ni."

"I couldn't agree more."



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