New Loves

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Caitlin's POV:

After I explained the whole Gillian situation and everyone walked inside, I tackled Niall. He laughed and flipped me over so I was under him. I couldn't control my laughter and was nearly choking.

"Haha are you okay Cait?" he asked while cracking up himself.

"Haha yeah its just, I haven't seen you in a long time and I really missed seeing you!" he smiled and that's when I flipped him over. He growled at me in a playful way. He widened his eyes at me and I knew right away what he was going to do.

"No! You wouldn't you know how bad I am with that!"

"With what Caitlin? With..THIS?!" he reached up his arms and started tickling me and I rolled off of him.

"Niall *gasp* please stop! *gasp* you know *gasp* I can't *gasp* breath when *gasp* people *gasp* ti- *gasp* -ckle me!" he smiled at me and then stopped. I grabbed my side and curled up in a ball like an armadillo.

"Aw...look at my little baby!" he smirked and I blushed. He put me on his lap and I looked away shly. When I looked back he pressed his lips against mine and I felt a rush through my body. Wow. Did he really just kiss me? He pulled away and looked me in the eye with his sea blue eyes. I blinked into reality and realized that I already was in reality, and that he really kissed me.

"Aw! Look at the two love birds over here!" said a familiar british accent like my own. I blushed at the statement and I looked up and saw my new flatmate, Gillian. **pronounced like Jillian**

I stood up quickly to see her white convertable parked in my large driveway. When did that get there?

"I think I'll just go to my new room now..oh and hi Niall!" she said cheerfully. Niall waved with a crimson red face and we watched Gill walk by. She slammed the front door behind her and I looked back at Niall. We cracked up and I hugged him tightly, holding out this moment as long as I can.

Zayns POV:

"So um, that's all my questions for you Zayn! Why don't we put your stuff upstairs! You can pick the one of the guest rooms that the boys and Gill didn't take already haha."

I nodded and smiled at her for being welcome to me. She led me over to the corner of the house.

"Uh..Taylor...where ya going....?" Was she leading me to a secret place because she could tell I like her?

"To the lift silly!"

"You have a lift, in your house?!" she nodded and took my hand. She led me into a square box and hit the botton for the 4th floor.

"The bottom floor, which is underneath the house, is where the pool is. The second floor which is where you entered is where the kitchen and the lounge and a bathroom are. Then on the third is where me and Caitlin's rooms are along with a bathroom, lounge, and arcade. Last, on the fourth, is where all six guest rooms are along with a lounge, and a bathroom."

"Wow. And I thought MY house was big!" I said I little bit too loudly. My voice echoed off the walls of the lift and we covered our ears.

"Don't worry Zayn, that happens a lot!" I nodded as the doors opened and before me was a long hall way. I followed her down to the last bed room, which apparently was right above her's. She walked in and I made a sneaky move. I quietly closed the door, threw my stuff in the corner, and layed down on the bed before she came out of the bathroom in the back of the room. I raised an eye brow and she gave me a confused look.

"Sit next to me! I have a secret for you!!!!" I said in a childish way. She giggled and sat down next to me and I leaned towards her ear. I pushed her backwards on to the bed and she squealed like on the phone earlier.

"GOTCHA!" I yelled and I picked her up. I put her over my shoulder and took the stairs by the back of the hall way and ran down them at top speed. She was screaming for me to put her down and I just laughed like a mad man. I got to the bottom and saw a huge pool with a shallow end of half a foot and a deep end of twelve feet. I threw her into about the eight foot area and she screamed in the air. There was a large splash and I stepped back so I wasnt soaked. She came up coughing and I laughed at her. She splashed around like a little kid.

"Zayn you idiot! I can't swim!" she choked on water and then went under. I panicked, took all my clothes off except my boxers and jumped in. I fished her out and held her as I swam to the deep end.

"You really are an idiot." she said smirking. I scrunched my eye brows at her and she left my grip.

"I can swim! If I couldn't swim then why would I move into a house with a pool?" she yelled as she swam to the deep end.

"Oh you're gonna get it Taylor!"

Gills POV:

I went into the lift and pressed the button for the fourth floor. When I got there I walked into the last room on the right. There was stuff in there. Third one on the right. Occupied. The second room on both sides. Occupied. First door on the left, didn't look occupied but I don't feel like checking the other door. I walked in on a naked Harry Styles. I stood there shocked. He stood there and smirked at me. Right when I was about to walk out he grabbed my arm and turned me around. He had boxers on now.

"You're Harry Styles right? I wouldn't know really because I'm not into New Direction, or Two Direction, or whatever it's called." He looked slightly offended, and then said,

"Yes, I'm Harry Styles, but you can call me anytime." he winked and I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"CHEESEY!!!!" I yelled behind my back. He ran after me.

"I'm sorry you saw, that. I just like being naked. Sorry." I turned to look at him and sighed.

"Well, I can tell you, it was quite a sight to see." I said smiling which made him laugh.

I threw my stuff on the bed as he walked back to his room. He came back thirty seconds later with jeans and a purple Jack Willis hoody on. I widened my eyes. Man, he was hot!

"How about we go out on a date? Like right now." he said, without giving direct eye contact.

"We can go on a walk. There's a beach near by, we drove by it so I know where it is. We can swim since no one will be there this late. How aobut that?" he said, looking at me this time.

"That would be great Harry!" I said sweetly. He smiled and ran down the hall.


He must've seen me earlier or something. This person named Louis poked his head in and then walked in.

"Now Gill, you better treat my Harold right, ok? He's my Harold, so PLAY NICE! Have a great date!" He gave me a thumbs up and ran away screaming with his arms flailing. What an awkward child.


Hey Guys! Thanx for reading! give me feedback and suggestions and all that! thanx for reading and share this story to your friends! thanx!

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