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YOU MUST READ THIS!!!!! For the next few parts I am going to focus on one couple for each part so you can get to know them better! Thanx and enjoy!


Zayns POV:

I woke up next to Taylor who was peacefully sleeping. I'm so glad to have her instead of Perrie. She loves me more and treats me even better than Perrie ever did. I didn't think it was possible to love someone more than I loved Perrie. If it weren't for Niall suggesting to come here, then I wouldn't have met the love of my life.

I felt Taylor shirt and face me, just waking up.

"Hello beautiful." I whispered, kissing her head.

"Hello ugly." she said back. I put a hand over my heart like it hurt.

"Your heart is no your other side, dip." she said smirking. I quickly put my hand on the other side and she cracked up while putting her glasses on.

"Zayn, you're beautiful in your own way." she said getting up and changing into short jeans shorts which were torn. She had a batman tank top on top and on her feet put on high heel high tops. I liked her style a lot. Sometimes we  share certain things like Perrie and I used to.

She saw me watching her put on the heels.

"What, you want to borrow these for the day?" she asked, being serious.

"What the hell, why not!" I said as she handed them over to me. I saw her take out her phone and I posed for the picture. She typed in a few things then put it away. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out. Mentioned by @_twilson_.

Aw look at my Zayn! He's so beautiful in my heels! lol ;)

5,000 retweets and 10000 favorites already. Wow, some people have a lot of time on their hands!

"Thanks babe." I said, tripping on the way down stairs. I could hear her laughing behind me and then a beep sound. She was video taping me walk in them. Ugh now the lads are gonna dig me out for this one. I kick them off and run away in shame, fake crying. At the bottom of the stairs, I stood behind the couch, looking at the blank TV. I felt something jump on my back and it gripped my shoulders and its lets wrapped around my waist. Taylor. I hoisted her up more so she would fall off and ran downstairs.

"Oh my god Zayn. Really, this again!" she screamed before I flipped her off my back into the pool. This reminded me off the firs day we met...

**flash back**

"I'm going to get you Taylor!" I screamed across the pool.

"Not if I lock you down here!" she said, pulling her soaking body out of the pool.

"But I'm your guest, you wouldn't do that! Plus, you LOOOOOOOVE me! I heard you telling Caitlin before she opened the door to us!" she stopped running and her face went completely red.

"So whar if I'm completely in love with you and know a lot about you and have a secret stash of merch with you on it! I'm dedicated and IM PROUD!" she shouted across the pool.

"Oh, so you love me and you admit it." I said rasing an eye brow and climbing out of the pool. I went right up to her, our chests barely touching. I towered over her short slim bdy, and she looked intimidated.

"Yes, and I'm proud, like I said." she said smirking. She went up on her toes and kissed me deeply then pulled off ad ran away.

"Wait, why are you running away?" I asked chasing after her.

"Cos you didn't like it, I could tell. I shouldn't have, i'm s-"

"No, you did and I'm glad you did. I liked it, loved it. It felt better than Perrie's kiss. I think I'm falling for you." I said, inching closer to her once again.

"Really, is that so..." she said. I leaned in for a kiss and she pulled away last second, making me fall to the ground, face first.

"Now you really are falling for me Zayn Malik." she giggled and ran upstairs. She came back down with a towel  but I knocked it out of her hand.

"I'm getting you for making me fall." I said grumpily,

"Fall, in love? I'm right aren't I Zayn?" she said, twisting up her smile.

"Yes, I am Taylor. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her confidently.

"Of course Zayn, now don't you want your phone back? Or should I tweet to everyone where you are..." she teased. She must've grabbed my phone when she went upstairs. I started chasing her around the couch in circles, and Harry, Niall, Gill, and Caitlin stepped in.

"ZAYN FUCKING MALIK ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" she screamed in my face.

"" I said looking at the concrete floor around the pool.

"Of course you aren't." she said, shaking her head and throwing up her sopping arms.

"Well I was just thinking about the first time we met and what happened down here." I said, trying to get out of trouble.

"Well, while you were doing that, Niall called. Caitlin's in the hospital. She was hit by a car coming back from a walk she went on while Niall set up her present. The person didn't even stay, they just drove off. He feels really guilty about it but I said it wasn't his fault. He wants us to come down to the hospital. Now let's get chnaged and go." she choked out, crying. My mouth dropped in astonishment. Caitlin, practically my sister, was hit by a car, just a few minutes ago. It's so hard to believe. I put my arm around Taylor as she cried into my shoulder. I led her upstairs and we went to change. I want to go but I don't want to see her in such a critical position.

Taylor took my hand and we walked to her mustang and drove off to the air port.


Well now you guys know how Taylor and Zayn got together! But then came the Nait drama! :O What do you think will happen?

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