Niall's Birthday

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Nialls POV:

September 13th, my birthday. I'm turning 20. Caitlin has been staying away from me the past week. I wonder why..

"NIALL!!!! GET UP!!!!!!!" Caitlin screamed in my ear.

"Geez women!" I shouted back. She cracked up laughing and kissed me.

"Happy birthday Ni!" she said beaming at me.

"It's nice to see you're not avoiding me today."

"Aw shut up Ni." she said playfully.

"Now, get dressed! We have a big day!" she said, running to her closet to get her own clothes.

She wore purple bleached jeans, and a Ramones sweatshirt, both things I gave her.

"Aw you're wearing the clothes I gave you!"

"Aw shut up Ni." she said pulling me off the bed towards my closet.

"Now get dressed." she skipped, literally, out of the room. I just laughed. This day was going to be awesome. I just threw on some jeans and my Ramones shirt. Cheesy, I know, but I thought it would be cute for the day.

"Aw, they match!' said Harry, grabbing Gill who he was now dating for two weeks. We no longer hated her. :)

"Oh you would Ni." Caitlin said hugging me.

"Aw!" said Liam walking by with a mug of tea. Caitlin stuck out her tongue at him. Thank god Abby isn't here. She's in Paris still. Liam came out for my birthday and is going to go back tomorrow to finish their trip.

Caitlin walked into the kitchen humming DNA by Little Mix. Since when is she in to them? Oh wait, she's humming the song about me. Aw..

She came back with a HUGE tray of food. From bacon to some sausages and all types of bread.


"Breakfast?" she interupted. I nodded and greedily grabbed the tray.

"Hey, we're supposed to share. I need to eat too!" she whined. We sat on the couch and dug into the delicious food.

"Did you cook this?" I said, chewing some toast.

"No, Jesus did. Of course I made it!" she rolled her eyes.

"You need to cook for me more often." I smirked and she sighed.

"It's gonna be one of those relationships, isn't it." she said, crossing her arms.

"No. I was just kidding Cait." she sighed in relief. We both laughed, and finished our food in ten minutes. She rushed me into the car and turned on the radio. We waved good bye to everyone and she sped off. Caitlin blasted the radio, and then I realized what song it was. Thrift Shop. She rapped along to the verse and then screamed the chorus.

"IM GONNA POP SOME TAGS! ONLY GOT $20 IN MA POCKET! I I IM HUNTIN, LOOKIN FOR A COMEUP, THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!" we drove by an old couple and they just shook their head at the loud music. We just laughed until the song ended. Some boring Adele song came on and she shut it off.

"'s it feel being 20?" she said, tapping her hands on the wheel.

"The same."

"Really. So when I turn 20 next month, it really won't matter. I bummed." she made a thumbs down and frowned.

"Well it's different obviously. And I get to spend it again with you.."

"Aw thanks Ni! A little on the cheesy side but I'll accept it." she laughed and looked back up at the road.

"Where are we going, exactly?" I asked, a little nervous that we were lost.

"Um, I don't know exactly. I'm just wingin' it. But I brought a GPS to go back! I'm just drivin' around, lookin' for a sweet spot, and we'll settle there." she smiled and then hit the brakes quickly.

"Sorry, there was a squirrel." she blushed and I chuckled. We kept drving up this open road, with trees on one side and a field on the other. Where the trees ended, there was a beautiful meadow with a tall hill to sit on. She hit the brakes and I fell forward.

"You got to stop doin' that!" I said, unbuckling my tight seat belt.

"What. We need a little fun!" she said, hopping out of the parked car. She ran into the field and fell right away. She tripped over a rock. Wow, she would.

"I'm ok!" she said, standing up and fixing her shirt. We both laughed and she tackled me into the short layer of dying flowers. She stared into my eyes and studied them.

"Your eyes are so perfect. Did you know that? They're so blue." she smiled as I shut my eyes.

"Aw." she pouted. She got off of me and ran up the hill to the top. She ran around the top, chasing away the birds. I ran up to the top and helped her. This is so fun.

I decided to tackle her back and she laughed for a long time. I flipped her over so we were facing each other.

"Your eyes are pretty nice too."

"They're green. Your point is.."

"They're the perfect green."


"They are."

"Alright Horan."

"Stop that."


"Being so down on yourself."

"Ok." she smiled and gave me a long kiss.

"I love you so much." she whispered in my ear. I smiled at this. When we were younger, I never expected to hear this from her, but now I have.

Hours passed and we decided to go back. When we arrived, the house was decked with party stuff.

"Caitlin you planned this, didn't you?" I said hugging her.

"Of course!" she pulled me inside.

"It's gonna be like the last one. But we can't get drunk. I wanna remember this one." I smiled and shook on if. People started arriving just like last time. Within ten minutes it was packed, and the music was so loud. We partied the whole night. We had everyone leave early so I can open gifts.

Zayn and Taylor got me some new pairs of Supras.

Louis and Delilah gave me a giftcard to Nandos, of course.

Liam got me a snapback signed by Justin Bieber.

Harry got me a cool t-shirt. Then Caitlin's gift.

"It's not anything special. I actually didn't want to give it to you because it's so crappy, but Taylor convinced me. It's not anything good."

I opened a box and pulled out a large scrapbook full of papers and pictures and drawings. It was the scrapbook we put together since the first week we met. She kept it all along. She never forgot about me.

"This is amazin'! I can't believe you still had it! I remember makin' this when we were younger!" I opened it and sat down on the couch, the other's around me. Caitlin was blushing the whole time from the embarassing things. After an hour, we finally finished going through it.

"That was so cute!" Gill squealed. Caitlin laughed and covered her face out of being shy.

"Thank you so much. I love you." I kissed her forehead and she went all red. This is probably the best gift of them all.



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