Mini Party

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Taylors POV:

Caitlin is randomly calling me in the middle of the bloody day. What the hell could she want?! Isn't she on a date or something?

T- Hi Caitlin

C-Oh, my, god Taylor

T- Yes...

I could hear Niall cracking up in the background to the way she was acting. I heard her threaten him about hiding all the food again like she did last year and he shut up.

C- I'm getting married, to Niall of course

I could so see Niall blushing right now on the other end.

T- That's fantastic! When?

C-Uh, I don't know yet but, he just proposed, in the woods, like just now haha

T-So you worked up the guts, huh Niall?

C-What do you mean?

N-Haha um..nothing

Haha I was on speaker. That's just what I was hoping. 

C- Niall...

N-I'll tell you later

C-Ugh fine. But anyways...I'm so excited! I can't wait to come home and tell everyone. I just really wanted to tell you first

T-Well, this is great!

C-Just, don't tell anyone, ok?


C-Ok Taylor, Niall and I want to find our tree house. We should be home in about two hours, so see you soon!

T-K, bye!

She needs a good party for this. I'm not going to invite people though, that's how fans got in last time.

"Zayn, you have to help me set up a party. And we can't invite people."

"For what." he said, taking a sip of his hot tea. 

"Um...I can't tell you, but you just have to help me set up something...awesome. Tell Harry, Louis, and Sadey to get drinks, and you, me , and Liam will set up the rest. Got it?"

"Uh...sure?" he said, leaving the room confused. 

I heard him telling the others and then the door closed. He came back into the kitchen alone.

"I can't find Liam." he said. I pulled out my phone and called him but he didn't pick up.

"Ok, we'll find him later. He couldn't have gone that far." I said, going towards lift to go to the basement. Zayn followed and we grabbed all of the glitter and streamers and whatever we had left over.

"You have enough glitter to last a life time!" he said, picking up a large bag full of it. 

"It's Caitlin's. We need it since it's for he-" I stopped mid-sentence, hoping he wouldn't notice I practically gave it away. 

"Why are we throwing a party for Caitlin?" Dammit, he figured it out.

"Her and Niall are getting married. He proposed today. I want her to come home to a party." he smiled.

"You're so sweet." He kissed me and we went back upstairs.

Liam was sitting in the kitchen.

"Liam, where were you?!" I asked, throwing the stuff on the floor.

"I was on a date." he smirked and took a sip of Zayn's tea, and Zayn didn't even care.

"With who?"

"Some girl I've been dating for like..two months." he looked guilty but Zayn smiled.

"When were you going to tell us?" he said, taking his tea from Liam.

"Now..." he said shyly. Zayn just laughed.

"What's her name?"

"Lily." he said, grinning at the thought of her name.

"Ok. We're having a party'll find out later. Help us set up." I said, handing Liam some cups.

"It's a private party, so don't invite anyone." Zayn said, pointing a finger to Liam.

"Then why all the glitter? Wait, it's for Caitlin isn't it?" he said smirking.

"Yeah. You'll find out more later. Now, get these Solo cups ready, because there's gonna be lot's of drinking. Also, set up some coolers." I ordered. Liam saluted me and took the bag of cups from my hand. 


Caitlin and Niall walked through the door, a small diamond on her ring finger. I miss my ring...

"Hey Taylor!" she said. She ran to me and gave me a deathly hug.

"I can't breath!" I choked out. She just laughed and pulled away.

"Sorry. I'm just really happy!" she beamed and laughed. Niall grabbed her from behind and she just laughed and looked up at him. 

"Well, come on. We have a surprise for you." I smiled and Caitlin nearly jumped in joy. We walked through the house to the lounge where there was a blow up zebra and three coolers packed with beers and all sorts of stuff. Caitlin stared at the coolers in amazment.

"Remember when I never drank at all, until that one party." she said, licking her lips and pulling out a fresh beer.

"Those were the days." I joked. She laughed and  took a sip. Niall took a bottle and soon they were both drinking. They'll be drunk within the next ten minutes! 

Everyone walked in and sat on the couches and floor.

"So..." Harry said, whistling at the end.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Sadey suggested.

"Uh...sure" Liam said, sitting awkwardly on the floor. 

For the next two hours, we kept ourselves entertained with truth or dare. By the end, Louis, Niall, Caitlin, Harry, and Sadey were drunk. This will be interesting.

"Alright everybody, we...we have some..." Caitlin trailed off her sentence.

"Caitlin, you're really drunk." I said, laughing at how brain dead she was acting.

" I'm not. W-what are you saying?" she said, taking another sip. I snatched the bottle from her and she looked confused.

"Yes you are Caitlin. No more beers for any of you, but especially you Caitlin, you're really bad." I laughed as she crossed her arms in disappointment. I took the coolers and brought them into the kitchen. I came back and Caitlin was holding the large bag of glitter.

"I....I-I'm gonna go take a...a...glitter bath." she finally finished her sentence. 

"Leave your clothes on. Otherwise you'll get glitter in places you don't want to." Zayn said.

"Ugh, fine!" she said, hauling the bag over her shoulder.

"I'm taking one with you!" Niall said, catching up to her. 


"I KNOW!" Niall cut off Louis and Louis snickered. 

"Can't wait to see how this ends up in the morning." Liam said, laughing to himself.

"Lot's of glitter everywhere. Lot's and lot's of glitter."


Some of the others don't know yet but they will soon!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND KEEP READING ON I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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