Living Hell

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Nialls POV:

Well, this was going to be...interesting...

Caitlin wore some red jeans with black converse and a red and black "I <3 Niall" snapback, sounds cute right? Yeah, especially the snap back which she custom made. Wait until you see her shirt.

It's a black shirt that says "I hate you" on it. I think it's hilarious but her parents are going to kill her. :D Haha.

"Really Caitlin?" Liam said as he walked by. She nodded and put on a childish smile.

"I'm sure your parents are nice." Harry said sitting down at the table.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Caitlin made a loud, long, dramatic laugh. We all looked at her and she just skipped to the front door and waited outside.

"Well at least you're more...presentable." Liam joked. I shot him a killer look and he put his hands up in defense.

"Dude, she's bringing throwing knives for protection. She hates and is terrified of her parents." I said, chewing on a pancake.

"Yeah we know you told us the story. If she goes all violent, video tape it. She's so awesome when she goes all crazy." Harry said, bouncing in his seat. I nodded and chuckled.

"She's awesome either way." I said, finishing my pancake.

"Yeah I know, but she's more like herself like that. When she's shy, that's not her. She's more the..crazy..gamer..nerd person." Harry said, trying to explain her. Liam rolled his eyes and I got up.

"Well, gotta go! We gotta long drive!" I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. She was in the car, blasting Suit and Tie by JT.

"Really?" I said, getting in the car.

"What, it's catchy!" she defended, crossing her arms. I laughed and started the car. We were now on our way to, as Caitlin described, a living hell.


We arrived at the house I remeber visiting as a child, coming over to play games with Caitlin and do prank calls. She knocked on the door and gripped my hand out of fear. That's when I noticed the knives in her back pocket. Wow, she was seriosu. This could go wrong.

"Hey Ni, you know tomorrow is out 1-year anniversary." I smiled.

"Yeah I know. Time flies real fast, doesn't it." I said, squeezing her hand.

"It really does Ni." she said, pulling herself closer to me.

A familair women opened the door with an emotionless expression.

"Hi Caitlin. Niall. Why is he here." she said, pointing to me. I can see why she hates her mum..

"He's my boyfriend, for almost a year now mum. Deal with it." she pushed past her mum and pulled me along with her. She tugged me to the dining room and we sat next to each other. She stared right into her father's eyes. I didn't know her parents that well, I just came over a lot and I don't think they liked me. Caitlin's brother isn't here, but another kid our age is here. I wonder who he is...

We sat eating in silence for a few minutes. Then her dad spoke up.

"Hello Caitlin," he said, nodding to me. Ugh.

"We have called you here to show you to Chuck." the boy stood up. He gave flirty looks to Caitlin and she stuck her finger in her mouth with her tongue out. The boy looked offended and sat down.

"He, is your new husband. Caitlin Hughes, sounds so perfect, huh honey?" he said looking towards a shocked Caitlin. I saw her put her hand on her back pocket.

"Never. I will never marry some random guy. I love Niall, and I always have. If you don't respect that, then, too, fucking, bad." she said, taking my hand.

"I'm sorry honey but it's already set" her dad said, eyeing me.

"Well, cancel it. I am not marrying, that, th-that thing! Over there!" she said, pointing to Chuck.

"If I'm going to marry any one, ever, it's Niall. He's the only guy who actually cares. So shut your mouth dad. I'm leaving." she stood up and pulled me with her. Her mum's face grew red with rage. She raced over to Caitlin and grabbed her hand. She ripped her from my grip and punched her in the chest.

"No your not. You are so disrespectful! You already screwed it with Brandon, you are not losing another one!" this, really got me mad. I grabbed a knife from Caitlin's pocket and held it up.

"Back off, NOW!" I ordered. Her mum gasped and backed away.

"We love each other, so much. She will never leave for that piece of crap, that I know. Now, we're leaving, and you will never contact us again. And, if you do, the police will be involved." I made my last words and we rushed out the door. We reached the car and she fell into my lap.

"I love you so much Niall. Please don't leave me. Please." she begged softly. I cradled her in my arms and rubbed her arm.

"Wouldn't dream of it."


Taylor's POV;

"You what?" I questioned Niall. He re-comfirmed the story. He saved Caitlin from miserary. He's so perfect for her, I kills me.

"You need to marry her." I said, hoping she didn't wake up when I said that.

"What?" he said, scratching his head.

"Look at you two. You are so perfect. She was meant to move, to meet you. Brandon was even meant to play a part in all of this. Even if it's not soon, you're killing me dude. You make her so happy. The first night you came, she talked about you the whole time in between! You're all she cares about! Do you even see it?" I said. He looked down like he was having a flashback to other years.

"Oh my're right. I am everything to her. She's everything to me. But we're not ready to be married yet? Or are we? What do you think Taylor?" he said, looking stressed.

"Niall, just let fate take it's course. It'll all be ok. I promise."



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