Caitlin's Birthday Part Two

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Caitlin's POV:

These dreams are getting worse. I feel like they're real. I just wish I could avoid them on my birthday. This day is supposed to be amazing, not horrible. I woke up next to Niall, and he was watching me. 

"Why are you always watching me when I wake up." I said, sitting up on the chair next to him.

"Because you're worrying me. You say some pretty scary stuff in your sleep."

"Oh." was my stupid response. I got up slowly and let the head rush settle in, then went upstairs to change into something better than sweats. I came back down and Louis and Niall were whispering to each other.

"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" I said. Niall put his arms behind his back and made a small smile.

"Nothin'. Just..talkin'." He's really bad at covering up things. 

"Ok. Well, I didn't think I'd want to go somewhere today, but now I feel better, so the girls and I are going to a movie. Without Abby of course." I smirked and the girls came down stairs.

"Ready?" Gill said, smiling and holding the money.

"Yup. Hold on, let me go stuff some food in my pockets."

"You're not supposed to do that." Louis protested. Haha, protested. No Jimmy protested..No..ok.

"Oh well." I said, running into the kitchen to grab as many sweets as I could. 

"So what are we gonna see?" Delilah said as we went out to the car. Wow, it was really cold out. I could see my breath.

"Uh, I don't know." I said, taking a huge chunk out of my chocolate bar.

"Let's see a scary movie!" I said, nearly jumping out of the passenger seat. Delilah squealed in agreement and Taylor just smiled at the thought. But Gill, looked terrified. 

"D-do we have to?" she stuttered.


"Why are you so scared?" Taylor said, leaning towards Gill who was driving. 

"I don't know.."

"Taylor, she was scared of the movie Drag Me To Hell, which isn't scary and is quite pathetic." I butted in.

"Really?" Delilah said, scrunching up her nose.

"Yeah.." Gill sighed. We all laughed, even Gill. 


Nialls POV:

"I don't think she'll like it!" I said, holding Caitlin's present in my hand.

"Yes she will!" Louis said, patting my back. I shoved the box back in my pocket. 

"Let's set this up! It has to be better than the other two parties! That means more glitter, lights, neon, glowing things, and just plain awesome things." Liam ordered from the stairs.

"Hey Liam, did you ever see if Abby was a gold digger?" I said, hopig he broke up with her.

"Yeah..we broke up. She became a real brat when I didn't buy her anything. I left her in Paris."

"You what?! Really?" I can't believe he did that.

"Yeah. She deserves it." we both laughed, and I could so picture her on the streets of Paris right now, begging for money and a hot French guy. Ha, I hope she stays there.

"Niall, get the glitter from the basemnet, then go buy tons more." Harry said, sliding around the house with his socks, ordering everyone around. I ran to the basement, below the pool floor, and saw a shelf with tons of glitter on it. It was labeled, "Caitlin's Glitter". Wow, she's really obsessed. After I put all the glitter in a bag, there was a note attached to the back of the shelf.

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