The Wedding

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Taylors POV:

Zayn, made this absolutely perfect. He made my dream wedding and added a bit of ideas of his own.

Our wedding is set up in front of the London Eye. Security cleared the area, so no fans or paps would get in. He hasn't told me about the honey moon yet...but I think I know..

The decoration, which Caitlin and Delilah did instead of a stupid wedding planner, is fantastic. They know me so well.

Liam ordered our cake.It's delicious! Wedding cakes are usually really good looking but taste horrible. Not this one. It was a mix of vanilla and chocolate, in a swirl throughout the cake. The icing was a light purple color, with little flowers all over it. The best part though, was what was on top.

Zayn and I, made of cake, at the top of the cake. I was wearing the same wedding dress I am now, and Zayn was wearing the same tux. It was so perfect, I just wish we didn't have to eat it. And by we, I mean Caitlin and Niall, because they just eat EVERYTHING!

It was now time to eat. There was a huge table of food that Harry and Louis arranged. All different types of fruits and sweets were layed across the table. Niall's plate was over-filled, and food was literally about to fall off of it! Caitlin's plate was the same. Some girl, who I don't remember even inviting, probably friends with Zayn, was giving Caitlin some weird food to try. I don't think I trust that girl though. She's wearing very dark sun glasses, and a large hat. Caitlin nodded her head in enjoyment and took more of that food off the platter the girl was holding. That's odd...

I went up to Zayn.

"Hey Zayn. Did you invite that girl over there?" I said pointing to her. He squinted at her and shook his head.

"I thought you did. Let's go ask her to leave." he took my hand and we walked towards her. I felt kind of bad but this was a private wedding.

"Um, excuse me. This is a private wedding and we didn't invite" I said, looking down ion embarassment.

"Oh, ok." she threw the platter in the trash and left. Caitlin looked disappointed and looking in the trash can at the wasted food.

"W-why would she throw away such perfect food!" she said running a hand through her hair. Zayn laughed and we walked over to a table.

It was just the two of us, and he took my hands.

"Taylor, are you ready to hear about our honey moon I booked?" he smirked and I giggled. I nodded.

"We're going to....Figi!" My mouth dropped and I hugged him tight. I've always wanted to go there!

"We're leaving today, and the wedding should be over about now, so let's all pack up. Let's say good bye to our families and then leave." I smiled and we walked around, packing everything up. Then, we went to say bye to our families and friends. It turns out, we would be gone for two months. We ran to the bathrooms and got changed into normal clothes. Zayn had packed our bags, how sweet. We hopped into our car, and everyone went to theirs, and we all left. This, is the best time of my life.

Nialls POV:

Zayn and Taylor are on their honey moon, Louis is staying with Delilah for a while, and Liam and Harry are going on some guys trip thing. I have the house alone with Caitlin. :)

She's leaning on my chest as we lay on the couch, watching the movie Grown Ups with Adam Sandler. I thought it would be stupid but it's better than I thought.

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. After a few minutes she got up quickly.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Her face was pale. She dashed to the bathroom by the kitchen and closed and locked the door. That's odd...

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