Lost in London

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Nialls POV:

We walked around aimlessly, trying to find directions from someone decent, but everyone looked like they wanted to kill us. 

"Why can't there be a decent person around here." Caitlin complained. That's when we stumbled upon a mother with her little kid. 

"Um, excuse me. We're lost. Could you help us." Caitlin said, going up to the woman.

"Of course sweetie. Where do you need to get to?" Caitlin told her the adress and explained that we were car jacked and can't drive home.

"Well, your in luck. It's actually just 2 blocks away." she smiled at us.

"You two are cute! Are you married?" she said, looking at us both.

"No, we're not. But we've been dating for over a year though. And I love her so much." I answered, pulling her to my side.

"Aw, that's adorable! May your relationship stay strong. Good Luck!" the lady said, then she walked away. 

"Do we really look married? I mean, I look like a slut, and you're half naked. I'm surprised she didn't run away." Caitlin said, looking herself up and down. 

"Well, we are kind of cute." she said smiling.

We spent the next half hour talking about our "cuteness". It wasn't that bad. When we finally got back to the house, it looks like they already had peope come in to clean up. We walked in and everyone looked at us.

"We thought something horrible happened to you!" Taylor said, running over to hug Caitlin.

"Nope, we were just car jacked."


Sorry it's so short but my dad updated our computer today and now we have Google Chrome and I downloaded some games on it and I really wanna play!!!!!!! THANKS FOR READING PLEASE KEEP READING ON I'LL MAKE IT BETTER I PROMISE THANKS FOR READING I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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