Lies and Heart Break

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Caitlin's POV:

Last night was quite fun, especially when I told off the wise ass fans. 

I got up really early this morning, around 6 am. Liam was awake, looking through the cabinets. I slid into the kitchen and he smiled at me. Oh I forgot to mention, he's over me so it's not aca-awkward anymore.

"Good morning! We're out of tea, you want to come to the store with me?" he said, closing the cabinet doors.

"Sure, why not." I ran up the stairs real quick and threw on sweats, a comfy jumper and some slippers. I went back downstairs and Liam was waiting by the door. We walked out into the fresh April air, and we slipped into my car. He sat in the passenger seat and we had a peaceful drive to the store. we walked in and they were just opening. Even more peaceful. I grabbed boxes of tea of the shelf and snuck some chocolate bars that I would make Liam pay for. He wouldn't mind. 

We checked out and the bag of stuff was really heavy, since we both added a few items into it. 

"Here, let me help to with that." he put his hand on top of mine and we both carried the bag. When we got to my car, we hauled the bag into the back seat. 

"Geez Liam, what did you get?" I said when I sat in the driver's seat.

"Just some fruit."

"Well that's some heavy fruit."

"The bigger they are, the jucier."

"Do you know how wrong that sounds?!" I said, pulling out of the lot. 

"You're so dirty!" he said, slapping my arm. I burst out laughing and nearly hit the curb.

"Hey, watch it!" Liam said, pulling the steering wheel so we were back on the road. I looked over to him and he looked at me.

"What, you don't trust me?" I joked, pulling into our drive way.

"Guess not." he said, grabbing the bag from the back seat. I rolled my eyes and opened the door for him.

"Why thank you ma'lady." he said bowing.

"Don't call me that." I said, closing the door behind me. He just laughed and took the contents out of the bag.

"Want some tea?" he said, holding up a box.

"Nah, I'll wait for Sadey to wake up. She makes the best tea." I teased. He frowned.

"B-ut -"

"Liam, you know I'm kidding. You make the best tea and I'd love some." he sighed in relief and I laughed. I love having some good tea in the morning.

One week later...

I was woken up by yelling coming from downstairs. It was Niall and Liam.

"How could you?!" Niall yelled, throwing something to the floor. I'm scared to go down there, but I want to listen. I crept out of my room and stood at the top of the stairs. 

"Niall, I would never do that to you!" Liam softly said. I can picture him picking up whatever Niall threw.

"Oh really?! Then what is this?!" Niall shouted.

"It's not what it looks like! The bag was heavy and I was just helping her carry it! Nothing more!" Liam explained. Wait, he's talking about when we went to the store last week. What's so wrong with that.

"Well, I'm gonna go talk to Caitlin about this." Niall said. I started to go back to my room but I heard Liam.

"No, don't. You know she didn't do anything. And neither did I. If you're going to be mad at anyone though, it's me. I'm the one who just helped her out with the bag. Even though it's dumb." Liam said. 

I heard a loud smacking sound and a scream of pain.

"Out, now!" Niall shouted. How could he just kick out one of my best friend?! What the hell?! i stormed down the stairs just after Liam walked out the door. Niall's face went all red.

"You heard that didn't you..." he said, trying to touch me arm. I pulled away.

"No! Don't touch me! You seriously thought that your best friend would go behind your back and date me! And I wouldn't allow it! I can't believe you just kicked out one of my best friends!" I yelled. His expression filled with regret. 

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." he said softly.

"Exactly, you didn't." I stormed up the stairs. Ugh, I can't believe this. Niall will invite Liam back eventually, I know he will. I sprawled out on the bed and Niall came in and sat on the edge of the bed. He took my hand and I really didn't care. I'm still mad at him, and I won't talk to him, but I don't give two shits if he takes my hand. 

"I'm sorry. I should've known." he said, turning my head to look at him. I looked into his deep eyes with no emotion. He looked hurt but I didn't care. I was hurt too. How could he even think I would do that tio him. I don't get it. 

He sat me up gently and sat me on him lap, facing him. He stroked my hair behind my ear. I felt all bubbly inside but I hid it. I'm still angry at him. He sighed.

"Of course I fucked this up." he said, looking me right in the eye. I sighed. Now I felt bad about this.

"No you didn't. Stop. At least you care about me enough to do that. Now, go invite Liam back home." I gave him a pat on the back and he pulled out his phone and called Liam. He smiled when he hung up.

"He'll be home soon." I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, really." he said.

"It's ok Niall..." I said, getting a bit annoyed of his sorries.


"Ok, I get it Ni."

"Sorry.." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. 

"I'm serious."

"STOP IT NIALL! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST SHUT YOUR TRAP!" I screamed. He cracked up laughing and I just rolled my eyes again.

"You're so sexy when you're mad." he said, holding his side in laughter.

"Ugh, and you're so annoying sometimes." I said, punching him in the arm. I laughed to myself at how fast we repair things between us. I like it.

"I love you Niall."


Story Time!!!! Ok so we are learning about Greece in Social Studies and we do this Greek day thing where we do Olmpics and stuff and it's tomorrow and it's gonna be fun. I'm in the fill the bucket race and the picture riddles. Jesus, I can't to see how competetive Mr. Toller will get. He'll probably be yelling at his homeroom to win. And he's gonna be normal and out of teacher mode! Yeah! Then you have my homeroom. Am I right @sillygilly4 and @you_are_amazayn? They're in my homeroom lol our homeroom will suck. Poor Mrs. Trovato lol. So's gonna be really fun!!!!!!! Our god/godess is Athena, so we're wearing green. It's such an ugly green though. It's like the dark green on the Poland Spring bottles. Yuck. Why can't it be lime green! Anyways..yeah sorry I'm boring you with my life. THANK YOU FOR READING AND PLEASE KEEP READING AND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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