Am I Ready?

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Nialls POV:

I stayed up all night last night, thinking about one thing. (Haha, Up All Night and One Thing...)

Am I ready? To ask Caitlin to marry me. I know we're both only 20, but I don't want her with anyone else. I don't want to be with anyone else.

Yes, I'm ready. But is she?

I went outside into the backyard and sat in a lawn chair. I sipped on my tea and watched the sun rise in the distance. I heard the door silently slide open. I turned my head and saw Taylor heading over to the chair next to me.

"Why are you out here?" I asked, taking another sip.

"I come out here every morning, then I go back to sleep. I just like to see the sun rise." she said shrugging. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Do you think Caitlin  is ready?" I asked, looking at her worried.

"For what?" she said, giving me a confused look.

"To be with me forever, to be married."

"Oh yeah. Of course she is. She loves you more than anything, and you're all she talks about besides that damn pig." I laughed at this and couldn't help but smile.

In July...

Caitlins POV:

Ah, what a peaceful July day. It's the perfect temperature, perfect breeze. It couldn't be more...perfect.

"Hey." Niall sat next to me in the back lawn. The birds chirped in harmony and it was so peaceful.

"Hey Ni." I said, giving him a smile. 

"Remember we used to go into the woods and pretend we were in Narnia." I laughed at this.

"Yeah, of course I do Ni." I said, looking up at him. 

"Well, do you want to again?" he said, getting that look he used to get when we were 12 or 13. His face lit up and he had a 1000 watt smile. I returned the same expression.

"But we can't Ni! We're in London, and I don't want to go back home to...them." I sai, raising an eye brow.

"We're going back to those woods. We just won't go to the part near you're house." he shurgged.

"I guess." I said, sitting up. 

"My mum said our tree house it still there." he said, grabbing my attention.

"Really?!" I said, all excited like a little kid. He chuckled at me.

"Yeah. Now let's get going." he pulled me up from the ground and twirled me to face him. Our faces were close and he kissed me. There was a loud smack on the window and we looked up. Louis and Harry were cracking up. I flipped them off and pulled Niall to the front yard.

"They already know we're heading to Ireland, don't worry." he said as he got into the driver's seat.

"So, this was planned?" I said. Something is suspicious here.

The car ride consisted of of singing, talking, lots of laughing, and of course, eating.

I chewed down on my third chocolate bar.

"Can I have some? That's your third one anyways!" Niall complained.

"Ugh, fine." I shoved the bar towards him and he took it quickly. He finished the bar and threw it in the back seat.

Hours later, we arrived in Ireland. He started driving to familiar areas and soon we were at the entrance to where a lot of my child hood took place. The woods.


Ah, I love the woods. I live across the street from them and go there all the time. THANKS FOR READING AND KEEP READING ON I LOVE YOU!!!!! :D :D <3 <3 

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