The Plan

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A lot of months later in December, on Chirstmas day!!!

Zayns POV:

I texted everyone and told them my plan, except Taylor of course. They all said it was a cute and fantastic idea. Caitlin's texts were very interesting though...Maybe it's because they're best friends..

Zayn told Caitlin the plan and this is her reaction:


Z- Yes fucking way :)

C- Omg omg omg omg you peasant! The peasant and the peasant, omg!

Z- Wtf...

C- I call people peasants, it's my word. I used it way before Louis did so...

Z-mm hmm


Z- Ok ok!

C- I'm gonna go get you peasants a present! haha that rhymed! now what do you get a peasant...

Z- idk! i wouldnt know!

C- yes you would! cuz ur a peasant too!

Z- just get her something awesome and me something sexy ;)

C- wtf no! its a surprise! im not telling you now bye. BITCH!

Z- Um..

C- Sorry I watch way to much Smosh..

Z- Idk what that is but ok bye..

"You ready babe?" I said, grabbing Taylor's hand.

"I've been ready." she winked at me. We walked out to the car. We got in and I drove us to the mystery location. I drove us out to a different lake, a much bigger one. This time though. I had a boat. When we got out of the car, I helped her into the boat. I got in on the other side and I rowed us out to the middle of the moon-lit lake. Her eyes were sparkling like the stars, and she was just do damn beautiful. We sat in peace for a little while, holding hands and lying down watching the stars in this fairly large boat. My heart struck with this feeling, letting me know it was time. I sat up and pulled her with me. We sat cross-legged in the boat, staring into each other's eyes. I lightly kissed her lips and then sat back up for the special moment.

"Taylor, I love you so much."

"I love you too Zayn."

"You know how you said you wanted only me."


"Well I feel the same way."

"Oh my gosh, really?"

"Yes Taylor, you're the only girl I want, for the rest of my life." She beamed at that statement and then looked out on to the lake. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out a black box. I stood her up, and she looked confused. I kneeled down on one knee, and her face flushed with excitement and the feeling of nervousy.

"Taylor, I love you and I want you forever. I love you more than I have loved anyone else, ever. Will you do me the great honor, of being my wife?" I opened the box and revealed a glimmering ring. She stood there, speechless. She nodded, still with no words. I slipped the ring on to her finger and she stared at it. She then realized what just happened and jumped around like crazy. I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't. She rocked the boat so much that it tipped over and we fell into the cold water. We laughed and flipped the boat back over and climbed in. She hugged me close and I kissed her neck. I love her so much.

February 20, 2013

Caitlins POV:

I sat on Niall's lap at the computer, with Zayn, Taylor, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Delilah crowded around us.

"I can't wait to see it!" Delilah gushed, clapping her hands.

"It's up! It's up!" I screamed. After refreshing the page for an hour, it was worth screaming for. Niall held me tight, and I smiled up at him.

"You're going to love it. Especially my part." he smirked. We were about to witness the One Way Or Another video, for comic relief. They filmed it thenmselves!

The video started with the boys introducing the cause for the video. Then Harry came on, then Zayn's part. Then came Niall's part. The shower curtain opened on the screen and I saw my boyfriend,  naked in then shower. Holy. Shit. Niall looked over to see my reaction. My mouth was dropped open and I was nearly drooling.

"That was so, hot!" I screamed. The rest of them shushed me and I curled up against Niall. He pulled me close as we watched the rest of the video. It was amazing!

"Have you been in the shower with Caitlin yet?" Louis said, and Harry cracked up. I felt my face go red.

"No not yet.." he said, picking me up bridal style. Harry laughed more as Niall carried me up the stairs to one of the bathrooms. Just then, his phone rang. He put me on the bathroom counter and checked it. His face went glum and his eyes looked teared up.

"What is it Ni?" I asked, hoping that ass Bradon didn't find his number.

"I-I have t-to go on, tour on Monday." he choked out. My heart broke in two. Today was Wednesday. That means I have five days until the love of my life leaves for a year.

He pulled me into a hug. I started sobbing into his shoulder and I heard Harry scream up the stairs the news and Niall yelled back that he already knew. I cried into Niall's shoulder. I would no longer have that warm protecting feeling from him in bed at night. Or the person I love and never want to leave. He rubbed my back and I never wanted to let go.


Before I knew it, it was Monday and Niall would have to leave. I walked him out to the van, with all his bags and things in it. I gave him my favorite snapback and he gave me his, so we could have a piece of each other over this whole year. I couldn't stop crying, and neither could the other girls. I grabbed Niall and gave him a passionate kiss that he would remember.

"Stay safe. I will skype you as much as I can, but I will text and call you everyday. Don't worry, I will always love you and only you." he kissed my on the forehead and went into the van. The rest of the boys did too. Louis drove off and they all waved good bye through the windows. I sobbed, because I wouldn't see my boyfriend for a long while. What if he falls for someone else?


I got to go so I can't say much but thank you for reading and keep reading on I love you guys so much thank you!! I love you!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3

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