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Liams POV:

I sat in Caitlin's dark house alone, watching Caitlin's favorite movie, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, in honor of her. Now, if you saw this and didn't know what was going on, you'd think I was her stalker or something. No, I can assure you I'm not. Caitlin is basically my sister.  When Niall went out with the rest of the lads and girls and she didn't want to go, I'd stay home with her. We'd play video games all day and watch movies like this one. We'd have nerf gun fights and go swimming and go on twitcam together. She's my best friend, and seeing her like she is would just make me break down. I know that when she's back, she will be sad and miserable and in pain, and it'll be Niall's job mostly but mine too to make her better. I should be there for her right now. What am I doing?

I quickly get up and shut off the TV and turn on the lights. I grab my phone and text Niall that I'm coming. I run upstairs and go to Caitlin's secret mini fridge. I grabbed all of her chocolate and stuffed it in my pocket. Geez, she had so much it barely fit in my pocket! I picked up a picture of her and Niall on her bedside table, and a narwhal stuffed animal Niall gave her, because that's her favorite animal. I rushed back downstairs and grabbed my keys off the hook and went out to the van. Niall texted me back right before I started the car.

Glad ur comin but u better hurry! Shes not doin too well

I better get going.

2 hours later

The plane took off and I was so exhausted. I leaned my head on the plane window. I looked over to see who was next to me; a pretty blonde girl with chocolate brown eyes was right next to me, and an old man who was snoring was right next to her.

She looked up at me and waved, and then she looked speechless.

"Uh, are you ok?" I asked, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"Y-your, Liam Payne! Are you going to visit Caitlin? Oh my god I heard about her! Tell her I hope she feels better!" she spit out.

"How exactly did you hear about Caitlin and her situation?" I asked her, getting a bit angry that the fans already knew.

"Oh well I was on Twitter and #prayforcaitlin was trending so I clicked on it and a bunch of tweets with information about it came up. I'm so sorry Liam." she said, putting her gentle hand on my shoulder, "I know you guys are best friends. I can't even imagine how Niall must feel about this." she said. She pulled me into a hug and I was surprised that she wasn't still fangirling that I was Liam Payne. She was acting like we've known each other forever. She pulled away from the hug, smiled at me, and looked back to her phone. She was playing Angry Birds. I looked back out at the night sky, looking at the white puffy clouds we flew through. I then fell asleep, a very restless sleep, scared for Caitlin.

*                                                 *                                                   *

I woke up right when they announced the plane was decending. I looked to the girl and smiled. She noticed and waved at me, then went back to a book she was reading. I sat up and fixed my shirt, which was balled up.

"Hey, excuse me, but what's your name?" I asked the girl politely. She looked up from her book and said, "Abby." then went back to her book. Abby, that's a beautiful name. The wheels of the plane hit the ground and soon stopped. The sun was rising, and it was beautiful. Caitlin loves sun rises, so I took a picture to show her.

A little while later, I arrived at the hospital. I asked which room she was in, and the nurse led me to her, drooling over me on the way. Really, come on now. I walked in and everyone was sitting in chairs out in the hallway.

"Liam! You decided to come!" said a sleepy Zayn, standing up when he saw me.

"Yeah. I felt horrible that I didn't. How much blood has she lost?" I asked, taking a seat next to a sleeping Taylor, Gill, Delilah, and Harry. Wow, Harry would be sleeping right now. I understand the girls because they are stressed about this, but I guess Harry is really upset too.

"A lot. Almost too much. She may not make it. Niall's in there right now talking with her. He wants to donate blood to her because they are the same blood type, but it's a lot of blood to donate." Louis said, rubbing his forehead. Wait, Niall and I are the same blood type too! I can split the blood donated with Niall!

"I can donate too! So Niall doesn't get sick from losing so much blood!" I said, startling Harry and waking him up.

"That's a great idea, now let me sleep!" he said, putting his head back down.

Nialls POV:

I kneeled next to the bed as I was talking to Caitlin. I was crying pretty much the whole time. Her voice was very quiet when she talked.

"Ni, I love you." she said, leaning in for a kiss. She gave me the most passinate kiss I've ever had.

"Caitlin, I will always love you, no matter what happens after this. No matter how sad you are, I will always be there and will always love you and will never let you go." she gave me a smile and I grasped her hand, holding it tight, never wanting to let go.

"Niall, you shouldn't donate all of the blood by yourself. I'm pretty sure Liam has the same blood type. I'm not gonna let you hurt yourself for me. I love you too much to see you like that." she whispered. I nodded and promised her I'd be back in a minute. I went out to call Liam, but he was already here. I didn't even bother saying hello.

"Liam, you need to donate blood with me tonight. I don't want the love of my life dying because of me. Let's go tell the doctor." he nodded and I dragged him over to the doctor and explained. The three of us went back to Caitlin and Liam fell to his knees crying. I had the same reaction. I helped him up and he couldn't even look at her.

"Ni and Liam, it'll be ok. Thank you for doing this for me. I love you guys, Niall the most of course." Liam smiled at that and hugged her before the doctor took us aside.

Caitlins POV:

While Ni and Liam were getting their blood drawn, I released my feelings. I cried in the room alone, making my eyes all puffy. I knew after the the new blood and meds I was going to go through depression and Niall will be there but, it's going to be so hard. I was never going to be the same.

The three came back in and the boys had band aids on their arms. Niall came right to me and kissed me.

"You alright?" he asked, furrowing his eye brows. I nodded and did a half smile and the doctor came up to me.

"Ready for your life back?"

"Yes, I'm ready."


Yeah she's ok! Liam decided to come and donate! How do you think things will be after? Thanks for reading guys! Love you! :D <3

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