Is It Fake?

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Abbys POV:

Caitlin is so stubburn. I can't stand her. And now she was going to be here probably everyday just to tease me. Great. Oh look, here she is now, getting the usual. She payed, then left without even speaking. She seemed upset. Niall wasn't with her either. I almost felt bad. I'm going to be the better person.

"Hey Caitlin, wait." I said, making her slowly walk back.

"What?" she said in a disgusted way.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, ok?" she huffed and walked out. She slammed her car door and left. That was rude. Oh wait, she's always rude. Maybe I should text Niall, since I have his number.

A- Niall, there's something wrong with Caitlin, what is it

N- Idk. She left this morning to ur shop and didn't even speak to me

A- Hmm...I'm sorry Niall. Hope things work out

N- Me too

It's weird that he doesn't even know what's wrong with his own girlfriend.


Caitlins POV:

I'm scared to go back to the house. I don't want to talk to Niall. I hate how there's so much drama between us. Why can't we be a normal couple, or, I guess we're a couple.

Eleanor texted me (because we're sort of friends) and told me what apparently happened with her. Management put them together and she fell for him, and he fell for her. Then they forced them apart once they both got publicity. They told her to tell him it was something else, but it was a lie. She still loved him, and he will never know the truth. **By the way, Louis knows they were set up, but just doesn't know why they really split**

I can't believe Niall didn't tell me management set us up. I'm not sure if he really loves me, or if management told him to so he wasn't single. That might explain why he randomly texted me that one day.

I arrived at the house and took a deep breath. I can do this. I think.

"Hey Caitlin. What's wrong?' he said looking at me. I avoided his gaze and went straight to my room. He came in a minute later and I didn't even look at him.

"Why are you ignoring me."

"This is fake."


"Us. Management set us up, just like Louis and El."

"That's not true."

"Then how come you all of a sudden texted me that one day."

"Because I missed you."

"Sure Niall."

"It's true."

"Doubt it. And now that we're getting serious, they're gonna split us up for fun. If, "us", is even real."

"It is! I wanted to ask you out on my own. Management didn't even know you existed."

"Not sure if that's a compliment or an insult." I said, turning away from him more, since he kept trying to get me to look at him.

"In this situation, it's a compliment. And don't believe what she say's. This is different."

"But they loved each other like we do, and then they forced them apart. We're just their little game Niall. They're gonna do it to us eventually." after that comment we sat in silence.

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