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'King and Queen'



Me and Giancarlo have been going out for a week now. He's so horny but I don't think I'm ready for sex yet. I mean it's not right to sleep together this early in right. I should make him wait even if I kinda want to I'm just not ready. I told Johnson and my mom we broke up only Estelle knows. But she's good with secrets it's our sibling code never to snitch. Giancarlo tells me to sit with him at lunch but his tables a little messy and loud. I usually sit with the mathlets or SPELLING brick club. But today I promised as he walked me to the table. Holding my hand with one hand and the other his tray.

"I know the guys are annoying but so are those nerds you hang with. So just deal with it for me baby and if they're too much I'll deal with it." I nod at his words as we walk up to the table. A loud debate already going on.

"I don't give a fuck her boobs are hot. It's not my fault she got exposed. It's not like I did it." One of the guys explains loudly.

"Eww you're so gross. You can't even contain yourself in public." The only omega at the table says holding his nose shut at the gross pheromones being released. Giancarlo blocks his pheromones for me. Both me and the other omega become undisturbed by the other horny ones. We both put our trays down me taking a seat.

"Guys this is Dom my boyfriend now act right and stop being horny." He sits down throwing his arm around me. "My boys innocent so none of that bs."

"Damn Giancarlo this is the guy that got you all in love." We both blush as Giancarlo waves him off.

"Shut the fuck up Travis and introduce yourself." He spits back.

"Daamn okay nice to meet you. You know you got GC in love?" He ask making me blush.

"Nice to meet you Dom I'm Xanthon. I'm so happy not to be surrounded by alpha's for a change." We exchange smile's.

"Thanks your so sweet."

"I'm Zackery his twins." A bit taller guy says. He had broader shoulders then Xanthon and taller.

"Okay you know all them they're boring." Giancarlo cuts in. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer on the bench. "Should we study after school?" He ask to me only. "We got that history thing and I need help in science." I nod pulling my binder from under my tray. Marking both with a see through arrow marker. He scoffles watching me. "Do you do that everytime?" He asked making me blush. I look to my lap embarrassed as I nod. "It's cute your just such a geek though." I blush but look up at him smiling.

"Guess what!?" I jump being startled by the tray and loud voice. Giancarlo's glares at him making him chuckle nervously. "Sorry Carlo's boyfriend." I nod at him smiling. "But guess what? We're playing Ramley so when we win we play Hill Maze Academy." A new alpha says excitedly. For football? I think that's what Giancarlo's plays.

"Yeah cool." Giancarlo says plainly then goes back to giving me attention.



"Sara and Hugo are with my tia Evida so house to ourselves." Till dad gets home but still I'm getting laid no matter what. He blushes nodding clearly not getting the hint. But trust me he'll get it.

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