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'My world'



Dominenico smoked one joint then went to watch the kids. He just said he wanted too I've honestly left them alone for longer. Still in the same house but tho. I think he heard Hugo say he's hungry. Hugo keeps Sara down stairs when we smoke for stuff of course but it helps. Because Sara doesn't care she'll squeal on sight. Now me and Ivan just back and forth. Kinda weird since we've never really chilled us two only.

"So I can see you and Dom are like in love?" He smirked. "You know usually I'd make fun of you guys but honestly Dom's so good for you." I was shocked it was never like me and Ivan were best friends. I actually kinda disliked them and ignored them when It was Marius, Prince and Adrian with us. Now that they're all dad's and we're kinda awkward now we have the other guys around. And we always kinda thought they were annoying. Travis is a douche, Ivan a horny hoe who plays to much. Zackery's just weird and Xanthon's kinda bossy but I'm thankful he's making Dominenico feel safe and welcome around us. I never thought about how me and Xan are actual friends I mean I kinda clown on him. And Vincente but he's pretty cool. And I guess the other guys some times too.



The kids told me they're hungry so immediately went to the kitchen. Happy it's also helps hide I'm high. I had chunky steaks defrosting at the skin ready to make. Deciding on cheese and broccoli, mash potatoes on the side. And made some bread rolls if they want. Hugo and Sara came to the kitchen and I focused on cooking. And preparing to avoid.

"I know you guys are high." Sara said crossing her arms. Me and Hugo froze as Sara sighed throwing her hands to the side.

"I'm not gonna tell because I like when you're here." She stomped away and I felt guilty like I disappointed her. If it makes her uncomfortable I won't do it anymore. Of course I don't speak for Carlo but I don't want to make Sara uncomfortable. Hugo sighed.

"Your my favorite too. His ex Adria or Sangria something like Adria she'd yell at us. And tell Giancarlo we where rude to her which yeah kinda but she started it." He huffed crossing his arms. I giggled at the adorableness patting the child's head.

"She sounds annoying" He nodded chuckling. We gossiped about his ex's making fun of them. Sara coming over to join.

"Yeah I remember her she yelled no matter what and had very archy eyebrows." I remember meeting a girl like that at the movie theater. Knowing her known just made me more annoyed with the girl for yell at them. Like childish as fuck and it only proves that further when I remember what she did on our date.

"Ughh I know that chic she tried talking all loud on our first date."

"Yeah" Hugo looked around probably for Giancarlo before whispering. "She's so ghetto" He said making us all chuckle.



Me and Xan played with Candelaria on the carpet. Zackery sitting with Fatima in arms still clinging to him. Eddy and Amelia sat with us but just watching TV. And Xan's boyfriend was cooking.

"You weally pwetty" Cande complimented me shyly as we played with her blocks. "Just like Xan. Xannie da pwettiest." Xan awwed hugging the kid to his side lightly who held back. The little girls and even the two teenagers love Xan. Zackery and Vincente too it's heartwarming. I just wish I had someone in my family to clinge to. Like this. A family, siblings or even a baby. I know I'm young but I just wish I had a little baby to hold forever. I'd treat them so gently unlike my dad. He doesn't understand him being so aggressive just makes me feel unsafe.



One thing I love about Vincente is the pride he takes in knowing exactly what everyone likes. He knows my brothers picky foods and Amelia. He knows Candelaria doesn't like cheese and Eddie alreges to specific spices. So he loves cooking for us. Me and mamas are probably the easiest not giving a fuck what it is.



We walked down high as fuck smelling the yummy food. Once I got into the kitchen hushed giggles and whispers quieted down. I saw my siblings bothering my lil boyfriend while he cooked. It smelled delicious as I walked up from behind holding him from his waist. Kissing his neck he giggled blushing.

"Mmmm yummy" He turned kissing my cheek as I complemented.

"Yeah smells good in here." Ivan added rubbing his stomach.

"It's almost done just waiting for the cheese to be melted perfectly." He mixed it inside a crockpot steamed broccoli in a pot laying on a rag next to it. I just feel more in love pinning him against the counter to kiss his neck.

"Eww" I hear all three of the children whine behind me.

"Bruh we're chilling with Dom before you got here." I turned to Sara crossing her arms all brat.

"Little girl this mine you don't get to whine when I'm all up on him." I scolded her playfully making her pout.

"So he loves us too. Right Dom?" Hugo protested making me roll my eyes.

"Yes of course but I am Carlo's." He agreed to us both. Hugo pouting with Sara this time. I love that he agrees with me no matter what or who.



"Well you can go but I'm gonna call Dante over if you do." I turned to Dylan as I pulled back on my pants. Brow furrowed and already tired of his attitude.

"Well then go the fuck ahead I'mma go fuck on Mina anyways." He sat up in the bed slapping me across the face.

"You start fucking with bitches you know I don't like and I'm gonna fuck Prince. I don't give a fuck about his little family. I tear that shit up and leave his girl a single mom." I scoffed trying so hard not to think about smacking him back.

"Bitch you said you were gonna fuck my friend." I gritted throwing my shoe in my hand back to the ground.

"Because I need you asshole your always tryna chill with those guys. They don't love you they don't see what your going through. They don't give a fuck about our adoration." I sighed turning in the bed. I was hurt about the adoration I know I wasn't the one holding them. But he didn't even have to tell me if he just was gonna kill them.

"Don't bring that shit up. That isn't something you can use against them when you literally only told me after you got it." Plus I know Dylan the baby probably wasn't even mine. I'd probably be the only to be there for him also though. I couldn't leave him especially with a child he'd freak the fuck out. He'd cry with the baby not knowing what to do. With his cute cry baby ass. I smiled at the thought as he was legit tearing up right now. I tsked pulling the omega over to me and kissing his cheek. "I'll stay with you baby just don't be slapping a nigga makes it hard not to get mad." He nodded scooting closer into my chest. Making himself a spot on my lap as I climbed back on the bed.

"Good this is where you belong. Now take off your pants." Hopped off my lap dropping his boxers. I was quick to take off my bottoms at the sight.

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