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'Do you believe in us?'



"You see those omega's in the front? The emo ones" I snapped my head to the two rival teammates having a conversation. Now I know you're not talking about my emo ass omega. He dressed like we don't live in the goddamn dessert.

"Yeah but nah dude that one gots a kid." These mother fuckers talking about my omega and cousin. I began to walk to them on the other side of the bleachers.

"Yeah but the one without the kid am I right?" They both dabbed each other up. I tapped on his shoulder he wasn't much taller than me and his friend is practically a midget.

"That omega's mine why you staring and talking about him all creepy." He chuckled a bit with his friend.

"Chill the fuck out dude ain't no one wantsl your used u-" I stocked him in the mouth immediately starting a scene as both teams rushed over. Staff and coaches yelling at us to stop. I could hear them saying both teams are disqualified as some of the guys on both our teams pulled us apart.



I waited at the lockers for the coach to stop scolding him. And the team so I could. He's never violent like that what got in his head to do something like that. The guys walked out as energetic and idiotic as always.

"Hey but party is still on fuck Championships." One of the guys yelled making the team hyped. I rolled my eyes at the boys watching my boyfriend walk out head down.

"I'm sorry" He whispered to me seeing I was clearly disappointed my arms crossed. I sighed shaking my head.

"Ernesto Genaro Monolo Santiago Montoya what even got in your head to do something so reckless? I know you're not violent like that so explain to me why you'd sock some random guy in the face." He walked up grabbing my hand.

"I'm sorry lovely it's just that he was talking about you. And I don't know I just couldn't handle it." I blushed rolling my eyes as he wrapped my waist. "You look too damn good in these jeans shorts baby." He cupped my waist in the dark jean shorts.

"So ain't no one else got me." One of his hands slide down cupping my butt. I blushed at the alpha this is the most sexual he's gotten with me. And I already know I want more.

"Fuck no they don't your mine." He nuzzled into my scent gland.

"Ernesto remove your hands from that omega." We both jumped back at Mr. Montoya's voice. "Your in a lot of trouble and not only for that little fight." Ernesto chuckled a big smile on his face.

"I'm sorry dad I guess I just had like a weird alpha reaction." I smiled knowing it was all because of me. He's in love with my ass and I am too.

"Yeah those guys where talking about me like weirdos." Alberto walked over chuckling.

"Alpha's always reacting violently" He shock his head looking at his baby.

"I know right" I immediately went to my knees in front of the stroller. "So angwy" I baby voiced to him in love with the cutie. I want my own too but that's just my omega talking. Horny ass hoe. But like for real take my virginity Ernesto.

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