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'the line between love and hate'



It kinda got heated turning into a make out session. I'm not a hoe right. I mean him and Maya aren't together or anything. His hands slowly going up the fabric of my shirt a shiver from his cold hands on my skin. I moaned a bit pulling away.

"Damn Felipe you know how good you look in this uniform." He complement referring to my cheer outfit. I blushed but gasped at a sudden hand on my skirt. "Do you want to go all the way?" He asked I wasn't sure I'd had sex before but not like this at a party. With someone like Gustavo who I usually find so annoying. But he was so good moving his hands around my body like an expert.

"Y-yeah but I'm a little inexperienced." Well compared to him.

"It's fine" He reassure as we went back for a kiss. He removed my skirt a little fast but I looked passed it as we reconnected lips. His dick was hard pressed against my own which kinda made me feel like this was going fast. I mean I'm already undressed from my waste with just panties. I kept going moaning as he moved down my neck. His hands caressing my waist now one moving down my waist to put on his hip. He grinded on me a bit and for some reason I just want to stop. Like I couldn't breathe. I pushed him back my omega for some reason telling me not to keep going with this alpha.

"Mm wait I-I don't think we should." He groaned standing up as he rezipped his zipper.

"Fine whatever" He grabbed the Henne. "Bye" He said annoyed leaving me immediately after telling him I'm not sure. I rolled my eyes looking for the skirt he took off of me. I wonder why my omega did that. Is it because our feelings to Ernesto. Is he saying I should be loyal to him only. That means one thing getting Marvin the bitch ass Martian off his dick. So he could see where the real bad bitches are. I found my skirt walking out the door I immediately see Gustavo with his next dancing all slutty. Rolling my eyes in disgusted I walking to the kitchen. Hoping for something to drink or eat. Even alcohol will do.



I'm happy Dom's an omega because if anyone else was grinding with my omega I'd literally fucking go crazy. But that's not how GC felt glaring at the two. Dominenico noticed that getting off Xan's glitter ass belt and hugging the sour ass alpha who pretended he wasn't at his side. My omega coming to my side I held him close by his waist kissing his cheek.

"Felipe" Me and Xan turn our heads immediately to Zachary's happy cheer greeting Felipe. He ignored the hickeys on his neck but not me and Xan giving each other a look. Let's just hope Felipe is worth all Zachary's efforts. Because if he hurts him Xanthon will act accordingly. And it might not seem like it but Xan can kick some mother fucking ass.

What I tell you I got the baddest.



Carlo was acting bratty making me pout and whine a bit. It wasn't till I called him alpha that his instincts forced him to pay me attention. I smiled up at him happy to finally have his attention. Kissing his nose on my tippy toes he blushes so handsomly making me giggle.

"What brat?" He said still a little salty. I shook my head a little just happy with his attention on me.

"Nothing alpha I just wanted your attention." He blushed harder rolling his eyes as he gave in. He stopped being mad lifting me on to the counter again. Probably to keep kissing me.



I had him on mash potatoes since he already sessioned the steak wrong. And almost burnt the gravy. I grow up cooking with my mom and dad they own a Italian restaurant called Familia de cocineros. Family of chefs. My dad said that rich people love family owned businesses and Italian food. And even though we ain't Italian we sure are good at cooking the food. He also decided to open a competitive restaurant with the legendary Zontero's. Which I can not go to anymore for loyalty reasons. It's called Rocky's disco planet. I thought the name was weird but it customers love it for some reason. And after the controversy with Zontero's franchisee being a creepy our business only boomed more.

"Umm Ernesto is it supposed to turn black at the bottom." I immediately turned away from the steak.

"No" I answered turning the burner that he clearly highered up off. Then grabbing the handle and mixing spoon moving it to the front burner to check how burnt it was. It wasn't much but like how the fuck do you burn mash. I turned to Marv who giggled nervously with a little grin.

"Sorry" He mumbled feeling guilty. I couldn't help but smile patting the cuties head.

"It's fine love. Well just mix it good so you won't taste it." He blushed at my newest nickname.

"Okay babe." He said back cutely trying to get me to blush like him. But I didn't let it show thinking his attempt is just so cute.



Ivan immediately fell asleep after eating laid out on my couch as I played video games. He was peaceful and that made me happy since clearly he had a rough day. I just wish he wouldn't get drunk everytime he goes through something. He could come talk to me or practice boxing a hobby of his. Or just literally anything but he doesn't listen. It makes me kinda sad he thinks drinking is the best way since that basically what his dad and mom does. Fucking useless alcoholic's. They make me so angry not even caring where they're son is probably right now. It's almost midnight and they haven't even tried his phone. They're lucky I'm always around to take care of my best friend. Who's clearly going through something. And I had a feeling it had to do with that asshole Gustavo. He just wasn't the same when he's around. What did that asshole do to my best friend? And how do I help Ivan stop being his friend? Because honestly Gustavo's like a toxic waste. Lowly infecting everything around it till everythings dead. I'm not gonna let that happen to Ivan. He's honestly the only one I care about. Yeah he's loud, mean and rude but he's Ivan. He's a ride or die. No matter what happens if he's on your side he'll stay there. Even when you're wrong or losing the fight. He's the one that always picks me up when I fall. So I'll do the same for him.

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