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'Emo babe's'



Me and Marvin helped my cousin move in and nephew. My nephew is 5 months they moved once he found out he was pregnant. Until he decided to come back because my grandma and grandpa where a little tradition. They're kinda traditional and judgmental of his circumstance. Him not being with his baby daddy and all. He was gonna start working with me so I had to train him. I was happy he was back since I missed him a lot and only got to meet his baby once out of his 5 months of being alive. His son's name is Marion he's a little light skinned like me unlike his brown mother. I hadn't got to hold him yet bringing in Alberto (my cousin's) mattress with my papa. Marvin, mom and Alberto gushing over the five month old. Marvin is adorable holding that baby so gently as the other two sat at his sides talking to Marion. He'd be such a good mom but like in the future of course. And to my children of course. We walked down stairs to get the rest seeing Marvin cradled the baby as he waited for Alberto to bring the bottle melting my soul. I just want to go over there and kiss him.

"Stop daydreaming we have more stuff to bring in." Dad said snapping me out of it as he patted my shoulder roughly. I chuckled a bit waving at Marvin who made the baby waved back. Before having to follow my father to the moving car. Marvin is just too adorable thank God I asked him out before anyone else had the thought. No one knows him like me of course. That's my omega.



"I'm baaack" Alberto cheered as he sat at my side mixing the bottle. A sudden outburst started from the baby as he saw and heard the bottle. Reaching for his mother dramatically like we weren't just cuddling. I pouted passing him over to his beautiful mother. "Thank youuu" He cheered feeding his baby. "You know he really likes you, he's not like that with anyone else. Not even Ernie and he only met him once and is obsessed with him." He rolled his eyes jealous making me chuckle. Ernie had a way of getting everyones attention making everyone love him. That's why I thought we'd never actually be together. I thought he'd eventually find another crush but now he's mine. He even wants me at his game this weekend wearing his old jersey. I'm gonna look so cute so all those omega's will stop throwing themselves at him. Like bitch he gots a man y'all had your chance when he was single. Nah but even then he knew what he wanted. Dominenico and his boyfriend are coming too. Since I guess we're going to a gross stinky party afterwards. I'm only going because if Ernesto wins he deserves a good party. And you know I'm trying to lose my virginity to him. The most he's done to me is smack my ass or leave me hickeys. I know he wants my virginity but he's not the type to ask or take. I'm gonna have to give it to him no matter how embarrassing.



Everyone was excited for the game but mostly because they got a reason to party. Whether we lose or not we're all still gonna get faded at Gordy's and act like hoe's. Plus I was cheerleading so even if there was a game going on all eyes will still be on me. I mean I'm super cute. Zackery was walking me to the mat room right now for practice with the team. I didn't like any of them but it wasn't gonna stop me from being the cutest. I waved to the other omega's.

"Heyy hoes" I giggled them all looking to Zacky. These bitches of course they see an alpha at our practice and want his attention. But my best friend had his attention on me literally carrying my bag. Of course Wendy the captain and Emily walked over.

"Hey Felipe" Wendy greeted Emily not even pretending she came over for me.

"Hey Zackery you hang out with Gustavo huh? I think I've seen you around." I rolled my eyes walking over to him.

"Yeah of course you have y'all go to school together." I sassed.

"Yeah I think we have like calculus together." Zackery said making me a little salty we had no classes together. And would he even remember if we did. I didn't know my best friend was all about omegas like that honestly.

"Yeah I remember" She giggled clearly had no clue. "I'm like doing so bad in that class maybe you could like tutor me." She said acting like she's cute. Maybe to an alpha but bitch I could see how bad you are at blending contour. Especially when you have uneven white spots.

"I'm actually doing horrible in that class. Plus I only study with Xanthon, Vicente and Felipe." He chuckled cutely rejecting her. I smirked as Emma giggled it off.

"Oh well maybe I could come wit-" I cut her off.

"No sorry" I said sounding sweet as I smiled. But she knew I was being back handed smiling back at me fake. But trust me it wasn't as cute and innocent as mine. Plus when we study it's mostly Vicente and Xanthon scolding us for being stupid. I gave Zackery a kiss on the cheek making us both blush. As I walked over to the changing room. Why'd I do that? Fuck am I courting my best friend. Oh my God that's why I got so crazy jealous right now. I fell in love with my best friend like an idiot.



I ran to the park waiting inpatiently for my therapist to get here. They needed to pick up the kids first then they'd come here to let them play. Get them tired before we go home. As soon as I saw my brother
pushing Mama's down the sidewalk I ran over. Fatima happily giggling cutely at my out of breath ass.

"Felipe kiss me" I tried to explain still short circuiting from the recent events. Vicente gasped I guess the only one who understood me.

"He kissed you? Did you kiss back? Are you dating?" Xan broke in worried as always I'd get hurt. I'm a big boy if I get hurt it's on me.

"Zackery you better be careful, if he breaks your heart I swear I'll kill him." I chuckled nervously at my intense twin brother. My crazy twin literally will fight a bitch if they hurt me.

"Guy this is good, he got all jealous because the girls on his team tried to flirt with me. He used to get all mad when Marvin would do that so I know he likes me. I just gotta you know make the move. I gotta tell him my feelings or do whatever you guys tell me to. So tell me what to do." Vicente chuckled at my demanded patting my shoulder with Candelaria in his other arm.

"I mean you already got it dude, now just make it official." He said like it was the easiest thing ever.

"Stop acting like you know everything fool. You don't be getting bitches you got a wife." Xanthon scolded Vicente making me chuckle a bit as he pouted.

"Exactly your literally pregnant with my child don't act like I don't know what I'm doing." Xanthon glared at him again hitting him in his stomach. I chuckled as Vicente groaned.

"Oh yes you don't know shit." Xanthon walked away sassy with the stroller. Eddie and Amelia following as they laughed at they're big brother. I chuckled a bit too patting Vicente's back before taking Candelaria from him. Who also chuckled and following my mean brother.

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