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'I got a crush on you'



Me and Felipe made eye contact as we both walked up the bridge. He was shivering in what seemed to be pajama pants and a regular shirt. Forgetting a jacket. I gladly took off mine covering the adorable omega as I sped up to catch him. He blushed turning to take it.

"Thanks Zach I'm such an idiot how'd I forget a jacket." He giggled.

"You're not an idiot." I told him as I turned him to zip it up. Making him blush as he was now fully tucked in warmly. Hood hiding him adorably inside.

"Yes I am" He scoffed kicking his foot a bit. I rolled my eyes still holding the rimming of the hoodie.

"No you're not. Now let's go find something to do." I ended the conversation before he could say that about himself again. He nodded adorably thinking as we walked back down the bridge away from my dad's.



We couldn't find anything to do stumbling upon an abandon van. It was in a forest area and had a very cool red design. It was like punk but in Japanese with some weird emo cartoony character by.

"Let's check it out?" He said reading my mind as I nod. Us both running to the vehicle. As soon as we got in we notice how absolutely empty and boring it was. Just a bunch of dirt and ripped seats. "Damn the design really set us up for disappointment." I nodded.

"No lie" I chuckled. "Look at this seat tho." I climb to the back seeing a dusty leather couch seat. Jumping on I watch the dust fly off.

"Don't seat on that it's dirty." He covered his mouth and nose. Reaching out to pull me up I rolled my eyes with a smile. Grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him down with me. To no luck. He looked at me for a bit like your kidding but I kept trying. Him eventually pulling away with a sigh. "I'll just sit myself down." He said making me giggle as he slowly and cautiously took a seat with me.

"See it ain't that bad" I giggled cuddling to his side. Him immediately embracing me in the cellphone flashlight lit up van. We both yawned cuddling into each other deeper on the trash couch.



I almost gave Giancarlo my virginity yesterday. Now I'm gonna go tutor him in something very cute. And from Xan's closet. I called him for this emergency exactly. And he immediately invited me over. Us both squealing excitedly as he opened the door hugging.

"Oh my God so your really gonna give him your virginity?" He asked as we pulled apart walking me in. I nodded shyly playing with my sleeves over my heart nervously. "Are you ready?" He asked excited I nodded shyly. Even though I don't think it will happen today I still need to be prepared and look cute. To show him I still want to give myself to him. And too get him horny too of course.

"Yeah I think so. I've never met someone like Carlo, I've never met an alpha like him." I blushed nervously as I giggled. I do feel that way about Carlo. He's brave and dominant. He's always trying to make me feel comfortable especially with his family and friends. Which makes me feel safe with him. I could fully trust him. And he just makes me feel so in love with his adorable anger and grumpy moods. How do you fall for someone's bads like that? He's my one and I want him to know that.

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