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'my best friend!!'



I was getting integrated at the kitchen table. Lamp on me and Dom at the side. Facing away from the lamp as he reached to hold my hand.

"First question are you a cheater cheater? Because if I find out my son was hoeing. When his cute loyal ass boyfriend was pregnant I'm gonna spank you." I rolled my eyes shacking my head.

"That's not what happened I didn't cheat. I fucked up another way." I explained.

"Was it by not wearing condoms?" Dad said halfly joking. I wanted to say no that was on purpose but it was a little too soon for that one.

"I'm sorry guys we didn't mean too. We just wanted to be connected it was an accident but we both want to take responsibility." I chuckled at his lie. It was basically on purpose because even after I finished the knot we talked about baby names. And the genders we want. He's leaning to boy I'm neutral honestly.

"Good because no grand baby of mine will not get raised properly." I smiled at my mom's words. "Do your parents know sweetie?" I pushed the light out my eyes Sara immediately pushing it back. Damn she's just mad at me I guess.

"Not yet ma'am they honestly haven't taken a liking to Carlo." Both my parents groaned making me chuckle.

"Whatchu do barboso? Pinch chingón" Should I tell them I stole from his step father's work with my friends. And broke his window. Nah probably not that good of an idea.

"They just don't like that I'm a little more grown now." Dom explained half of the problem.

"Aww your probably they're baby huh." She patted his head holding him in a hug. He giggled adorable like always.



Me and Gustavo ate the rest of Dylan's pizza bites. Wanting more we ordered from a pizza place. Getting back to his pool we ate in the back.

"Dude we should go swimming again." His pool was nice especially in the night. With the pretty lights but it was also a tipsy question since he just started drinking again. I laughed a bit shrugging at the question. As I took a bite of the warm yummy pizza. "Hey what's up dude you seem.. sad?" He asked hating I wasn't be playful with him right now. He has fun when we do dumb stuff. I smiled at him standing as I took my shorts off. He stood too confused at first as he stripped. "We're going skinny-dipping?" He asked excitedly taking off his shorts than boxers. I had to follow trying not to look at his dick. But also sad I didn't get a peek as he jumped in naked. I frowned stripping naked as I jumped in too.



I decided to call Xan to facetime him and Felipe. Just to tell them me and Giancarlo are working pass that. Since it was before we're even in a relationship it was when I was his tutor he made the bet. They answered right away seeing I was in Giancarlo's bedroom. With his clothes on too they can assume we made up.

"What happened babes? Are you fine?" Xan asked.

"Yeah that asshole better have begged for your forgiveness." I frowned as Giancarlo tried not to listen to his friends be mad at him. I want them to forgive him Iike I do but they'll probably just think I'm naive and forgave him to quick.

"Guys he cried" I could hear the shush and gasp after I spoke. Giancarlo looking over at me as he blushed eating his third sandwich. And I'm the pregnant one. Felipe laughed brutally.

"As he should, your the love of his life. The mother of his child." He smacked his hands together for dramatic effect.

"Yeah boo your the omega that makes him an alpha." I blushed looking over at my boyfriend grabbing his hand. I wanted him to not feel so guilty anymore and this call wasn't helping. But I needed to reassure my friends so they can also feel comfortable. They're so overprotective honestly but I love them for it.

"Yeah but he's also the alpha that makes me omega you know. So we're putting this behind us together and with our baby." I giggled at the baby part leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Is he there? Put him on" Felipe demanded Carlo sighed taking the phone. "You better be careful because you hurt my friend again and imma break your legs." I giggled at Felipe's words GC just groaning as he nodded.

"Yeah stupid you almost lost a good omega. Treat him right fool" Xanthon added making him nod again. In all honesty he could never lose me. I'm all his and all about loving him.

"Of course I love him guys you don't have to worry. I got this omega and our daughter." He pulled me into his chest making me giggle.

"You know we're having a son right?" He looked at me shocked.

"You got the gender reveal?" He asked I shock my head giggling.

"Nope but I could feel it this is a little man." He rolled his eyes putting his hands on my for now flat belly.

"Nah that's my daughter" He shock his head making me roll my eyes.

"Just be happy you ain't got two crazy ones inside you. These little babies be fight or something. They better make up and be best friends before I pop them out." I chuckled at my best friend as he ranted snacking on some hot lays. "Oww that reminds me Vicente wants us to go out and eat. And like Giancarlo of course too because you know we're prego and he wants to treat us." I awwed as my best friend explained the best double date.

"Yeah definitely when?" I asked.

"I don't know I'll ask him." I nodded as Felipe grabbed the phone. Xan walked out and Felipe squealed.

"Guys guess what Zack is gonna take me to the fair." I clapped my hands a bit. "I want to tell Xan but I don't want him to be weird about his brother fucking me you know. Like I feel like we just became good friends and this will like distance us. And I love Xan so much." I smiled nodding to my friends words.

"Aww well maybe at first he'll be protective but he'll eventually give in to you. I mean your Felipe literally the sexiest." I said making him aww.

"No your the sexiest" He argued.

"No you hermoso de todo hombre." He tsked at my complement.

"No you're the sexiest pinch hermoso del mundo." He turned to Xan opening the door. "And you too hermoso mi amor y corazon." He kissed Xan's cheek as he sat. Making Xan giggle as he smacks the other omega who pouts. Xan showed his love by smacking us I giggled at that. 

"I know I'm the sexiest." Xan said cockily making Felipe gasp.

"Nevermind Dom's the sexiest" Xanthon gasped at the switch up making me giggle as the bickering began. I really do love my friends and I never would have them in my life if not for Carlo. He made me see a whole new side of life too even if he doesn't know it. Now I'm not always lonely or top of my classes. And Marvin's my friend and even helps me study. I've never had friendship or love before. And I'm happy I can thank him for a lot of it. Even my growth as a person so I just want to look to the future. With my family I smiled at that thought. Putting my hand with Giancarlo's on our baby. He hummed at that still eating as he held me and my hand tighter to him.

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