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'be mine'



I didn't like the way everyone was staring at Dom. He was walking around all bad and he knows it. But I could tell he wasn't actively trying to get anyone's attention but me. I just wish no one else could see it. It was his first time but he wanted to keep going. Pulling me to the kitchen to take a shot with him.

"Okay which one do you like?" He asked holding my arm closely as we looked through bottle's. Spotting a jack deciding that's what we're gonna drink.

"This one" I said picking it up as I got us two Coca-Cola cans as tracers. That way he didn't get too waisted too fast. "Now tell me when you want me to stop." I told him pouring a shot in an already used shot glass.

"Mmmmm there" He called as I met it half ways. I made sure to get him a small glass too so he should be fine. I poured myself a whole one.

"Okay drink the trac-" Before I could finish he did exactly that taking a swig of the Coca-Cola. Then downing the shot without a second thought. Taking another coca-cola drink after like a true champ. He caughed a bit after. I rubbed his back a bit chuckling. "Why'd you do that?" I ask.

"I just so I didn't have second thoughts you know." He smiled up at me adorably. And I couldn't help but kiss his jack daniel lips. After taking my shot. He's so bad sometimes he just does the most stupidly adorable things. But that's just how omega's are. It's not like he's different or anything. He just a regular omega.



Travis lefted all of a sudden so I went with Maya on the couch. Gus and her flirting. Maya was already almost drunk so I took her to a room with Gus's help. Locking the door from the inside as we left so she could sleep peacefully.

"Hey wanna play a game." He asked waving the Henne around drunkly. I nodded as he lead me to the next bed room a girl one. It had a nice springy bed that immediately I jumped on. Him falling back flat on the bed sideways. Sitting up he took a big swig of the bottle intimidatingly. Passing it to me I shout my eyes taking a not so big sip. Avoiding letting it fall on my shirt because one it smells bed. Two I love this shirt. He tsked taking the bottle with a smirk. "You drink like a baby." I pouted crossing my arms.

"Last I checked babies don't drink." I protested with an eye roll.

"Yeah yeah you know what I mean." He took another big swig. Knowing I had to keep up I took another tiny bit bigger drink. Him laughing at my attempt once again. "Give me that kid." I tsked this time as the bottle was ripped from my hand.

"Oh my God I can do it." I whined reaching for the bottle. He stood making it almost impossible. I groaned standing up as I tried again. He just laughed pushing me back down. He took one more swig sitting next to me.

"Here try again" He said almost amused.

"I will" I said determined as I rub the bottle from his hand.



We couldn't find Felipe anywhere and Zachary just seemed to give up. Me and Xan following him to the kitchen. Where GC and Dom where acting all couplely. Giancarlo had him on the counter practically attacking his neck with kisses as he held Carlo innocently in a hug. Not caring about what Giancarlo was doing to his neck. Xan walked over practically ripping GC off of him wanting to spend time with his omega. Giancarlo glared rolling his eyes as the two omegas talked all cute.

"Bruh go get your man's he's all up on mines." He whines making me and Zach chuckle. Since he's always denying that he has actually feelings for him. Xan doesn't know because he'll definitely do something about it. But I don't think Carlo will go through with dumping him. I really don't. This man is struck and he doesn't even know it. Or he doesn't want to admit it. Either way he is.

"Boy this is mine not yours." Xanthon said playfully hugging the omega's waist still on the counter. Dom hugged back only making GC's anger funnier. Giancarlo looked back real quick honestly mader then he knows. His drunk sides really showing off that jealousy tho.



Marv has been stressing about shit he really shouldn't be stressing over. What kinda teenager stress about another teenagers grades like he's his parents. I get that it's sad to see all Dominenico's hard work go to waste with his grades slipping. But wasn't it better for his average getting his top competitor lower. Marv didn't see it that way he was sweet. Sweeter then he knew sweeter then anyone did. So to destress we had a sleepover. His parents where always working and I guess that's why Marvin always seemed so grown up. So mature he basically raised himself. One thing he didn't know how to do and thankfully I did was cook. So that's what I was doing right now making him a big ass meal that will hopefully comfort him. Along with cuddles all weekend.

"Let me help I know I'm not that good but I'm a fast learner you know that." He insisted on helping but it was time for him to relax.

"Nah baby go relax I got this." I waved him to the couch as he blushed at my nickname. But he just crossed his arms shaking his head a bit.

"No I want to help alpha." He said smirking when my cheeks went red. Clearly trying to get me back for always making him blush over my new nickname for his cute little self. I sighed knowing I can't argue. If he wants to help he won't let up till I let him. But I was really hoping he could just sit back and relax. I sighed turning back to the omega grabbing his hand gently.

"I know baby but I think you should just lay back put on a movie. You deserve it." He smiled looking down.

"I don't feel tired though Ernie. Please I just want to spend some time with you alpha." He said adorably pouting getting what he wants almost immediately as I sighed. Blushing over the effects this adorable omega has on me.

"Fine" I gave in him immediately humming in satisfaction and a little cocky. Walking passed me to get us both an apron. They looked new like they've never been used before. But that stops today. I always cook for Marvin at my house but I feel like he needs them at home too. My family loves Marv they'll understand if I spend lots of my time with him. Plus they kinda encourage me to be with him.

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