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'Passionate sex and lies'



"What do you mean? Look through that shit go ahead the passwords your fucking birthday." I threw the phone on the bed. He just pulled the blanket over himself covering his body as he began to cry. Little fucking cry baby. I got on the bed hugging the omega from behind. As I took the blanket from his face.

"Go away you whore" He whined trying to pull the blanket from my hands. I chuckled at that making him huff as he turned to me in my arms.

"Brat don't call me a hoe." I nuzzled into his neck aggressively as I squeezed him tightly in my arms. He giggled trying to push away with his arms stuck in my grip.

"Stop your like a big stinky dog." He giggled out just so adorable.

"Stinky bruh you was just cuddling with me till you wanted to be all jealous." He giggled as I kissed on his neck sloppy. He tried to struggle but I could tell just playfully. Loving the attention my little fucking brat.

"So doesn't make your any less stinky you little ugly." He giggled cutely at his mean self and I smiled at his cuteness.

"Wasn't ugly when I was dicking you down." He giggled covering my mouth embarrassedly.

"Your a freak" I chuckled at his words.

"Oh I'll show you a freak." I pulled the blanket away picking up his shirt as I tickled him. Going to his belly and bowling raspberries on his stomach. It was hilarious making him laugh harder as he struggled in my grip.



Me and Gustavo had just gotten high with Jose. Leaving his house Gus bragged about sleeping with Viviana his sister. Who I always thought was annoying. I couldn't help but be a little jealous. I know it's stupid I mean we always talk like this so I hate that I do still.

"But anyway I was talking to that Zoey girl. She's like in love with you man. Why ain't you fucking with her anymore?" I shrugged even though I know what I did. I ruined that even though it would have never worked in the long run.

"She's just not what I want." He hummed to that nodding.

"Oh really so what do you want? Thicker? Cuter? Or like alpha?" I blushed as he said alpha. For a split second thinking he figured out my feelings. That's impossible thought brain only we know that I reminded calming down.

"Yeah an alpha" I chuckled hoping he'd think it's a joke. A little part of me hoping he'd know what I meant. Even though there's no way he'd react calmly to that. He threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh so you like dominant girls I see. Didn't expect that from you Ivan always thought you where into the bitchy type." I blushed at his closeness chuckling.

"Well I'm fine with omeg-" He cut me off.

"But that's not what you want bro. You should go for what you want." For a second I let myself get lost in his words. Like if he was telling me what I wanted he did. But that could never be. 

"You think so?" I asked blushing.

"Yeah dude for sure" He looked up removing his arm kinda making me sigh. "Oww I know what I want" I looked up immediately at those words. "Some tacos let's go." I sighed nodding along as we made our way to his favorite.

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