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'I wanna be yours'



Felipe pulled me to the side both of us a little tipsy.

"Hey Zach can you do me a favor?" I immediately smiled nodding to the omega. I'd do anything for him. "Can you walk me home? I trust you." I nodded happy to do so.

"Me and Felipe are leaving guy bye." I called to both couples making out. Xan immediately separated from Vincente for some reason seeming worried for me.

"Wait" He called walking to us. "Your going home after your just walking him?" I nodded at his question knowing my brothers just worried. He nods back in understanding glaring a little at Felipe for some reason before going back to VC. Well maybe I saw wrong who knows.



I felt safe around Zach. Always had even though that's rare with omegas and alpha's. Without already having a relationships or knowing each other. My omega just found him comforting he's a good friend. So we started talking. Well I did about my feelings.

"I just feel like everyone thinks I'm some kind of.. like slut or party boy. I mean I like romantic shit too. I would love to be sang to or given flowers to on my birthday. Maybe it's my fault I just have such bad taste." That's why I'm happy my heart beats for Ernie. He's respectful and sweet. Always being such a gentleman. I remember the day we met. We had always been in the same school and neighborhood but never talked before or anything. It was my first day of highschool and I honestly looked so nerdy back then. I had braces and glasses. I remember slipped in front of everyone and just started bawling out crying as everyone laughed at me. Everyone but him he came to my side picking me up. And with a growl he told everyone to shut up walking me to the nurses office.

"Hey it's not your fault you can't control what they think. Or who you like. You know I think people don't get me either. I mean in freshman year I was such a nerd but when I joined football everyone just expected me to be-" I cut him off noticing we're kinda more similar then I thought.

"Cool" He nodded agreeing. With an adorable chuckle.

"Yeah cool." I remember Zach in freshman year. Acne, skinny and just overall socially awkward. Just like him I joined cheerleadering and all of a sudden became popular. "But that stuff doesn't matter you know. I mean as a long as you have a few people who get you and really want to know you then you'll be good." I nod finally understanding why I feel that way. I didn't have anyone who wanted to know me. Who understood me. But Zachary was definitely someone I think could be that for me. I mean we've always known each other probably since elementary. But we were never friends and I want to change that. I need someone sweet like Zachary in my life.

"Your right Zach thanks your like my best friend." He awwed cutely embracing me in a hug. Me hugging the big alpha back. Just now noticing how perfect his muscles are. They definitely aren't as big as others but that was the appeal. I felt comfortable in them.



Am I sad I got friend zoned? Yes I'm literally crying about it in bed. But do I think this could be a work in progress? I mean maybe he did say I'm the one who gets him the best as I allowed him to vent to me. I mean just because I'm his best friend doesn't mean he can't see me as a love interest. Right? I just hope Travis doesn't work quick then me. Being his best friend means we'll spend more time together too. So that could help. Plus he likes cats so maybe I could show him my Rajah. My mom's cat but he's basically the baby of the family. Hell even Vincente spoils him. Buying him gifts on his birthdays and Christmas. We all do it though in my family so no judgement. Rajahs a little mean ginger puss but he has a soft spot for omega's being an alpha. I know he'll love Felipe and I know Felipe will love him.



Ernesto basically cooked by himself having to fix all my mistakes. I was to stubborn to give up making him work twice as hard. But I just wanted to help or at least try. The food still came out delicious. I assume this is what family dinners and home cooked meals are like. We had steak, mashed potatoes with gravy and this yummy cheese sauce Ernie made. With green beans and cooked onions on the side. Is it bad I could just imagine us as a couple eating like this every day. I blushed pushing the thought away. I know we both have mutual feelings for each other. But what if he isn't even thinking about us being forever? What if I'm taking it too far?

"Thanks Ernie it's so good." He smiled his big beautiful smile.

"Of course baby." He reached over my cheeks burning hot as he held my hand. Shit I can't let him out nickname me and make me blush more.

"Babe you should cook for me more often." He blushed nodding still with the same goofy smile.

"Yeah of course baby any time any day. Fuck I'll cook for you everyday if you want." I smiled at his enthusiasm. Hating that it only made me fantasize further.



Giancarlo walked me home to the back door to not make the same mistake as last time. Xanthon and Vincente waited across the street not to draw to much attention. Even though Xan did give me a big hug and make me promise to hang out just us two. Which I love the idea of. Giancarlo kissed my hand he held making me blush going to kiss his cheek.

"Bye baby" He said pecking my lips a bit.

"Call me okay? I want to facetime tonight." He rolled his eyes nodding. "Bye Carlo" I peck his lips this time. Letting me go with a sigh I walk to the door. Just hating the feeling I got when we had to separate.

"Hey" He called making me stop turning to him. "How about tomorrow we go on a date?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously kicking his foot a bit anxiously. I ran back to him hugging him with a squeal. Our second date!

"Okay I'll be ready I swear and I'll look cute." He chuckled at my words.

"Kay baby bye" We kissed one more time before actually separating now actually opening the door. I waved one more time my boyfriend still there waiting for me to be inside. I sighed closing the door. Just kinda wishing I didn't have to come home and just be with Giancarlo all day. Even though it does sound clingy now that I think about it. I just don't know how to handle this feeling yet. It's all very new to me. I tippy toed to Stella's room already knowing my bed is taken by Mitchel. Having to walk past my drunk mom and stepdad passed out on the couch. Stella will let me sleep with her or on the floor. Plus she said she wanted all the details on my first party. Once I walked in Stella was laying on her belly texting someone. Like always. She sat up at my presents patting a spot next to her.

"Oh my God Dom get your cute ass over here. Who dressed you? You look sexy." She complemented as I walked over sitting with her.

"Xanthon he's one of Carlo's friend but he's an omega. I love him he's basically my bestie now." She raised a brow.

"An omega? Who's friends with your alpha? And your not like curious if they've like fucked or anything?" I shook my head quickly knowing Xan is fully in love with Vicente. And that Giancarlo's is probably not his type and vice versa.

"No no he's in a relationship. I think they've been together for like years too." She nodded still not sure. But I am. Xan's just too sweet to ever do something like that to me. Carlo has love for me he'd never cheat. There's no reason too if he's feeling someone else he better break up with me before. Even though that would hurt it's better than being thrown to the side for some random.

"Okay but I think you should still keep an eye on them. One of the funniest part about cheating is you both got someone. Or when you're doing it right under everyone's nose." I nodded along but didn't take her words seriously. What kinda psycho would do that to someone? Besides my sister.

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