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'trying to be a good friend'



Me and Felipe left for the clinic. As his best friend/ boyfriend and yes they're dating in my eyes. If anything they should just be together. Anyway his boyfriend and mine drank with some of the guys. Vicente and Xan were coming too but later once me and Felipe showed up. Travis wanted to get drunk with his friends before you know we all have our babies. Dylan's pregnant, Xan now me and in a bit I know Felipe's ass will be too. Better use that birth control wisely. Of course I'm not trying to jinx them but with their recent closeness I just can't help but wonder. I mean they're always scented with each other so they gotta be doing it a lot. Once we got in the clinic a doctor called us in the same room.

"Umm we have separate things is that okay?" I asked as he nodded. Not looking up as he separated the curtains to another bed.

"We're short on staff so I'll help you both. Felipe umm I can't pronounce your last name, you're here for birth control." Felipe nodded. "Here take these every morning or 4 hours before you engage in intimacy and they should be effective." He turned to me now. "So you're here for a pregnancy test. Would you like an ultrasound afterwards?" I nodded. "Okay well pee in this cup and wait in here. We should have the results in.." He looked at his clock. "15 to 20 minutes" He walked over to a wood door. "You can use the restroom here I'll wait to bring it to the lad." I nodded shyly walking to the restroom. I waved Felipe over to come in with me I didn't want to do it alone. He immediately came over taking my hand as we walked in closing the door. I was more nervous and anxious than I have ever been in my whole life. I want this baby everyone is so happy for me. But what if I'm not pregnant or actually a horrible mom. Who gets frustrated with all their baby stuff. I've never have I've always been good with kids but what if I'm not with my own. My mom told us how she'd babysit kids as a teen. How much she wanted to be a mother as a child. But now she hates the kids she has. She doesn't even try to talk to me nowadays. When I want to be my happiest. With my alpha and baby.

"Hey it's good we can come back another time or-" I cut Felipe off I turned to hug him. He immediately embraced me back making me cry.

"What if I'm a bad mom? Or omega?" Now I was scared I'd be bad at both.

"Honey you'll be the most loving and caring and hot mom and omega in the world. Babe look at yourself." He turned me to the mirror whipping my tears. "You're so scared you won't be perfect your crying. Doesn't that mean you already care a lot. You're gonna love this baby and Giancarlo is gonna show you both all the love he's got. Or I'll kill him." He said it so nonchalant about killing my boyfriend it made me giggle. Nodding as I whipped the tears I do want to love this kid. I want them to love me the most.



I just wanted to be a good friend now he's mad. Because I asked why he's caring for a baby that's not his.

"Nah cause you want to talk shit about how my omega got pregnant." Travis said making me chuckle as I took another drink of my beer. "What if Dom was with another guy and got accidentally pregnant? Would you leave him to struggle on his own?" I stood at the mention of my omega.

"My omega would never be on that hoe shit." Now he was pissed and I was too. As Zackery tried to hold him away from me. I just stomped over drunk and angry he even compared Dom to his slut omega. Gustavo kinda laughed drunk as Ivan panicked going in front of me.

"Come on guys we're chilling don't bring your omegas in this. We love them both and -" I cut Ivan off.

"But still there's a difference when someone calls my omega a slut than his."

"Bitch no there's not. At the end of the day I beat niggas ass for talking like that about mine." I chuckled again waving off the idiot.

"Good mother fucker because I don't let nobody slide when they talk about mine either. He's all mine unlike yours who's been with every letter of the alphabet." Gustavo broke out laughing.

"Hey don't disrespect Dylan Giancarlo. You know how much love Travis is putting into him and they're baby." I chuckled at Ivan's words.

"You mean Dylan's and Dante's baby." That sent Travis over as he fought against Zackery.

"Move out my way Zack or imma throw hands with you too." Ivan panicked going over to hold his best friend so he won't hit Zack. Zack shock his head with a sigh as he allowed Ivan to take over.

"Fuck guys I love getting drunk with you. Always a lot of fun" Gustavo was enjoying this shit. Knowing he has a whole baby that he doesn't even bother to remembers name.

"Shut the fuck up Gustavo" He scoffed at me standing up in my face.

"The fuck you talking to little dude." I push him back a bit not about to deal with Gustavo problems.

"The mother fucker who thinks he can talk after abandoning his baby." He cock back about to sock me as I ducked tackling him on the table. I socked him as Ivan ran over pulling me off.

"You guys are drunk just chill okay." Zackery said as Ivan pulled me from behind. He hand my arms in a weird lock thingy as he sat me on the ground. He put a water bottle to my chest.

"Drink it" He demanded. "You guys we're all friends so-" The door opened to the back revealing Dylan with a tray of snacks. He walked over confused probably heard the noise but thought nothing of it. He gasped seeing Travis steaming probably thinks he was the one fighting Gustavo. He put the food on the table running to the alpha. I felt bad for saying to much about Dylan but I just feel bad for my friend. He could be using him after all and he shouldn't have brang up Dom.

"What wrong are you okay?" He asked his alpha. Travis just nodded grabbing the omega's waist as he held him close.

"Let's go fuck these niggas." He told the omega making me feel worse as Dylan immediately nodded. Grabbing they're things I tried to stop him.

"Wait dude I'm sorry, I don't mean-" I said standing as he cut me off pissed.

"Shut the fuck up Giancarlo, I love this omega. I don't gotta explain why I want to raise his child with him. How about you do you love Dom? Or are you just staying because he's knocked up? Because I remember a time we made a bet on how fast you could take his virginity and leave him." Zackery and Dylan gasped confused. Even Gustavo was Travis and Ivan knew what the stupid bet was.

"What the fuck?!" I looked at the entrance where Felipe, Xan and Vicente looked at me. I felt my tears start once I noticed the omega on back of them. Holding our first ultrasounds in his hand as he teared looking at the ground. Felipe and Xan stomped over to me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Giancarlo?!" Xan said. "You fucking bastard" I just let myself fall to the ground again as he pushed me.

"He's carrying your child asshole." Felipe said this time. Zackery came to my side kneeling beside me.

"Giancarlo did you really?" He asked making me feel like I just been stabbed. As I looked to the awaiting eyes of my omega. Nodding shamefully as Dom broke out in a sob.

"Guys it isn't Carlo's fault, I mean he didn't go through with it. And and me and Travis like force him into it." Ivan said trying to explain but I was dead.

My omega, the family we made together, the friends I recently reconnected to because of him. It's all gone.

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