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'the boy is mine'



Vincente told me to meet him at the bus stop immediately after school. I was happy since we hadn't got to talk much today or yesterday. Besides little hello's and facetimes. I really want to go on a date but I'm not sure where we'd go. I ran to him immediately once he came into view. He turned to me angry. Kinda stopping my excitement as I walk up to his angry pout and crossed arms.

"Let's go" He said walking ahead of me without even saying hi. I groaned following and trying to catch up to talk shit.

"So what you just mad for fun?" I sass walking next to him. He immediately stopped.

"You know Ivan wants to fuck you right?" He said suddenly making me cock my head real quick to him. I know Ivan's a hoe and likes to start problems for no reason. Plus he's kinda shady but I don't think he wants to fuck me. We grow up together. He's my twins friend. Plus I'm to mature and pureny to be his type. The only man I'm putting out for is Vicente cause he got me like that.

"What are you even saying?" I crossed my arms confused.

"You even had to think about it. You know he's trying to play at you." I sighed knowing Vicente just got them mother fucking trust issues from watching his dad cheat on his mommy.

"Daddy I honestly don't give a fuck if he wants me. I only want one man." He blushed at me calling him daddy. Totally throwing him off of his angry scolding me. "Why you even mad? I hate Ivan you ain't got to worry your literally the only person I tolerate." I throw my arms over his shoulders.

"I know my baby would never be unloyal. But it's just knowing he's trying to fuck you right under my fucking nose." He said grabbing my waist. "It's infuriating." He lays his head on my shoulder kissing my neck softly. My body shivered still not used to being so physically connected to somebody. That just every time they touch your body you feel like it might explode. In a good way of course.

"Babe you act like it didn't take three years for you to get in my draws." I roll my eyes playfully to the man child laying on me. He immediately looked at me with a pout as he stood up at full hight.

"Don't remind me. You literally made me fall in love so hard I couldn't even masturbate and think about other omega's." I giggled smacking the stupid alpha's chest.

"You shouldn't be masturbating to other omega's anyway." He chuckled staring down at me pervy like sizing me up.

"Trust me I don't." I rolled my eyes smacking him once more.

"Woah woah let's not be domestic outside please sir's." We both look to the back seeing my dumb twin. His tongue and lips where red. Travis and Gustavo both with him. Travis's mouth blue and Gustavo's also red. I rolled my eyes putting my hands on my hips.

"Where's my raspa?" I whine my twin immediately showing me a pink one. Strawberry shortcake flavor. I hum taking the treat. "Mmm baby have you tried the Raspa cart at the park." He shock his head so I got him a spoonful feeding him. My baby is always quiet around the guys. I don't think he likes them very much so he stays quiet to not start drama. He hummed at the sugary shaved ice with some yummy cream.

"It's sugar as fuck but good." He gave me a nod of approval taking the spoon from me. Making me whine as he ate my ice cream. He rolled his eyes at my little reaction feeding me some. He's so sweet.

"Eww can y'all not." Travis says scratching his face up like an ugly ass bulldog.

"I know right." Zach joins making himself look mad ugly too.

"If y'all single asses don't shut the fuck up." I say rolling my eyes as my baby feeds me again. I couldn't help but smile at the big loving alpha as he fed me.



Vicente's okay. I don't particularly like the fact he's with my brother but for the most part they make each other happy. Plus they seem pretty passionate about they're little romance. But I don't like that they think I don't know shit. Like I don't want to but I know my brothers not a virgin anymore. So why hasn't he told me yet? I'm legit his twin and I told him as soon as I got my dick suck for the first time. Even though he did get mad since he was one of his friends. So why hasn't he told me about his and Vicente's encounters? I mean I might be uncomfortable but would have got over it faster. Now I just feel like a fucking joke.

"Bro I'm so happy I don't have siblings." Travis laughed as he pointed at my twin and his boyfriend. I rolled my eyes looking down at my raspa to not see the horrid site. Gustavo was on the phone with his dad. Ever since the whole Ezekiel scandal his dad has been rough on him. He couldn't go out after 6, he gets drugged and alcohol tested ever month. And if he fails any classes he has to spend the summer away either with his grandparents. Or boot camp. He actually said he'd rather go to boot camp then with his grandparents. I don't know why that kinda seems weird to me. I love my grandmama and papa.

"Okay I'll go home damn. I KNOW THAT'S WHY I SAID I'LL GO!" He yelled into the phone hanging up. Let's just say he didn't follow all his parents rules.

"Are you really going?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Fuck no." He scoffed getting his raspa from the table as we walk to the couple. My brother was hitting Vicente playfully.

"Woah woah let's not be domestic outside sir's." I break in before they can do anything romantic and gross. My brothers eyes immediately on the two raspa's in my hand.

"Where's my raspa?" He sassed hand on his hip. Passing him the strawberry shortcake I got him he humms taking a bite. Then turning to offer his boyfriend. "Baby have you tried the raspa cart at the park?" He shock his head so my brother force fed him. Him cringing at how sugar my brothers is. His has coconut and cream on top the way he likes it. Even with the sugariest flavor shortcake.

"It's sugary as fuck but good." He mumbled to Xanthon making him smile. They began to be be all cutesy and gross him feeding my brother.

"Eww can you not." Travis gags.

"I know right." I scrunched up my face disgusted.

"If y'all single asses don't shut the fuck up." They continue to be all lovey and gross feeding each other. I gagged walking ahead of the group. Travis and Gustavo catching up. They followed whispering all couplely and gross. Suddenly Ivan ran up to us loud as always.

"Dude did you guys hear Dante's throwing a huge party for graduation!" He cheered wrapping an arm around Travis's shoulders.

"Bro schools almost over we need to throw a huge party since it's Gustavo's last year." I added.

"Yeah bro I'll just sneak out we'll get hella waisted." Gustavo added.

"Fuck yeah my cousin can definitely get us some bottles but everyone has to pitch in." Ivan said. Gustavo scoffed pulling out a 50.

"I'll just pay for them." We nodded along to Gustavo superiority complex when it came to money.

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