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'you're no good'



Vincente walked up from behind cupping my waist.

"What's wrong baby?" He whined as I rocked mamas in her bouncy chair with my foot. Delaria hugging my chest begins to reach for her tio.

"Tentae" She whimpered him immediately letting me go so he could take her. She immediately snuggling to him. Mamas was asleep so I allowed Vincente to drag me away to the bed by my hand. I immediately snuggled into his side as we cuddled. Delaria still clingy to his chest. I honestly think she has separation anxiety Vicente being her to go caretaker. She kinda sees him as a father figure after they're mother left them.

"Why are you mad at me?" He asked kissing my head. I sighed snuggling further into his chest. His scent would smell different if he was cheating. Unless he used pheromone blockers with them. Maybe when we go to his house I should get the jewelry Eddie was talking about and ask him who's they are. Yeah that's what I'll do for now I just gotta be positive and try not to think to hard.

"Nothing I think I'm just moody since my heats coming." He looked down at me glaring.

"Your lying" Fuck I forgot to block my scent. I blushed not sure how to cover this up. "Just tell me" He tsked. I stutter over my words the kids running in yelling saving me.

"Amelia throw dirt at me!" Eddie yelled.

"Because he was being annoying!" Baby mamas and Delia both broke out crying had just fallen asleep. Both kids immediately shutting up as Vincente sat up tsking. I sat up as well immediately going to mamas and unstrapping her.

"Are you for real right now both of you sit right there time out. I don't even know why I have to tell you not to throw dirt. Or not to come in yelling around nap time." They both went to sit in the corner as me and Vincente shush the girls. They didn't want to go back to sleep startled.



I put my headphones on trying to study over my dad yelling. There was only him, my grandpa and me. They're both assholes and I'm the odd one because I'm an omega. I couldn't avoid my dad any longer as he barged into my room. Red hot with anger. I immediately stood taking my earphones out.

"What's all this huh!?" He threw a small pink bag of weed and two condoms on the bed. I had both in my dairy which I just noticed was oddly placed on my desk instead the shelf now.

"I-I I don't kn-" He slapped my lying face the tears forming in my eyes slowly trickling down.

"Your lying to me! To me!" He yelled getting into my face as I drop myself back on the bed. Crying like an idiot.

"I'm sorry papa I didn't want you to be mad." He took a deep breath turning around in the tiny room to punch a hole in my wall. I whimpered in fear knowing there's not much keeping me from being that wall.

"Mad Felipe! Mad! I read that damn book about those damn boys and all the drinking and drugs you do!" He yelled

"Papa it's only weed I swear-" He lifted his hand immediately shutting me up as I folded into my self. Whimpering out cries.

"Who knew my son is a fucking alcoholic hooker." He scoffed disappointed. He grabbed my wrist making me wince in pain my already teary eyes crying. "Look at me" He gritted grabbing my face.

"Papa I swear I don't get with guys like that I-" He slapped me

"God damnit Felipe you just turned 16 what is the matter with you." He scolded grabbing my face again hard. "What do I have to do Felipe? What will finally make you behave huh?" He let me go allowing me to fall onto the bed. "Do I have to beat the shit out of you!?" I shook my head quickly, begging at this point.

"No papa please you promised you'd n-" He cut me off hitting me again as I pushed myself to the far end of the bed.

"Well maybe if you'd just behave I wouldn't have to do that! Maybe if you'd just stop being such a slut!" I nodded hating I made him so angry and disappointed he'd consider beating me again. "You know I never wanted an omega for a son." He said shaking his head slow and disappointed before finally leaving me in my shame. I couldn't help crying my eyes out. Maybe I can call Zachary and we could go somewhere. I whipped my eyes getting up to lock my door as I rid my voice of tears. I didn't want him to know I was sad.



My dad and his new girlfriend watch a boring ass show. Saying I should stay for family bonding. It was boring as hell as I played on my phone. His girlfriend is a gold digging snob who's daddy cut her off so she had to find a new one.

Once I saw Felipe's contact light up my phone I shot up out of my seat. Blushing once I noticed the two looking my way.

"I gotta take this." I urged running up the stairs and to my room. I quickly answered hoping I didn't make him wait too long. "Hey Felipe you okay?" For some reason my alpha was worried about him. Thinking about him for a bit. I think he's just over exaggerated missing him but these type of things could be dangerous. Because he could actually be in trouble and I wouldn't be able to tell.

"Y-yeah yeah of course" He giggled out making me feel uneasy. "Want to hangout?" He asked

"Yeah of course but it might take me awhile. I'm on the other side of town." I explained him ohing.

"Wait why?" He asked.

"I'm at my dad's but it sucks." Well now that he has that new girlfriend literally 6 years older then me. I rolled my eyes annoyed even though he can't see.

"Oh are you sure?" He asked

"Of course I need this." I blushed at that confession. Embarrassed I couldn't control myself from saying that.

"Me too." I smiled at his words and adorable giggle. "Hey meet me at that one water bridge. It's beautiful at night." I nodded excited the bridge was center of town. So we both don't gotta go the full way.

"Yeah sounds awesome." He giggled so cutely over my awkwardness.

"K bye Zachy" I blushed over the nickname not even able to say bye. As he hung up with another cute giggle.

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