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'I need you'



"Your lips are already sexy as fuck but if you want I got lip plumper." Xan offered as we sat face to face on his bed. Fatima was sitting in his lap playing with a baby toy. While Candelaria looked at herself in the mirror. They're both some diva babies and literally the cutest.

"Yeah definitely" I puffed up my lips as he applied the gloss.

"Oow sexy" He cheered making me blush as Candelaria nodded.

"Me me" She kinda asked cheering as she sat up puffing her lips.

"No baby girl you know Vincente won't like that." She pouted.

"But we no tell" She gave us puppy dog eyes like the little diva she is.

"Mm I don't know go ask Cente baby." She nodded reaching for Xan to carry her off the bed. After he sat Fatima in a baby chair. Putting it on the bed with us. It was adorable how Xan and Vincente took care of all the kids. They'd make such good parents. "He's gonna come in here asking why I'm letting them wear makeup." We both chuckled at that as Xan rolled his eyes a bit. The door opened Candelaria stomping in arms crossed Vincente following.

"What's this about makeup? Don't let them put that on." We both looked at each other breaking out laughing since he was right. "I'm being serious." He crossed his arms as Xan got up.

"I know babe I know I won't let them put it on." Xan said still kinda chuckling as he held Vincente's chest. "I know baby" He kissed his cheek.

"Okay baby" He looked down to Candelaria. "And you your too tiny to put that stuff on." He picked her up tickling the toddler who laughed nodding. "Your coming with me brat." He told the toddler who shock her head side to side.

"No me stay Tente I stay wit Xannie." Vincente rolled his eyes putting her down with a pout.

"Brat" He left pouting making the two giggle. As they climb back onto the bed. It's adorable how they have they're own little family. So cute and tiny. And they just get along so well. Why does everyone in my family have to fight and hate each other? It would be cool if Mitchel would act like my brother. Or my mom like a mom. Fuck Johnson he's whatever. But I just want my own happy family. Maybe I'd be a good mom.



Me and Dom talked about how GC was gonna take him on a date. And I know this sounds bad but with most Giancarlo's ex's he'd take them out like once. He was just never really genuine or they'd go to fast. But with Dom I could even tell he's been in a better mood. Passing every class, showing off at practice knowing Dom's watching. He's like a little boy with a crush. And he doesn't even know it. I know Dom's good for him he's already made him better.



I was bored waiting for Dom to come over. He was getting ready but I don't need all that. He could come butt naked and I'd be just fine. Why is he always lagging? Like just come be with me I don't need him all prettied. Other mother fuckers be looking at him when he's all prettied. And of course I don't like that. I was happy to put down my controller as I saw his contact pop up.

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