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'my brother'


Growing up I had no sibling, cousin. Or anything. The only family I knew of was my dad and grandpa. But Xan he's truly my mom. And i know that childish and embarrassing. But i felt safe when he says he'll care for me. Not in a hot way like Zacky but in a truly motherly way. And Dom was my other mommy. They bring me some left over letting me eat and cry as they worked on taking the nudes down. Zack and Carlo playing video games with some guy named Jimmy. 

"Bro look i found it" Vicente said breaking out laughing on the smaller couch. Me, Xan and Dom on the other. "Eww look Diego's penis." He showed us making his boyfriend mug him.

"Put that shit away ain't no body want to see that." Xan scolded just making the alphas chuckle.

"Dude we should post it" Giancarlo suggested making Zack and Vicente laugh.

"Are y'all dumb we just reported him for child porn. Now unless you want to help him clean trash on the side of the road too I suggest not to." Xan said.

"Alphas they really never think." Dom said playfully setting them off.

"We're just playing gosh" Zack whined.

"Yeah plus if i posted that they'd think that ugly ass penis is mine." Giancarlo said playfully making me breakout laughing even tho I tried to hold it in.

"Callate la boca barboso" Dom scolded his boyfriend throwing a pillow at him. Is it weird this group of stupid little weirdos are more so my family then my blood relatives?


I kept telling Dylan to sit his pretty ass down but he wanted to serve me and his dad. All cute and shit. If his dad wasn't here I could playfully spank him and like force him to sit. I mean he loved when i was aggressive and I like being aggressive with him too.But I could never do that in front of his pops. That's just a whole other level of disrespectful. And I already fuck his son in his house while he's at work. So i shouldn't give him another reason to hate me. 

"Ay baby you don't want to sit down." I said as he placed napkins and butter bread on the table. He shock his head.

"I still need to get the lemonade and cu-" I cut him off.

"Thats enough i got the rest." I said standing guiding him to his sit. Turning to the counter and cabinets to get a few cups. The lemonade pitcher out and ready with ice. I bring it and three cups to the table pouring them. 

"Thanks baby" He said smiling up at me as i poured his pasting it to him. Now usually I'd be all over that cute smile. Kissing it loving it. But his father was right there. And I can't have the grandfather of my baby mad at me. I poured the rest handing him his cup before sitting. "So dad how was the coast? I bet it was so pretty around this time of year all summery." I was thankful the cute omega started a conversation. 

"Yes it was, how about you? How have your baby appointments been?" He asked so i opened my phone where i took a video of us seeing our first ultrasound. Passing the phone to Dylan to pass to his dad.

"It going well here's the video Travis took." I was documenting everything. My parents love me now but as a kid they said they weren't really present. And thats why my grandpa has all my baby pictures. My baby's gonna know daddy was all was there. 

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