
76 4 14

'Tell me you love me!'




I was weak trembling on his hard dick as I lowered myself back down. To focused on my balance I let the most embarrassingly loud and sharp moans leave my body. Sounding like a porn star. He groaned liking the sounds only making his grip on my waist tighten. As he pushed me back down again. He pulled me closer supporting my back with his hard bear arms seemingly taking control. As he used his raw strength to pull me up and slam me back down. My eyes rolled and my grip on his shoulders tightened. As I wrapped them around his neck pulling myself closer to him.

"Aah fuck" I whimpered against his chest trying with all my strength not to moan to loud. The babies were next door. He chuckled pulling me up and down faster like a doll. As if I was just a play thing. I hit at his chest moaning the fuck out of his ear. "Aah babe aah c-calm down" He didn't listen to a word standing with me on his hip. I moaned as he throwed me onto the bed grabbing my legs to pull them to his waist. "Oh Vicente please don't make me scream so loud." I whimpered holding his face even though that's what we both wanted. He chuckled shaking his head as he lays his head on my chest.

"You and I both know that ain't happening." I pouted as he lined us up immediately pushing himself into my hole. Precum making it easy for him as he was already used to fucking into me.

"Aah Vicente" I yelled not in control of my mouth with his dick fucking me relentlessly. "Vi-vi-cen-cente!" I screamed lifting my leg higher onto his hip for access. "Vicente!" I moaned again pulling myself closer to him by his shoulders.

"Uh I love you Xanthon. Fuck I'm gonna get you pregnant right fucking now." He groaned pulling out slowly.

"You fucking better" I said out of breath and sweating disgustingly. He didn't let me talk for long immediately slamming into me. I moaned at the top of my lungs pulling myself closer to get a better grip with my legs. And help him fuck me harder. "Ooh Vicente. I'm gonna have your child treat me delicately." I moaned knowing I didn't want that. I just wanted to hear him tell me he loves me but he's still gonna treat me like a toy.

"Oh baby I don't think I can. I promise I will in every other way but with this I just can't." He slammed deeper as I threw my head back eye balls following. Still gripping his shoulders as my nails digged into his skin. I couldn't help the loud ass sounds just praying mamas and Delaria wouldn't wake.

"Ooh Vicente please" I moaned making him thrust harder. He was liking this. He was liking my begging him to chill. And I love that I gave him that reaction.

"Baby I'm gonna fill you." And I could tell he was as he cupped my face looking into my eyes.

"Pound me then go as hard as you can." He smiled whipping the sweat from my forehead.

"For real?" He asked seeming happy as fuck to hear those words. I rolled my eyes at his happyness just from getting to pound me.

"Of course stu-" And before I could finish that sentence he was back at it. Making me scream like an idiot.



Dom found a stupid couple test online and we're taking it. Which is kinda stupid but it passes time and he's having fun. I laid in between his legs as he laid belly down. My attention was all on the booty smacking here and there when I missed the jiggle.

"Okay number 21 what's your favorite part of my body." He asked making me chuckle as I sat up on my knees.

"Do I even got to answer." I said playfully smacking his ass hard. He gasped red as he turned back hitting my chest. I was just joking tho as I saw my actual favorite. That fucking face. It could literally tell me to rob a bank and I wouldn't think twice. It could tell me to sock some guy in the face and I wouldn't even question why. It had my whole heart and more.

"For real?" He asked pouting.

"No it's those big ass eyes and full ass lips. All pouting and shit stop before I kiss you." I huffed playfully as he giggled. Turning to put his legs to my sides as he tugged me down a bit. I smirked following him down and immediately kissing down his neck.

"I wanted a kiss on the lips horny." He tsked. I chuckled a bit getting off his neck and kissing his full ass lips. Coming back up to scolded him for calling me horny.

"Whatchu call me you little ass brat?" I gritted cupping the side of his jaws kinda rough in my grip.

"It's the truth your horny for me." I tsked at the little brat. So confident as he giggled laying all inocently under me. Acting like he isn't teasing me I let go of his jaw red.

"So what I'll get your little ass horny too?" He giggled sitting up a bit to wrap his arms around my neck.

"Do it?" He whispered into my ear. I smirked hating that I was red as fuck. I've always fought my nerves and embarrassment with other omegas. But with Dom I just fucking couldn't.

"I will" He went to his neck pinning him further as he still held onto me. "You little fucking brat." I gritted against his neck kissing and loving on the scent gland. He whimpered squirming with a moan not used to that feeling. It was a sensitive spot especially when being loved on by an alpha or omega your bonded too. And just by our time together we basically had a bond. Sex would definitely make it stronger. And I'm gonna take that virginity. I bite down at the base a trail following to that spot. He moaned immediately covering his face. "O-oh Carlo" He was adorable covering his face but I pulled his hands away. I wanted to see his face contract in pleasure and embarrassment.

"Too fucking cute" I gritted going up to his ear. He giggled all cute pushing me off to sit right. I tsked having to stop early when my boner was already growing.

"Carlo we need to talk for real?" He said a usually serious or scary sentence and giggled instead. Something I love about him he's just a fucking sunshine. "Umm well I'm a virgin you know that and your not I know that." I nodded along hoping this is gonna get good. Get to the good part were he tells me to undress him. "Well like do you want to umm take my virginity or-" I didn't even let him finish rubbing my hands together playfully. As I pulled him over making him giggle.

"Baby is that even a question." He giggled looking back at me and blushing.

"I know that but like when? How?" He was asking me to like plan it out.

"Um I don't know" I heard the kids yell contamination in the hall. "Definitely not today but we'll find a good time baby." I kissed his cheek him giggling and smiling all adorable.

"Okay well can you go check on the kids." I sighed nodding as I got up to leave. He's lucky he's so cute and about to get that virginity snatched. And yeah I'm not breaking up with him because you know I'll never find this connection again. I just hope no one says something about that stupid fucking thing of me taking his virginity and like dipping. Cause that ain't happening that's mine now.

I guess I just changed my mind.

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