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'Caught you staring'




I sat on the bed in front of the alpha. Immediately pulling at the rim of his boxers looking up at him with a bratty pout. I wanted them off already.

"Brat" He huffed pulling the fabric down and immediately jerking his own dick. I blushed immediately wanting to at least try to take over for him. I pouted holding his hand on his hard dick.

"Can I try?" I asked batting my eyes.

"Ugh pretty fucking face" He whined like it wasn't his favorite holding both my cheeks with one hand. "How about you try putting it in there?" I giggled embarrassed but still willing.

"Kay" I giggled standing up to get on my knees in front of him.



I don't like how my dick got harder watching him get on his knees in front of me. He was ready but just knowing this is my pure cute little Dom threw me off. Fuck he's so bad too tho all naked and horny. Literally asking for it. I allowed him to take my dick cold hands I tried to ignore. But I couldn't hold back my groan as he kissed the tip. Fuck why does he got to be cute like that? He giggled finally stuffing himself with it. I groaned at first putting my head on his forehead to pull back. He was a little rough scraping me with his teeth. He better be careful with them braces I ain't trying to have a chipped dick.

"Baby be careful with the teeth okay. Just open your mouth wider." He looked up blushing as he nodded. Going back down with more focus and determination. It was adorable and felt really good. I couldn't help but add more force to his mouth holding the back of his head. He shut his eyes cutely gagging a bit. That's when I decided I was being to rough. "Come here baby" I pulled him up as he separated from my dick. I kinda sat him on the bed deciding it's his turn. "Look I never gave head before so I don't want to hear no shit talk." He giggled at that.

"Was I good?" He asked shyly making me smirk at his freaky ass.

"Fuck yeah you were so my turn I guess." I chuckled kinda nervous getting in front of him on my knees. He spread his leg a bit up covering his face cutely embarrassed. I smiled at that stroking his dick a bit before gathering the strength to go down. I went slow loving how he immediately reacted throwing his head back. Using the poll to the end of the bed frame to keep himself up as he moaned. Fuck that was adorable I thought wanting him to react more. I picked up the pace loving how he just let the sounds out finding no need to hide.

"Oh Carlo agh" He tried to keep himself up right grabbing my shoulder. That sound drove me crazy as my dick twitch almost in pain from not being touched. I kept my paced up trying to ignore my dick. Deciding if I focus more on Dom I should kinda forget about it. And I did as he screamed loudly moving his hand in front of his mouth shyly. He didn't do it to hide his sound I know that because he was just as loud. It only got louder as I decided to suffocat myself. I ended up gagging as I went fully down him screaming at the top of his lungs as I held myself there. "Ooh Carlo" He moaned making my throat pain all the worth it. But we're disturbed by a knock on my door. I immediately pulled off as he covered himself. We're both panicked and embarrassment as my dad spoke.

"Umm where home boys we're, the kids are here so let's not do anything like that." I turned red at my dad's words on the other side of the door.

"Fuck" I groaned deciding I had to answer. "Um okay dad" I called to him and he immediately hummed leaving. We sat in silence for a bit. The only thing left is our heavy breathing from our recent activity. Still in shock and embarrassed. Until the faintest little giggles filled the room. They only got louder as I looked up at Dom his lower body wrapped cutely in my big blanket. He looked so cute so I climbed on to the bed with him. As he immediately wrapped my neck I tried to take the blanket off his waist. I just wanted one look but he held tightly gasping dramatically.

"Did you not just hear him Carlo? I'm not doing anything with you nasty especially while you're siblings are home." He giggled standing to put some of my boxers on. I looked down at my still rock hard dick then back at the cutie. Maybe one day I'll finally get to nut.



We walked to the daycare to pick up the kids after school. My mom was getting a little better so Delaria and Fatima where home. So just my siblings. We walked hand in hand him leaning on my shoulder cutely. I was ready for the last days of school. I'll probably stop going after they confirmed I passed. It's so much easier to watching the kids when I don't go to school and they do. The year after me and Xan got together I was gonna drop out to be able to work more and watch the kids better. But of course my baby didn't let me with his bossy ass. I chuckled at that memory as we made it to the daycare. Going into the parent entrance at the side of the building.

"Oww Vicente, Xanthon where's the baby girls? They didn't come to class." Ms. A pouted. She was really kind and always treated us and the kids kindly.



"They stayed home with my mom. She felt good today" She nodded along. To his words it was always weird how Vicente explained his mom's condition like a sickness. But it was probably because he grew up with her doing so. I just don't get how she could just sit there while her son struggles to take care of her children. And grand babies.

"That's great sweet heart, let me go get your siblings." We nodded to her smiling as she walked off.

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