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'Um that's mine'



Dylan texted me and texted me calling over and over. I couldn't answer explaining to my parents why I got expelled. Why I fought Dante and why I snook Dylan and Ivan out of school. My parents where already mad so I just texted him real quick that I'm busy. But it only made him texted more. Fuck it's even worse now that he's pregnant. He's such a attention whore but he's my attention whore.

mama♡: busy? Tf I'm holding ur child u ain't busy enough to talk to me

Me: damn you be on some other shit for my attention
Me: chill your ass out or when I get there I'mma fuck that ass up

mama♡: you gonna fuck my shit up no matter what give me my fucking attention bitch

Damn he's really talking crazy.

Me: you calm your little ass down you can still get that soft ass slapped pregnant
Me: I'll be back in a bit tell me what you want to eat mean ass

mama♡: for real daddy

Little nigga acting soft now.

Me: yes baby what ur pregnant ass want

mama♡: I want a burger with bacon onion fries and one of those apple pies from McDonald's I've never tried it
mama♡: and coke cola

That sounded good as fuck and I wasn't even pregnant. But I know his ass doesn't like onion rings.

Me: onion rings??

mama♡: I don't know why they just came to mind get yourself fries in case I don't like them plsss 🥺💞

Me: k bratty ass

mama♡: thanks daddy lmk when you're on your way

I texted him back a heart putting the phone away. Luckly that's when my dad and mom finally got back.

"So tell us what's going on Travis?" My mom stomped over arms cross. "Did you not take the meds? Have you been having anger out breaks?" I shock my head at both. Dylan actually has been reminding me to. "Then what is it Travis? Why are you acting out?"

"Mom dad Dylan" I sighed looking down as they both gave me they're attention. "He's um pregnant." I heard my mom gasped dad seemingly having no reaction till I looked up. His eyes where wide as my mom reached for his arm.

"Dylan?" They both asked.



I answered Travis call.

"Hey bro tryna chill?" I was bored as fuck and my dad was pissed. He just needed one more shot till he was angry enough to sock me in the face.

"Yeah for sure. I just told my parents about me and Dylan having a baby." I chuckled nervously at that. His parents love him they'll forgive him for sure and definitely be there for him. But they don't really like Dylan and I think that's what worried him the most.

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