
68 3 15

'My Boo'



Giancarlo showed Dom hella love. Usually he would be very hands off you know. Hold they're hands and kiss them a bit. A hug before splitting to class. But he went all out with Dom. From telling him he's perfect to literally holding him on his waist. Maybe he just felt a sort of power with Dom he truly knew his intentions and love are pure. But I could see he'd get a little embarrassed or insecure about us seeing him like this. He wants to love Dom and he is but he could do more he's just scared. Or maybe I'm wrong who knows I'm high.

"It's good baby thanks" Giancarlo kissed his cheek as he sat with a drink for him and GC. Hugo nodded cheeks full but I couldn't judge the food is good as fuck and i'mma about to stuff mine too.

"Yeah Dom your the best" I complemented getting a spoon full. Hugo nodded as he swallowed.

"Yeah it's delicious Dom" Sara agreed.

"Sooo good" Hugo said cheeks still stuffed. Carlo mugged him for his manners. Giancarlo's a strict older brother but I think his siblings love him.

"Boy swallow the food that's disrespectful as fuck." He nodded doing so with a blush. They listen to him good too.

"Sorry" He whispered embarrassed.

"It's okay baby I'm glad everyone likes it thanks." Dom said back sweetly. They really are the cutest family. I kinda wish mine was like this but my big brothers hate me. And so does my parents.



Dylan called crying saying we need to talk at school. Who ever made him cry is really about to see his end. I walked into the boys restroom going to the omega side I lock the door.

"Dylan! I'm here!" A door immediately opened him running to me. I held the small omega who dressed in a hoodie and black sweats. Not usually his style since he's on the cheer team. I immediately picked the omega up taking him over to the sink and sitting him on it.

"I'm sorry Travis I know you love me and I love you too I promise." He cried into me holding my shirt tightly. I nodded not understanding but listening.

"I know baby what's wrong?" I whipped his eyes but he kinda pushed me back.

"I'm a liar I'm sorry." He hiccuped a bit. "I mean you can't even get an adoration in Texas it's just I've kept a lot from you. And and I can't be a single mom if you leave me for it." My heart literally stopped. So I am having a baby? I thought pulling him closer my head on his shoulder.

"No baby it's okay. We'll get through it for the baby fuck my feelings that's all that matters." He sniffled.

"It's just I'm sure" He paused for a sniffle again. " The baby's not.. yours. It's Dante's" I pulled away. "He knotted me and I was drunk in heat babe I hate him I love you you know that." He pleaded with me. Dante's baby? MY omegas having Dante's baby?! I let the omega go. "Travis you promise!" He cried reaching out for me again I pulled a bit back.

"I'm not leaving you I'm just gonna go beat that niggas ass." I said without thinking. Of course he'd try to stop me climbing down as I unlocked the door. Making my way to Mrs. Cornels Ivan's homeroom. Where he mentioned making milk bombs like a child with Dante. As soon as I got in there all eyes on me.

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