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'I'd never let you fall'



I loved watching Xan cheer baby stroller in front of him as I simply just practiced. It was half time and I was going to him for a kiss getting water first.

"Look the soccer team" Malachi pointed as they walked over for water too. I honestly didn't have a problem with them. But they got all the bitches so of course the other guys felt a bit threatened. Especially by Ernesto Santiago Montoya. Every omega wanted him. He's a gentlemen, he's got a job and he's fucking hot. But I think he's dating an omega or something. I heard some kind of gossip about it. The omega's where jealous as fuck. As soon as they came to the drinking stand the omega's followed. And it only made the team hate them more. Me I couldn't give two fucks. With my baby on the bleachers literally caring for my nieces like a mother. I dabbed Ernesto up as he came.

"Wassup" I greeted

"Nothing just kicking ass. How about y'all? Did you make it to finals?" That only made the team steam more in embarrassment because we didn't. That's why the coach is forcing us to practice even though we don't have games.

"Nah dude we didn't." I hissed

"We almost did though and we're coming for the championships next year." Max said stepping up offended.

"Well good luck we-" He was cut off by an annoying voice grabbing his arm.

"Ernie is practice over you should come to mine." She twirled her hair around. Her names Wendy Finnash considered the prettiest omega since Myles got pregnant. A well known omega last semester. But to me Xan's always been the cutest, prettiest most perfect. He kinda chuckled nervously pulling away.

"Nah i got my boyfriend waiting for me. We got couple shit to do you know." He quickly walked away. He was a sweet but nervous guy clearly loyal.

"Vicente you want to come I got some Malibu." I rolled my eyes. You see I'm not as sweet as Ernesto.

"You just like mother fuckers in relationships huh." I scoffled making the guys laugh as I walked over to my wife and nieces. Amelia and Eddie most likely playing at the park across the street. I kissed his lips immediately needing that boosted in energy.

"Say hi" He raised Delaria up who giggled immediately wanting me. I picked her up showering the toddler in kisses.

"Hi princess having fun." She nodded pushing me away a bit.

"Yeah Xan get me ice ceam toe yummy." I hummed at the thought.

"Can I have some?" She immediately nodded wanting me to put her down as she went to Xan.

"Pass me da ice ceam pease." Xan nodded passing her the vanilla cone. Believe it or not I didn't teach those kids to say please. Xan did I had those kids bad as fuck. Candelaria literally cussing at people but you know Xan's responsible bossy ass. He got us all in check. I honestly just let her slide because I thought it was funny and cute. But Xan's right it's better for the long run. Plus if we're gonna have kids it's better to have they're cousins be well behaved. I sat next to Xan as the toddler jumped on my lap feeding me.

"Ramirez back on the field now! What do you think this is a daycare?!" I rolled my eyes at the coach. Taking one good bite as I put Cande down on her feet. She stomped on the metal bench crying.

"Daddy don't leave!" She screamed confusing me if she was talking about me or not. She's never called me dad. I didn't even know she knew what that meant. "Stay wit me and mommy!" She cried breaking my heart as she whipped at her eyes. For a second me and Xan looked to each other shocked. Before I took my baby niece in my arms. Him standing along to rub her back.

"Ramirez just go home." The coach waved me off. I didn't waste anytime walking over with Delaria still in arms to get my bag. The team watched confused. They knew I didn't have any children but they didn't know I watched my niece's like my daughter. She is my daughter actually. I walked back over to Xan taking the diaper bag from him and kissing his lips.

"Let's go?" He nodded.

"The kids are at the park. I didn't want to leave them but they would've been bored. I told them to stay at the close play ground tho." I nodded along to Xan's words trusting and knowing he handled everything responsibly. Taking his hand as we walked to the cross walk. I couldn't help but feel everyones eyes on us. Judging the way our family was.



I had art with Maya, Cia, Giancarlo and his cute ass boyfriend Dom. But Dom and Carlo were late as always probably making out or some shit.

"Did you hear what happened yesterday at the practice field?" Cia asked.

"What?" Me and Maya asked in unison loving the drama. We both giggled at that waiting for Cia.

"You know Vicente Ramirez well I guess him and that omega he's with where like there and the kid that their always with call him dad. Now everyone's saying how fucked up they're family is because I guess Vicente had her with someone else or something. And she was like older." I immediately shock my head knowing that's all gossip.

"No that's his baby nieces. They're mom's a dead beat so of course he'd take care of them." I rolled my eyes at the judgment. Just because they didn't have to go through that kinda stress and loss. They wouldn't make stuff up if they did.

"Oh" Is all she had to say. "I'm just saying what I heard you know." I rolled my eyes nodding.

"Well you're wrong. They do care for her that's probably why she calls him that but it ain't nothing shady. And it shouldn't be gossiped about that's they're struggle." Both girls were quite and stayed that way even when Dom finally got his ass to class. I immediately greeted the adorable omega standing to hug him.

"Oow you look cute whatchu tryna do?" Dom said separating us to look me up and down. I did a quick twirl for him.

"Nothing boo you know me just gotta look cute for the haters." He giggled along with my stupid ass.

"Damn you annoying" Giancarlo's moody ass gritted.

"He's in a mood" Dom said clearing up his man's attitude. I just rolled my eyes knowing he stayed at the mood for anyone but Dom.

"Come here and maybe I won't be." He tsked waving Dom over. Dom giggled walking over to his man's lap right away. Giancarlo's mood immediately perking up. Fucking horny ass.

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