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'New friends'



Me and Dom agreed to watch baby Marion while his mother and my boyfriend worked. He wanted his friend to study with us since he wasn't doing well in classes or something.

"What's his name?" Dom asked picking up the baby from his stroller. Marion immediately took a liking to him making me jealous. Mari's my little buddy I'm his favorite. He naps with me, let's me watch him. And we share all my snacks together. But here he goes giving into Dom's effortless charms and beauty. I pouted at the sight wanting my baby back. "C-can I tell you something?" He whispered looking over at me from the baby. I nodded curious on his clear gossip as he turned Marion to look at me. Immediately reaching for me see I'm his favorite person. "I I think I'm pregnant." I gasped looking up at my kinda rival/friend.

"Oh my God bitch say your joking." He began to laugh making me shake my head as I smiled too.

"I mean he knotted me so like I gotta be pregnant right. Then I'll get my own miniature cutie." He said pinching Mari's cheek who looked back at him curiously. "And my baby will look like a mini Giancarlo grumpy just like his daddy."

"What coke are you sniffing?" I said jokingly making him laugh. "But like for real congratulations, baby's are you know a gift. They can make stuff tough but they bring a lot of love and happiness. And even good people to you just always love them." He nodded along getting teary eyed. Fucking pregnant ass bitch crying on my burger. He's lucky he's such a cutie and my friend. Ernesto saw him in distress as I rubbed his back. Going around the table with Marion in arm. Ernesto came over sitting across from us.

"Hey what's wrong Dom? Are you guys okay?" Dom looked up smiling adorable with his wet long eyelashes.

"I'm pregnant Ernie I'm gonna be a mom." Ernie immediately smiled at that.

"Congratulations" They both stood going around the table to hug. "So you and Giancarlo want a girl or boy?" Dom thought on it a bit.

"I want a boy who looks just like his daddy." I smiled walking over to hug him too. Ugh my friends so cute I can't wait to be his child's favorite too.

"Heyy what's going on?" Felipe the cheerleader friend Dom asked over asked. Some guy walking up besides him.

"Well Giancarlo kinda knotted me s-"

"Oh my God bitch your pregnant." Felipe went around the table hugging him. "Stupid" He hit his head a bit before going back to hugging him. Making Dom pout but still hug back.



Maybe I shouldn't have told nobody yet but I'm just so excited. And I'm pregnant I know it. I could practically feel my body telling me that. Giancarlo stupid ass is excited since he planted the seed. Felipe was telling us he wanted a baby too.

"Zackery you should knot me too." Felipe whined becoming frustrated with the baby talk and actual baby. Marion was literally living his best life with all his mom's omega friends watching him. I was shocked by what Felipe said are they sleeping together?

"Y'all are fucking?" I asked they blushed.

"Fuck yeah that's my best friend no one else can hit it." Felipe blushed at Zackery's words turning to hit him with one arm. Still holding baby Marion.

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