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'My serenity'


My baby walked into the shop all bad. He walked like he owned the place immediately coming to the back and making eye contact with me.

"I had to go shopping with Dom and he kept calling me weird and short." He pouted arms cross like the cute little brat he is. I awwed walking over to my lover pinching his adorable cheeks. He swatted me away brutally but I just laughed cupping his waist. "Kiss me" He whispered blushing. We both weren't used to our relationship not being platonic. Red and flustered but still really wanting that kiss as I moved in. We kissed for a bit only my dads voice stopping us.

"Uhum Ernesto" I looked up Marvin doing the opposite and hiding his face. My dad was clearly surprised waving me to the back. "Come talk to me real quick a-about business." I know it's not about business. I nod following his lead.

"I'll be right back" I told Marvin who nodded still looking away flustered.

"What is going on are you two.. together?" He whispered the last word. I nodded with a chuckle I didn't expect him to react like that. He loves Marvin and he knows we like each other. "Oh dear I'm so fucking stupid for letting you spend the night at that poor boys house." My mouth and eyes agaped in surprise. He really thinks I tried something. I respect Marvin I'm gonna wait till he's comfortable telling me he's horny and shit. Because I want us to have good sex loving sex. Something we both can enjoy to the fullest.

"Dad stop whatever you're thinking we're virgins still. I'm waiting till he wants to talk about it." My dad sighed.

"Okay because that kids good I don't want you ruining his future." My mouth agaped again. He just thinks I'm all types of bad and now that I would get him pregnant too. I mean yeah I probably would nah I will but it will be in the future. That's for sure.

"For real dad" I said making him chuckle a bit shaking his head.

"Just take care of him okay or I'll beat your ass." I chuckled at that nodding. I'm happy he'll beat my ass if I fuck up. Just shows me that I'm with the right one.

"Well come say hi to him." I pulled him along to the kitchen area. "Baby dad knows we're together." I said not able to control my smile as I pulled his arms out of his embarrassed face.

"H-hi papa umm is it good I'm with your son?" Dad immediately hugged the omega who hugged back surprised clearly at first. I was too honestly.

"Of course mijo but if this guy gives you any trouble tell me." He pointed at me pulling away. I rolled my eyes still smiling but loving how Marvin hid his face adorably in his long sleeves. A smile so bright the fabric couldn't make it shine any less. "I'll kick his little ass okay." He patted Marvin's head just showing off his tiny stature more as he nodded cutely.

"Okay I will" He said giggling.

"Remember I'm your dad too" Marvin nodded along.



Yes his family loves me. Because they know I'm good for him and would never hurt him. Plus they're more of parents to me then my own. My parents are pretty rich but they don't come home much. Of course they have a lot of trust in me. They know I'm mature and maintain the house. But it's very lonely. All I got is Ernie and my fat goldfish Gige. I've had him since I was 13. It was my dad's only day off in awhile and he didn't want to do anything. He kinda forgot it was my birthday as a whole and I didn't want to tell him. Because he needed his sleep. I told Ernie he was gonna spend time with me too so I was lonely all day. Till 12pm when Ernie finally visited me. He waited all day for me to finish spending time 'with' my dad to come over. And I was so happy when he gave me my first pet. I made my dad order me all the goldfish things since we had him in a glass vase at first. That was the day I noticed Ernie was gonna always be there for me. Even when I don't call him. He just knows me he's MY alpha. And I guess that's why I got so jealous with Felipe. I mean I've never watched someone flirt with him. I've heard and of course it makes me uncomfortable but that was in front of me. I felt fucking heart broken. But in the end he's mine of course. Papa made me fries my favorite especially from him. As me and Ernie continued to make pizzas and other orders. I mostly did ice creams and other sweets. While he handled grill stuff like burgers and oven stuff like pizzas. He's so good at his job it makes me kinda of horny. But of course Ernie doesn't see me as a horny person you know. He sees me as perfect and graceful. I don't want to ruin that but I also am kinda hoping he'll take my virginity. I mean I've dreamt about it and there's no way he hasn't. But how could I get him to see me as an actual sexual being.

"How was your day baby? You didn't have fun with Dom?" He asked cupping my waist and kissing my cheek.

"I did actually but he was bullying me too. But I think we're friends now too." I smiled nodding at that thought.

"That's good baby I'm happy." He smiled adorably kissing my cheek as he held me tighter. I squirmed a bit in his arms just being a brat even though I loved the warmth.

"We're gonna chill this week." I told him as he loosened his grip a bit. "To like keep his grades up and go to this burger place. He said they got good ass strawberry milkshakes and if they don't I'mma kill him." I'm kinda addicted to strawberry milkshakes honestly.

"Do you want one right now? I forced my dad to get us one." He rubbed his hands together proudly as he separated us walking to the machine. I skipped a long licking my lips like a fat ass. Fuck you I love strawberry milkshakes.

"Hah he begged there was no forcing." His dad came in with the deliciousests goldenest fattest most perfect fries in the galaxy. I skipped over to his dad.

"Yeah get it right Ernie" I rolled my eyes playfully being a brat as I took a frie. Mr. Montoya smiled patting my head at my agreement. Ernie pouting with his big ass lips as he made me a shake.

"I did it for you bratty ass." He said pouting as he brang over my drink. I smiled taking it loving I get to be a brat in his presence.

"Don't be so proud boy that's what you're supposed to be doing." I nodded along to papa's words nodding as I chewed my straw. Ernie just pouting as he took one of my fries dipping in the milkshake.

"Yeah" I agreed all bratty again.

"Your a brat" Ernie whined grabbing on my waist to hug me. I giggled immediately allowing him to embrace me. The bell rang and he was about to release me making me pout. Untill his dad went to the counter instead. Him immediately making his grip tighter till papa got us back to work.

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