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'him and I'



Gus immediately ditched me for some slut ass cheerleaders so I was down. Till I found a Henne and Zoey one of my favorite.. 'make out buddy's'. Yeah I'll call it that. She loved getting drunk I do too. So we'd take shot's then sleep together even though we both had an understanding we liked someone else. I didn't mean to tell her about my crush and how much it was killing me. I didn't even tell her who it was I was crushing for. I was drunk and we're in a very deep conversation about being unlovable. We're both very hot how is it that we both feel unlovable over some guys. But it helped as a stress reliever to talk to her sometimes. Since she kinda understood me.

"Zozo" I said semi drunk hugging her.

"Vanny" She had fireball on her breath I had Hennessy. So it didn't take long for us to go upstairs. "Vanny" She moaned into the kiss as I moved down her neck. We didn't even make it to the bed. Her sitting on a dresser as we made out pretty rough must've been a bad day for her too. I guess we both need each other right now. "Vanny your so.." She wasn't able to finish and I didn't want her to. As I suck a huge hickey just adove her right boob. "Van I.. I love you Van." Was it wrong I immediately jumped back. I felt bad seeing the marks she let me put and the sadness that seemed to cloud her eyes. She jumped down from the dresser seeing my shock fixing her shoulder strap. "Van you and me both know we spend more time loving each other then the crushes we originally came into this having. Please Van you know I get you. I understand I can love you the way you want to be love. The way we both do." My stomach turned the alcohol finally getting to me as I ran out the room. Thankful the bathroom was nextdoor as I released my guts in the skin. Not able to make it to the restroom toilet. It splash a bite grossing me out as I turned the skin on to drain it. Dropping to my knees in front of the bathtub. I threw up until it became clear showing my stomach was finally empty. I stood turning the bath water on. Fuck now I got to clean this. I'd rather that then everyone know I threw up. I whipped everything down with small random towel rag throwing it in the trash after. Then gargling some of the shower head water to get the puck out of my mouth. After I cleaned up a bit myself and the restroom I went back to the room. But Zoey was already gone and I regretted my pitiful reaction to her confession. Even though if I didn't I'd be in a relationship I wasn't wholeheartedly in. I decided to text Travis kinda hoping he wasn't drunk yet and could help me get home. He texted back almost immediately.

Travis: Kay I got you where you at??

Me: the room at the end of the hall

Travis: K omw

I smiled at the text sitting at the end of the bed. My drunk mind contemplating my actions.



Once I walked in I saw Ivan half asleep sitting in front of the bed balled up. Maybe he didn't have a good time or something. I walked over to him lifting his head. Seeing a puke stain on his shirt I shake my head. He's just waisted.

"Let me get you a shirt." I say with a sigh as I stood going to Jose's closet. I picked out a awesome demon slayer shirt shoving it in my pocket and taking a black t out for him. "Here change" He nodded get up but as he almost tumbled to the ground I had to act fast. Grabbing his arm pulling him up then his other hand. He laughed at his almost accident.

"Thanks Travis your so cool dude. I knew you'd come to save me bro." He slurred throwing himself on me for a hug. I blushed hugging my best friend back.

"Yeah dude of course." I whispered small kinda shy. He let go letting himself fall onto the bed on back of him. Then changing his shirt.

"Okay let's go" He demanded standing waddle really wanting to leave. I sighed going to his side making sure he didn't fall. "Thanks" He said with an embarrassed chuckle. Holding the belt ring of my pants as we walked out. I saw Gus deciding to tell him I'm taking Ivan.

"Dude me and Ivan are gonna dip okay!" I yelled over the loudness. He didn't even look our way giving me a thumbs up as he continued talking to Maya. We walked out Ivan still holding my pants. Once the music and loudness of the party were gone we're able to talk.

"He doesn't even give a fuck." Ivan said tearing up. I looked back at him confused to who he was talking about.

"Who?" I asked. Was it the person who left him alone in that room.

"Nothing nevermind" He shock his head laying it on my shoulder. "All that matters is my hero came." He joked making me blush knowing he was talking about me.

"Van!! Travis!" I looked up seeing Zachary and the two couples. Ivan tried to stand on his own not liking appearing weak. But ultimately a needing at least some of my balance to keep himself upright. Zach ran to us. And I dabbed him up. "Wassup y'all already fucked?" I nodded.

"Yeah so we're just tryna go home and play videogames." I explained.

"And pizza?" Ivan asked excitedly and how could I say no. I nodded my head with an eye roll. If it was anyone else I wouldn't have a problem saying no.

"Damn well we're about to get faded." He pointed back to the two couples. Dom and Xanthon dressed more provocatively then usually turning me red. They finally caught up to us Dominenico clearly already a little more faded then the rest. On Giancarlo's back giggling and playfully messing with GC's hair.

"Aww but you'd look handsome with your hair all fancy and done." Dom complemented him pushing the hair to the side. Carlo turned red seeing us all laughing at his softness for Dom.

"Stop babee" He whined hitting his hands away a little. Dom whimpered laying his face on Giancarlo's back who groaned probably hating seeing the omega sad. "Fine you can play with it." The omega cheered messing with the mean guys hair. Ivan tugged on my sleeve.

"Bruuuuh let's go before Zontero's closes." He whined a bit making roll my eyes. As I once again immediately gave into the alpha. "Byee" He said pulling passed them. As I just waved Zachary and Dom the only ones waving back.

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