
82 3 14

'Young, in love and horny'



Gustavo's parents left for the week and since they've been so strict with him they decided to loosen up. Which of course is a horrible idea but they don't really know they're son all that good. We pregamed for the party as it was just Gus, Me, Ivan and Jose. Xan's gonna drop Dom off after he gets him ready or whatever. Because of course Dom's cute ass didn't have a bathing suit. He only had those school one's that cover your whole body. Which I thought he looked sexy as fuck in but Xan thought it wasn't fashionable or whatever the fuck. I just hope he doesn't have my omega walk all up in here looking to cute. I swear to God if my omega show's up half naked I'm gonna go crazy. Lil ass Dom won't be swimming if he wears something like that.



"Oh my God it's too sexy Xan he'll kill me." I squealed pulling close the long stringy sweater closed. It was long and neated cute but hardly covered the slutty bathing suit Xan choose for me. Xan chuckled mischievously.

"I know right you'll definitely loose your virginity now." I blushed punching at my best friend's shoulder a bit. He pouted going oww adorably and I almost felt bad till he punched me back harder. It was my turn to oww rubbing the shoulder.

"You said you wanted to get laid I'm just trying to help." He rolled his eyes pouting playfully. I smiled giggling a bit as I rolled my eyes. The sound of him laughing at me because he knew he was right only made me laugh more. I pushed him playfully and he pushed back as I clinged to him. Not letting him push me away. "You know you look good slut." He said playfully turning me around to look at myself again. I did look cute but it was showing to much with my nipples out. I cover my chest a bit and he knew exactly what to do. "I'll get you a cute shirt to swim in. But just know it's gonna be tiny. I only wear crop tops when Vicente's in a specific mood." I gagged at that making him mug. "I don't gag when you tell me about Giancarlo's slimmy tongue." I gasped trying not to laugh. Because I know he was talking about how Giancarlo can literally make out for hours and not get tired.

"Shut up it's not as bad as Vicente suffocating you in his sleep." He smiled gasping.

"Well at least he doesn't snore." I kinda laughed snorting a bit. I blushed as he looked at me shocked probably about to bully me. "You guys both snort like piggys." I laugh with him. He's funny but mean and I can't defend myself because he keeps making me laugh.

"Your a bully" I whined sitting on his bed. My side hurt from laughing too much as I threw myself back in his bed. He went to his closet finally getting me a shirt. He came back with a small crop two dragons on each side.

"I have like five of these shirts so you can have this." I ohhed taking the cute shirt. I took the sweater off putting the crop top on as Xan sat next to me.

"Oww we should match one day." I cheered he nodded.

"Yeah before I get all fat and pregnant." He laughed a bit and I kinda didn't know how to react. I don't know why but recently I just such bad baby fever. Everytime I take care of Giancarlo's siblings with him or when Xan talks about him starting a family. I did some research and it's actually very normal even in omega's my age to suddenly have that pheromone change. Especially since I'm experiencing a lot of new things having a boyfriend and all. I know I should ignore it but I'd be such a great mother. Ugh but I know it's stupid so I'm just trying not to think about that. I mean I haven't even told Giancarlo I've been thinking like that.

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