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'You have my heart'




I wonder how Zack is in bed. How many people has he been with? I want to be his best. But at the same time I know I'm just needy for his attention. He's just the first alpha I could ever see me having a real future with. He would treat me like a wife not some side piece or bitch. We could get married and I'd have his kids. Is that just my omega talking? Or is Zackery really my ideal husband? I just know I want him to love me. I sat up on the bed as the door opened tucking my boner inbetween my thighs.

"Zackery" I bite my lips standing to go over to him. He immediately kissed me deep and passionately. Loving the scent of me in his clothes.

"You look adorable all messy hair." One of his hands ruffled my hair making me blush. He grabbed my waist and my arms wrapped his neck. As he picked me up taking us to the bed. He just had boxers on and already I was surprised by the print. I hugged him loving the feeling of being intimate with the alpha I feel safest with. As soon as we hit the bed he bite and sucked on my exposed collar. Making me giggle as I fought a moan.

"Zackery you make me feel so good." I whispered into his ear then kissing his lips. He gulped going back as I batted my eyes. Smirking he went back to loving me. He lifted the shirt making me blush as my naked bottom half was exposed.

"You're only wearing the shirt?" He was shocked I was fully naked under his shirt. I nodded blushing as he shock his head smirking. "You should just take it off." I nodded blushing but not backing down as I allowed him to settle. Standing over him to fully expose myself to him. He became dazed for a bit making me blush as I covered myself on his chest. He pulled my hands away playfully and forceful. Making me laugh as I surrender to him allowing him to see me.

"You now, take them off I want to see your big dick." I'm sure it's big because his print is huge. It's just gotta be bigger outside the package. He blushed at my bluntness standing to lay my naked ass out. Standing at my feet at the edge of the bed he stripped slowly. I bite my lip at his throbbing boner it was huge. The biggest I've ever seen, what if I can't take it to his liking? I got on my knees spreading my legs another not to crush my dick. I reached over feeling my best friends hard veiny penis.

"Do you want to try putting it in your mouth?" I blushed at his question nodding as I slowly leaned forward. I know he's just telling me what he wants but still I wanted to try. I picked it up making him hiss as I slowly lowered it onto my tongue. Watching his head throw back as I suck in slowly. Taking it out making him immediately want me to put it back. I did just that moan on his dick as I took it out. I was sad I couldn't put it all in my mouth I'm usually really good at this thing. He was just surprisingly and amazingly big. I forced myself as down as possible gagging and tearing like never before. I love looking up at him as he basked in the feeling of me on his dick. "Felipe fuck your just the most perfect thing in the world." I giggled at that pulling off his dick. It gave me motivation to hit him deeper. I want him to cum good and hard in my mouth I want him to enjoy it better than any other head he'll ever get in his life. I moaned just at the thought of him loving it more than any other omega's. I want him to love me more than any other bitch that will ever give him sexual pleasure. "Fuuck Felipe" He threw his head back enjoying my tongue technology. I used my lips my tongue my everything to make him cum. He was done holding my head in place as he released inside my mouth. The trick was to breath through your nose but I was so in shock by his load I completely stopped breathing. As he released me letting me fall back. "Fuck I'm so sorry love" He pulled me up immediately picking me up. Throwing me on the bed. "What do you want to do now?" I blushed at that question, well I guess now he should prepare me for his big dick. I nuzzled against his scent gland wanting him hard and horny.

"Prepare me for your dick Zacky. I want to take you" I said innocently as I did the most uninnocent pose. Lefting my legs so he could see my entrance. He gulped as I leaned up on my elbows coming out of his nervous he grabs my waist. Making me lose balance falling with a gasp as he began to prepare me. Fingers and tongue working together I lost it moaning for. "Zackery ooh Zackery"



I lowered him onto my dick as he clinged to me exhausted. I guess I was a little rough preparing him getting him to cum too. He held me like a koala bear it made it super easy to keep him in place as I pumped in his guts. Each scream made him hold tighter and scream louder. Me and my alpha felt insanely good with the omega both admitting in that moment to being in love.

"A-alpha do you love me?" He asked as if reading my mind. I blushed looking into the puffy tear filled as calming my hits to his insides. One hand leaving his waist to cup his face I spoke to him softly.

"Omega I love you more than I'll ever love any other omega." He began to cry making me come to a complete stop as I laid him down.  "What's wrong baby?" I asked worried. He jumped on me hugging me and squealing.

"I'm just really happy you love me over everyone else." I chuckled flustered.

"So much you cried?" He nodded climbing back on me.

"I want you to keep going alpha, you can finish inside me." I blushed at that nodding as I held his waist again. Pinning him as he went back to moaning under me. He looked angelic even when doing something not so holy.

I cam inside him making as both finally lose strength. Hovering above him as we breath in our combined pheromones. Yeah this isn't holy at all.



We shared a milkshake ice cream thingy on his bed. Both only in our boxers as we watched some weird YouTube video.

"You got some right there." I raised my eyebrow looking up at him. He's been doing this all morning for kisses. But I did want a kiss too I blushed grabbing the bowl. He pouted thinking I was taking it but I put it to the side. Leaping forward to kinda tackle him. He kinda grabbed my body pinning me back on the bed. As I used my hands to pull his head down to kiss him.

"I didn't want to fight just kiss." I said between pecks making him sit up. Pulling me into his lap as he felt me up. If he keeps touching me like that I just might have to get naked again. I giggled at my stupid pervy self.

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