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'love problems'



I wrapped my hand around little Dom's waist. Suggestively to anyone else but little Dom. He thought I was just clingy or romantic but I kinda just want to get his pants off. He's cute for that. He's cute for everything. In a omega way of course. That's how omega's are supposed to be cute. But there was just something about him that made me want to do everything with him. Go through everything with him. Be around him forever but it was just because the way his omega made my alpha feel. He just made everything easier. Nothing else if I wanted to I could drop him in a second. I know I can..



Me and Marvin sat in a booth eating pizza. Half pineapple and ham, half three meats since whole toppings is boring. I picked up a pineapple taking a big bite as it stuffed my mouth.

"It just makes me mad cause I know Dominenico he's very organize. I literally have to prepare my papers just to beat him usually but recently... He's just been such a slacker. Like I don't even know if he'll have the book report for Ms. Smithen class tomorrow." I nodded along taking another bite of the pizza. It was cute how caring Marv is even if he is bad at showing it or understanding his own emotions. "I just want to winfairly you know. I'm not gonna have a cheap win cause my rival is going through his rebel phase over some asshole who's probably just using him. Plus I know Dom can find a way more intelligent and loving guy. Giancarlo just seems like a fucking dick head." I nod along to his words trying to listen but the pizza is just so good. "I mean he doesn't even walk him to class on time. Plus didn't he have three girlfriends and like a baby mama last semester. Ugh how could Dom do this to himself?" He groaned rubbing his forehead. "He's so much smarter then that." I nod understanding. I hope Giancarlo doesn't hurt Dominenico that would just make Marvin so angry. And no one wants to see him angry.

"Your sweet baby but I don't think you should be stressing about that. Come on eat I know you didn't eat breakfast." He blushes at baby me to even though I try to fight it. I was trying to get us both used to the sweet talk honestly. Since I want to ask him out so we can spend the summer together. I mean we always do but as a couple. He nodded shyly picking up a pizza of three meats.

"Hey Ernie." Me and Marv both look to the side of our table seeing Felipe. Fuck I mean Felipe is cool and all but I don't want Marvin to meet him. Not because I like him too or anything but because he likes me. I don't want Marv to think I'm messing with anyone. I really want him to know all my love goes to him.

"Hi Felipe this is Marvin my best friend." If I do it wrong he'll get mad. Once I introduced him as my friend and he got all sad saying 'I thought we're best friends.' Then another time I introduced him as my best friend to this cheerleader who liked me and he got mad. He wouldn't talk to me or tell me what I did wrong. Sometimes I really just don't know what we are.

"We're in the middle of a conversation." He said putting the pizza down as he sat up crossing his arms. I nod not liking the sour omega pheromones going around now.

"Well I'm sure it wasn't that important." He smiled in Marv's face making him glare as he turns his attention to me. No Felipe don't make my Marvin mad your ruining everything. Fuck how do I tell him to leave without sounding like a complete dick. "Anyway congrats on the game this week your playing Ramley right." I nod but I knew I had to tell him to leave since he already made my best friend mad.

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