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'I'm so in love'



Marvin and me hugged at the doorway seemingly never letting go. He huffed letting himself fall from his tippy toes and untangling his arms from my neck.

"I guess you got to go." He said making me pout as I bring him back for a hug. Having to hunch a bit to match his size. "Stay with me" He whispered me immediately nodding as I walked our bodies back in. I honestly don't want to leave him. He needs the cuddles and so do I. We both win. Still in a hug my arms firmly wrapping his waist his still my neck. "You'll stay?" He asked surprised with a little shy smile as he looked me in my eyes. To confirm I was staying.

"Yeah baby of course." I kicked the door closed as he separated our bodies.

"Okayy I'll get some popcorn so we can watch TV in my room." He skipped off excitedly to the kitchen. It's literally so adorable how excited he is for me to spend the night. His parents work hard so they party even harder and that kinda leaves Marvin lonely most nights. They know he can take care of himself that's not the problem. Sometimes he just needs a little company we all do.



I woke up laid out on Ernie's chest turning my cheeks red. I'm so embarrassing sometimes. I couldn't resist cuddling him. And right now I couldn't resist snuggling further into his side loving the way my omega purred. He woke up wrapping me in his arms tighter. Reminding me how embarrassing and creepy I was being. But as I tried to scoot back he held tighter groaning in protest to my quick escape. I sighed snuggling into his side less intensely this time.

"Are you hungry?" He asked I shook my head on his chest not wanting to get up or separate yet. He nodded humming along with a yawn as he relaxed into our cuddle. I wouldn't mind this everyday.



Giancarlo had church on Sunday but he's walking me to school in 15. We're meeting at the entrance to my trailer park. I was kinda early but I couldn't help it I was so excited I woke up at 4:36. And I just couldn't fall back to sleep. I was here till like 7. It's okay though I like the spring air.



I just woke up early that's why I came 15 minutes early. First I couldn't fall asleep then I woke up at like 6:30 and couldn't fall back to sleep so I got ready. That's why am early. Plus I guess I'm kinda excited to see Dom. When I got there little ass Dom was shivering in the cold making me shake my head. I took my thin black jacket off wishing I didn't shower and it was a little bigger for him. He smiled hugging me.

"Let's warm up together." He said laying on my chest adorably. I kissed his head making him giggle. Getting all shy he buried his head in my belly. "Hold me" He demanded the same way he did when he was drunk. I rolled my eyes just knowing this gonna be something he makes me do a lot. I picked him up effortlessly as he wrapped his limbs around me tightly. I held him stable even though he had pretty good grip.

This was way easy when I was drunk. But I can't lie I do feel pretty warm.



Me and Xanthon walked arms interlocked. We're sharing a coffee and pastry from this nice little bakery near my house. It's pretty cheap so I get us and my mom some ever morning. She works early every morning so she's pretty tired with mamas. My baby niece my sister couldn't take care of her and her 2 year old. So me and my mom do. Or at least the best we could. Since I have 2 younger siblings already. And we both work. Xanthon honestly helps me a lot through it. He even skips parties to babysit with me. I really do love and appreciate him for all he does. Because honestly I never thought I'd meet someone so loyal to me. Someone I could fully trust and put all my love too.

"Guys look he followed me back." Zackary said behind us eating a jam pastry I got him. And hot cocoa. He doesn't really like coffee. He showed us Felipe's follow accept me and Xan both gasping.

"Damn boy you got his attention and you didn't even need no help." I gassed him up separating from Xan to dab him up.

"You didn't sleep with him right." Xanthon asks kinda scolding.

"No what do you take me for." Zachary joked bratty. Xanthon seemed to not like the idea of Felipe and Zach recently. I mean those hickeys were kinda sketchy. But I have a feeling Felipe will see the love Zach got for him. I mean I know he can be loyal he dated Emmanuel for two years till he moved away. Plus I heard he was stupid in love with Angél before he went to juve(nile detention). He'll see Zach's a good guy.



Gustavo was talking about the beef between Maya and Lindsey. That he started since he kinda was fucking with both at the party. The couples were being couply and gross so I had no choice but to be engaged.

"Zachary!" I perked up at Felipe's voice turning to look at the omega. I stood up deciding to meet him half ways. He was in his little cheer uniform like always. Sometimes his wore cheer shorts that just showed off his waist perfectly. This was even better in his skirt. His bangs wear done too something that always looked cute even messy. He was all prettyed up today for some reason.

"H-hey" I said nervously.

"Let's ditch" He whispered cutely leaning in closely on his tippy toes making me blush. I panicked I mean I always refuseed with the guys but this is my crush. It's just pathetic if I don't. Plus what better to fall in love with someone then doing something new together.

"O-okay" I whispered back making him squeal as he took my hand. My heart literally racing I've been kinda dreaming of holding his hand.

"Run" He said as he lead us out the exit. Still holding my hand.

"Hey get back here! Felipe!" The security guard yelled. He knows him?!

"Don't worry they can't do anything once we get inside my apartment." I nodded following him into the alley.



I almost thought we're gonna get caught as I held the door open. But luckily Zach caught up running in and slamming the door. He cheered jumping playfully around as he teased the security guard on the other side of the door. Making me giggle as I joined in sticking my tongue out. I'm happy I choose him as a bestie.

"Oh don't think your gonna get away with this Felipe and you too kid. I'll make sure you both get detention this time." He stomped away. What is threatening detention gonna do. Goofy.

"Do you live here?" He asked our laughter died down. I nodded taking his hand to lead him to the apartment.

"Yeah no one's home so we can play video games." I said as we walked up the stairs. When my dad gets back we definitely have to leave tho. He'll beat my ass for ditching again. But honestly I was feeling guilty with the whole making out with Gustavo thing. Since Maya was mad at Lins for the same shit. So I was just trying to chill and I know Zach's the best person to do so with.

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