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'love is in the air'



Giancarlo had invited me to this guy named Jose's party. And of course I'm going even though it's my first one. Xanthon even invited me over to get ready with him. He was so sweet always including me. He even invited me to an omega sleep over. He said they were basically gonna gossip and drink but I got nervous so I decided not to go. I couldn't say no this time. We could finally be one on one and learn more about each other. Then hopefully become friends. Carlo was walking me to the house right now hand in hand. He was gonna pregame with Zachary and Vincente while we did our own thing. I'm not sure what pregaming is but it's something you do before parties. We got to the house Giancarlo knocking. When Zachary answered they immediately dabbed each other up him still holding my hand.

"What's up bro? Dominic" He turned to me with a smile us both waving at each other.

"Nothing dude you know." Giancarlo answered as we walked in. Xanthon standing up from the couch with a squeal as he went to me excited.

"Oh my God Dom I'm so happy you're finally here. Come on let's go to my room." We both were very excited I'd never really had many friends. Well any actual. But for my first friend to be such a sweet omega like myself I was excited.

"Okay" I agreed with a nod as he pulled me up stairs. I waved bye to Giancarlo who waves back not so excited.



Me, Vicente and Zachary where smoking a blunt on the couch already ready.

"Let's take pregame shot's." Zachary said passing the blunt to Vincente as he got up going to get the bottle. Vincente passed me the blunt as Zachary got back with the bottle. Grabbing some of his mom's Betty boop shot glasses. Vincente got up helping him with the glasses putting them on the table. Zachary immediately poured all three of us one.

"Salud" Vincente said taking his shot like a champ. Me and Zachary immediately following after I put the blunt out.

"Salud!" We cheered along taking the shot too. I tried not making a completely disgusted face hoping I didn't look as goofy as Zachary. Coughing after just one rough shot his nose scrunched up in distaste. He took a seat back on the couch pouring us another one. I couldn't let Vicente be first this time. Immediately taking the shot as if it didn't phase me.



I stood look out as Gustavo climbed out of his bedroom window. Ready to squeal if I see his dad. He climbed down the ladder as I stabled it still looking around. His dad usually came for lunch around this time and to check if he went home. Since he was basically on a parent mandated house arrest. Only allowed to go home and to school but still somehow doing whatever the fuck he wants. Once he reached the bottom I moved back allowing him to climb off. As he quickly lowered the ladder laying it inbetween the black metal picket fence and over grown bushes. Just in case he needed it again of course.

"Shit my dad" He hissed grabbing my hand as he pulled us both to the ground hiding in the bushes. I blushed as he helded me down wishing my heart didn't go absolutely crazy. "Once he goes inside we dip. He'll notice I'm gone as soon as he gets upstairs." I nodded hearing the clicking of Gus's dad's boots on pavement. Followed by a door opening and closing. "Now" He said getting up and pulling me up to make sure we move faster. But it just made my crush worse and my cheeks reder. "Come on dude" He whisper hissed at me snapping me out of my impossible thoughts. There's no way he'd like me back. I'm an alpha! HE'S an alpha! He'd probably be so uncomfortable if I even told him about it. It's stupid anyways I'm sure it will go away soon. It has to right it's been 5 years.


Dominenico is literally the sweetest. Plus he's just so bad. How did Giancarlo score someone just so genuinely loving and caring? He better not screw up this is the only omega of his 'lovers' I've liked. Actually I could say that about everyone. From Ivan to Zachary. They just got shit taste always going for some bougie ghetto bitches. No class whatsoever.

"Let's go show your boyfriend how sexy you are." I cheered also excited for my boyfriend to go crazy over my look. He turned red now looking at himself harder in the mirror. Searching for imperfections when he's literally perfect.

"W-what if he thinks I look stupid?" He asked pulling down the shorts fabric. I awwed at the adorable omega we both know he looked anything but stupid.

"Boo your boyfriends gonna be worshiping you once he sees you in that slutty little crop top." I complemented but it only made him more nervous.

"What if he thinks I'm a slut?" He whined lowly looking down at himself. I pouted he was feeling the outfit before he got worried about Carlo's reaction.

"Boo do you know who you're boyfriend is. There's no way in hell." Like his boyfriend won't be foaming at the mouth once he sees him. He giggled agreeing as he took one more spin in the mirror. "Okay then let's go make our boyfriend's horny." He nodded shyly as he took my hand. Us making our way down the stairs to see three semi drunk morons watching anime and drinking. Once Vincente looked up he turned more pink then from the alcohol smirking as he checked me out. Giancarlo and Zachary looked our way. Zachary not really paying us no mind as he looked back to the TV. Giancarlo literally froze though getting up as we walked over. Dom blushed at the gentleman action as he let him sit. Me too never had I seen a chivalrous side to GC. Me and Zachary looked at each other almost in horror. But I loved the effect Dom had on Carlo. It's adorable.

"Come here babe" Vincente whined just so adorably making me giggle as I walked to his side. He pulled me inbetween him and Zach. Not on his lap like usual because he doesn't like making Zachary uncomfortable. That's also something I really love about him. He understands mine and my brothers relationship. Knowing I love Zach kinda makes me feel like he had a mutual love for him too. Always looking out for my brother even if they're not the best of friends.

"Okay now you two need to take a shot." Zachary said smirking as he poured two. Me and Dom both cheered. Him pulling Giancarlo on the couch and placing himself on GC's lap. Carlo clearly embraced the action check the omega out. This guy really thought his boyfriend wouldn't love this. Adorable.

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