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'mixed emotions'



I felt stupid for rejecting him but I don't want to ruin everything. If I get him pregnant I'm keeping him from everything he dreams of. Even though omega jobs are limited I know his smart little ass can get any job he dreams. I also don't want to be like bad too. I've never had sex and so hasn't he but I'm sure he'll be able to tell with me better. If I'm like sloppy or don't hit his prostate right. Ugh that would be so embarrassing If I can't even please my omega right. I just have to prepare. I want us both to have a good time of course I'll be anxious. But as long as I'm ready and know what I'm doing I'm sure we'll both have fun.



Me and Vicente decided we wanted to live at his mom's together. My mom agreeing but crying a lot as Vicente and Zackery carried out my things. I cuddled her on my side at the couch. My mom's a strong women she taught us not to cry. So seeing her like this I couldn't help but smile giggly.

"Aye mama it's okay we just live like a street away." It was a bit further but still walking distance.

"I know but.." She sniffled pulling away. "..I don't want you to leave hating me. Or thinking I hate your boyfriend.. maybe I don't fully trust him but still.." I rolled my eyes still smiling.

"Mommy you don't gotta trust him I do. And I'll show you he's a great man." She sighed nodding at my words. Once Zackery got back in he walked to the couch. Joining our hug as he squeezed me. I smiled as he start to sniffle a bit on my back too. Ugh they're such baby's. I hugged both as they cried. I know it hurts them but I need to start this part of my life. With my alpha and twins.



Eating pregnant was like eating high. Suddenly everythings a five star meal even these rib sliders for lunch. I hate school lunches and it's probably not even real rib meat. But it was so good and baby was having a good time so fuck it.

"Oh my God" I looked up at this group of three omegas. Sitting with me I was gonna tell them I'm waiting for my boyfriend and friends. But my face was dirty and full. So I whipped my hands and face first. "Are you Dominenico Beilcom? Noo way" I was shocked blushing. Who is this? Why do they know me?

"Yeah i'-" He cut me off.

"So like your dating Giancarlo." I nodded but as I tried to talk him and his friends just interrupted. Laughing very loudly. "There's no way sweetie, I mean I know what he likes." I furrowed my brow at this random hoe talking about what my baby daddy likes. Like bitch he knocked me up I'm pretty sure I'm the one who knows what he likes. Kay bitch

"Yeah Enzo was his ex and he was soooo in love." The other omega said making me roll my eyes. Well actually I recall him say he's never treated his ex's how he does me. So who is he really in love with.

"Yeah I just don't get why you're his new tho. I mean your face is round, your stomach pokes out your crop top when you sit. And your thighs are like huge." I couldn't help but feel insecure. Three perfect pretty omega's literally telling me what I was thinking. I could feel my eyes tear up as they laughed. Looking at the disgusting rib sub I was just downing shamefully. "Aww I'm just trying to be helpful sweet heart. If you want to keep him interested maybe stop eating cafeteria food." His friends laughed.

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