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'in this with you'



I was wearing the exact outfit Zack loved. With the matching white cotton leggings and long sleeve undershirt. My cheer shirt and skirt to go with it. The colors matched angelically and I knew I looked good because I successfully got everyone's attention. Now to get Zackery's. I skip through the hall cute and innocent for my best friend/mega crush. Once he sees me in this he'll be begging to take off my skirt. I continued once I heard a loud whistle I knew that whistle. I hate that I still obeyed it like a dog turning to look at Diego. My ex.

"Long time no see" He chuckled taking my hands. I hate that I blushed ripping my hands from him as I crossed them over my chest. Rolling my eyes with an annoyed huff just making him smirk. "Whatchu doing pretty?" He cupped my face. Making me glare as he pulled me to look at him. "Come on look at me omega" He smirk as I didn't struggle. "Good" He chuckled. I hated his cocky grin and how he treated me like a dog. I hate that I just blushed and let him do as he pleased. But not today, today I'll say no. I pushed away remembering why I was so happy. I wanted Zackery to see me to know I care what he sees in me. To know I love him enough to do things to make him happy. I want Zackery not Diego.

"Diego don't touch me" I huffed trying to walk pass as he suddenly gripped my arm. I groaned turning to looks back at him. Diego always thought he could grab me knowing my arms are the weakest part of my body. Another reason I'd choose Zackery over him any day.

"Come on omega don't make me argue right now. Just behave" He was treating me like a dog telling me to behave. And I hated that when he used to do that I wouldn't give it a second thought. I'd let him grab me and pull me around like a rag doll. Maybe that's why I'm so attracted to Zackery's kinder touch. He could be rough or aggressive but I have a reassurance it is in no way to harm or manipulate me. I just really gotta stop fucking with guys who treat me with little care. Or none at all. I just want me a guy that makes me feel secure and safe. And even though he ain't mine my best friend does that for me.

"Diego just leave me alone. I'm in a relationship so it's not like we can get back together." We aren't in a relationship but I could dream. He looked at me confused with anger.

"Oh you're so easy with that rebound shit huh. I bet every guy in this school already got it." I rolled my eyes as he began to walk away. But I just couldn't hold my tongue even if it will kill me.

"I bet you still bust quick anyways." He immediately snapped his head to me. Making my smile drop as he scoffed annoyed walking back into my face.

"Whatchu say?" I groaned backing up a bit as I hit my locker. I didn't look into his eyes I was scared but I can't let him know that. He'll use it against me.

"I don't need yo-" He grabbed my face roughly surprisingly causing more pain than I thought it would. As I reached to try and pry him off my face.

"Your still a stupid bitch. Don't be mad because no one respects you. They didn't even before I let everyone see those nudes. They knew you were a slut before that don't act stupid bitch." He pushed my head into the lock letting go. As I still clong to his hand scratching so he'll let go. Even though it didn't stop him. He looked at the scars I gave him compared to the tears I had. Raising his hand mad at the scratch I immediately flinch. He found that quite funny actually not hitting me as he laughed walking off. I missed the happiness my day started with. This felt like a new day a new life. But I forgot I'm still the same weak Felipe. I'm still the same Felipe that would allow some alpha to put they're hands on him. Or sends them nudes because I'm insecure. I mean of course they got out. And of course my dad beat my ass for it. But it was also the day I found out I was always gonna be a toy to alpha's. Or some punching bag even to my own dad.

Maybe that's why I'm falling so hard for Zackery. But what if I just become to much to him. Or he turns out to be just like them. I can't keep letting alpha I get with abuse me. I do love Zackery tho and I think I'd die if he ever broke that trust. It was specifically made for him. I could never feel this type of trust for anyone else. I was happy again whipping my tears and fixing my hair. Starting a skip again to find my alpha.



It was almost graduation and even though I haven't been going I saw how it affected Ivan. He was drunk again at my house, Travis was gone selling weed. We wanted to save up for an apartment at least so he started working. As a plug and a busboy at a Las Vegas knock off club. I hate both jobs. He's always getting texted and swarmed by omega's because of them. Ugh I know I shouldn't be jealous he's doing it for us. And he understood when I told him I made out with Dante. I didn't intend to cheat okay. He texted me and said he wanted to talk about the baby. I went over and I guess his pheromones were too strong. He laughed in my face calling me a slut after saying he feels sorry for Travis. Then I remembered who I actually love and why I was even there. It was for our baby and maybe because I was a little jealous of him being out all day. But I'm just being selfish cause even that's for me and the baby. I had to get over my general distrust and find it in myself to fully give myself to Travis. Even if it's scary I know he'll always be there. Fuck I told him I got knocked up with another man and he was still there. That's why I want to be there for him and Ivan. Ivan's like a brother to him since they both really don't fuck with they're own brothers. Travis and him both having gang affiliated older brothers. Who just seem to cause problems. I brang a plate to Ivan and a Gatorade. The plate had a sandwich that will hopefully help him sober up.

"Thanks your the best" He said smiling up at me I smiled back.

"Of course, do you feel better?" I was still smiling to keep the mood up as I took a seat next to him. He began to eat as he nodded smiling happily. I was happy with that response turning on the TV as we sat in a comfortable silence.

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