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'Crazy over you'



I hated how cold my mom was being after she promised she wouldn't. She sure did like his food though.

"Tentae me wantna more wease." Delaria asked cutely trying to pick up her place. I stood before Vicente taking her plate.

"I got you baby" I smiled walking off to the kitchen as the toddler gushed. Jumping up and down in her highchair excitedly. I put her plate down her giving me the biggest cutest gummiesest smile I've ever seen.

"Tank you" I nodded sitting in my spot Vicente in between us.

"Of course baby" I looked to my mom eye brow raised. I looked back at her annoyed please don't say shit you already got on my bad side when you where rude to my man. I ain't taking no more of her shit. Most the time the table was pretty quiet. Unlike when we ate all of us without my mom. We could be cool but she always wants to be on some rude shit.

"So um your Xan's mom? You look alike." Eddie chuckled nervously trying to start conversation. He's honestly such a sweet heart. He's gonna be such a sweet alpha I already know it.

"Yes he looks just like me. But so much prettier." She gushed making me smile. It always reminds me of when I was younger and my mom would show me off. Calling me her perfect son.

"Yeah Vicente once told me that he thinks he's perfect." Amelia said making me and Vicente blush.

"Yeah he also said there's no other omega like him in the entire world." Eddie added slyly. I didn't doubt he had said that making me gush as he blushed trying to focus on his food. My mom kinda scoffed a bit making me look at her with a glare. Why she gotta act like that?

"Aww babe your so sweet" I decided to focus on Vicente reaching out to hold his hand. He smiled shyly still eating as he sallowed he looked up pecking my cheek a bit.

"Because you are baby" He mumbled shyly it literally made me squeal as I squeezed his arm.

"You shouldn't be so close at the dinner table." My mother glanced almost disgusted before going back to her food. I can't believe she's just switching up like that when she said she was gonna try. Why is she being like this to Vicente?



I was ready to leave already waiting for Dominenico. He was in the restroom. Today I was just tired and hungry since I smoked a blunt with Ivan like 30 minutes ago. And I know my baby will cook for me when I tell him how I feel. He's always down to cook for me and even my siblings a meal. I've never had a lover take such a liking to my siblings and be okay with us watching/spending time with them. I don't know why they usually are rude to my boyfriend's/girlfriend's. But with Dom they're even nicer to him then me. They probably love that lil mother fucker more than me. Which I understand I mean how could you not he's the cutest. I was happy to see Dom finally emerge from the bathroom. Once I saw him I smiled waving over but that soon dropped once Mina stood in front of me. Waving her hand all up in my face for my attention. I tsked looking down at her. She smirks clearly up to something.

"Is that your cute little boyfriend over there?" She pointed back to him. I rolled my eyes nodding.

"Mina I ain't feelina deal with you. The fuck on" I tried to wave her off.

"Just thought you'd like to know Malachi's been talking about giving your boyfriend better. Thought you'd might want to know the school president plus basketball vice captain is actually over there right now with him." I immediately looked up towards the two. Is he holding Dom's hand?! "They'd make such a cute couple. Malachi would so treat him better." She giggled walking off. And for a bit I thought maybe Malachi would treat him better. Maybe Dom would want him more. I mean he's going into this with better intentions than I did when I asked Dom out. But I watched as Dom pulled away all bratty clearly uncomfortable. That reminded me that he's mine.



Giancarlo was waiting for me so I hurried to meet him after washing my hands. Walking to our lockers on the end of the hall. I saw him for a bit as he waved to me. Before some cheerleader got his attention. I furrowed my brow speeding up till both my hands were grabbed making me turn. I was surprised to see Malachi furrowing my brow confused. My boyfriend's talking to some omega I need to go dude is all I could think.

"Hey I heard you tutored that Marvin kid. Why couldn't you tutor me? I need it more he has top scores." I pulled my hands from his sighing a bit. I was gonna say sorry and that I just couldn't. For obvious reasons too I mean my boyfriend is clearly uncomfortable with us doing so. And I'm not gonna disrespect him like that. "Is it because your jealous ass boyfriend-" Until he opened his mouth I cut him off knowing I might be a tiny bit jealous too. I mean I was so desperate to go check what they were talking about literally just right now. Plus it's normal to have jealousy in a relationship. As long as it doesn't go to far. It none of this guy's business if we are.

"Would you want me to study with him if you were him?" I rolled my eyes.

"If I was him I'd trust you." He grabbed my hand making me pull away immediately. I hate that my cheeks burned. Growing a heavy empty pit in my stomach from guilty and nerves. I felt gross for having that reaction I have an alpha and I really do love him. I hated that he made me blush. I hated even more that Giancarlo would hate me if he knew.

"Don't touch my omega." Giancarlo gritted shoving him away from me. Malachi glared allowing me to walk pass and take my alpha's hand. Immediately nuzzling my head in his neck.

"Whatever dude" Malachi stomped off making me feel a bit bad. Until Giancarlo glared grabbing my wrist tight and pulling me to the courtyard. His pheromones smelt off hostile. I didn't want to set him or make anyone else worry like Xan. So I smiled waving at Xan as we walked to the outside lunch tables. He was gripping hard as I jerked my wrist out of his grip. He tsk but he knew he was hurting me. He grabbed my arm gently this time.

"Come here" He pulled me over to another empty table. And I sighed thinking he was angry. Or knew I blushed because of that asshole. I mean it's not like I have feelings just because I blushed right. I love Giancarlo I can't see my days without him. "Give me your wrist" He gritted and at first I thought he was angry. As I slowly put my hand out to him. He grabbed it gently with two hands as he kissed exactly where he hurt. "I'm sorry" He whispered as he came up to kiss my cheek. Still massaging the wrist it really wasn't that big of a deal. But of course he loves me so he apologize because he knows I'll be a brat. That not only made me blush but made me feel something. Something warm and heavy. It helps me to know all my feelings laid with Giancarlo. And they most likely will always be with him. I took my hand from him wrapping them around his neck as I peck his lip. Knowing he'll set the pase if he wants more.



They're so weird I shock my head as I watched the couple. Turning back to my boyfriend eating up the brownies I had made in home Ed. Today we're gonna take a test to see if I'm pregnant. Mostly because my mom won't be home. Zackery and Felipe will they've been chilling together a lot. It's cute but worrying at the same time. I love Felipe but he's a little too horny for my brother. I don't want him hurting him. I especially if Zack doesn't met certain standards in the bedroom.

Ugh but I should just stay out of it. I know but I'm just so worried for him. Especially since I kinda took a liking to Felipe. If he fucks with my brother I'll just have to hurt him ten times as bad. Ain't no bitch about to play with his feelings that's for sure.

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