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'My other half'



I was hard probably super close to getting Dom naked when this mother fucker comes out of nowhere. My fucking little siblings letting people in. They know they're supposed to call me before answering. Or even asking who it is. I was pissed I had to go talk to this fool bricked the fuck up. My baby kissed me once more. And it only made me angryer at Ivan's bitch ass. I walked out the room to the living room. Seeing him sitting nervously on the couch.

"What the fuck dumbass" I flicked his forehead making him hiss a bit.

"Sorry dude I didn't know you were getting laid." He said rubbing his forehead.

"Which one of my fucking siblings let you in?" I asked. I really need to talk to them about that. Because kids literally get kidnapped like that.

"The girl one" He answered I rolled my eyes a bit. With Sara it's even worse because I just expect her to know better. That means for sure Hugo would do the same and it's just worrying. "So um you guys like" He made stupid bed creaking nosies. Making me blush angry especially more since Dom had his virginity.

"Shut the fuck up dude that ain't none of your business." I waved him off.

"Bruh you literally told me every detail of how Enzo gives head." I glared at the stupid boy.

"Dominenico isn't Enzo" This dude comparing my ex to my new.

"Oww I didn't know he was so special." I rolled my eyes at that as he chuckled.

"Dude just shut the fuck." He chuckled again at my anger.

"Okay dude I'm just saying you treat this one real sweet." He pushed making me roll my eyes. The only reason I treat Dom so good is because he deserves it. He's the only omega that I feel was pure with his love. He's genuinely is just the sweetest. He's like an angel that you want to take clothes off.

"Dude just be quiet." I tried to shut him up he laughed a bit.

"Okay bro you tryna smoke."

"I don't know dude let me ask Dom." I started up the stairs hearing him chuckle a bit. I looked back at him. "What you laughing about?" I glared

"Nothing go ask your boyfriend if you can smoke." I rolled my eyes continuing. I'm not asking if I can smoke I'm asking if he wants to. Even though I'm sure he's never smoked before I don't want to be all high if it will make him uncomfortable. Once I got into the room Dom was on the bed playing videogames on his phone. He immediately looked up smiling all cute. I couldn't help but smile looking down in embarrassment. I walked over our lips immediately meeting. He cut it into a peck even though my body wanted a bigger one.

"Baby you want to smoke some weed?" I asked

"Umm I don't know. I mean I've never smoked and I do want to especially with you." I smiled at that. "But I don't know like I don't want to be weird." I scoffed a bit kissing his nose.

"Baby if you're worried we can try another time if you want. I don't care whatever you want." He blushed giggling all cute as he sat up. Scooting closer to the edge with me. Folding his knees under him he pulls himself up kissing my lips before falling back down. I tsked tired of the small kisses. "Give me a real fucking kiss." I demanded grabbing his neck not too roughly as I pulled him in. He stood on his knees taller than me for a bit. I didn't like that grabbing his inner low thigh and wrapping his legs around me. He was all giggly letting me pull him around. Turning the little kisses more into a make out. Until a knock came to my door. Too loud to be the kids I roll my eyes.

"Hey dude I'm coming in. I'll give you two seconds to put on your clothes." I put Dom on the bed right rolling my eyes. He didn't even wait the two seconds to open. "I'm just kidding I know you ain't getting laid." He clowned making Dom giggle. I looked back at him but he just stood holding my chest.

"That ain't funny why you laughing little boy." I scolded him playfully. I'd do that to play but also not get too angry. And usually people think I'm just being a dick. I love how Dom just gets that giggling adorable everytime. He just gets me even when I don't. My other half.

"Nothing babe it's just" He couldn't finish his sentence.

"Funny" Ivan finished making me look away from my baby to this dumbass. I only looked back when I heard Doms little giggle. Making me mug again.

"Stop laughing" I tsked throwing him on the bed Dom giggling

"Damn you just be throwing your omega around." Ivan's nosey ass said.

"And what that's mines mind yo business." I rolled my eyes again.

"Okay okay" He waved me off to calm down walking in fully. He closed the door knowing my siblings are home and will snitch. "Well y'all tryna smoke some gonja?" He pulled off the bag getting my attention as I walked over. It's beautiful with green fuzzy leafs purple littering it. It stank and for weed that's a good thing. A very good thing.

"Damn stinks so beautiful" I said playfully Ivan nodding proudly as he passed me the bag. "Baby you want too. I won't if you don't want to right now." He thought on it a bit before nodding shyly. "Are you sure?" I asked walking back over to him. He nods kissing my cheek.

"Yeah but not too high."

"Kay baby" I pecked his lips.

"Damn well are hotter then Xanthon and Vincente." I flipped him off as he walked over sitting



Once we got to his place Xanthon was ready to scold us. Hands on his hips. Vincente sat with the kids in the back awkward on the couch. The kids watching TV.

"Why did you two leave in the middle of the night?" He scolded.

"I couldn't be with them Xan, it was horrible. And I know you'd just yell at me if we came in the night." He explained. "It was my fault not Felipe's." He said scared.

"Well just come home next time idiot. I thought you were hurt stupid." Everyone untensed me kinda finding it adorable to see Xan and Zack like that. I wish I had siblings or a mother figure. We walked in fully closing the door Zack locking it. Vincente walked over baby in hand. Who's baby?

"Xanthon hold mamas please I'm gonna cook." Vincente said Xanthon taking her on sight.

"I want her" Zack said reaching for the girl who reached towards him. Xanthon rolled his eyes kissing the baby girls face even though it's only made her made still looking at Zack. She liked Zacky a lot.

"Brat I thought I was your favorite." Vincente shook his head.

"Babe I'm her favorite" he protested Xan immediately disagreeing.

"You guys we know I am. Take her from me right now." Vincente did so with ease smiling at the shocked baby.

"Hi cutie" He greeted the baby in his hands who's face slowly became distressed. Screaming and crying like hell squirming and struggling in his hands to go back to Zackery. They both became sad and embarrassed by him being correct him handing her over.

"My baby" Zack gushed kissing her head. She hugged back rubbing her head in his head clearly very close to him. It was just so adorable and kinda made me blush.

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